Recently I hopped on a buddy's account and did his placement matches for him playing Zerg. I went 12-0(ended with playing 400-500ish masters) before I figured I should get back to focusing on my Terran. I really love the style of the race. It comes down to game sense/macro it feels like, where I feel Terran is very micro/game sense focused.
Generally I would just have fun playing both, as I have no desire to ever try to go pro, etc. The problem is I'm flying down to Vegas on April 5th to play in IPL 4, and I'm really hesitant on if I should play Terran there. I have pretty much the next two weeks open for pure practice, but after talking to a couple of my pro buddies, I'm not sure if I can have enough practice to get my game sense/timings for Zerg up to where my Terran is at.
So I'm just posting as a feeler to get your guy's input.