All games are on Fighting Spirit (the only map played on Fish server) and no, Python is not a map you should be playing on in 2012 -.-
Day 001 Replays here: http://www.mediafire.com/?a9p523btaofu026
Game 1: PvT Vod here: http://www.twitch.tv/fold_/b/310665481?t=41m
I start off with a forward 10 gate while my opponent decides to BBS in the middle of the map. First zealot out passes the scv which subsequently builds a bunker beside my gate. Not seeing the immediate danger I was in, I continued to send the zealot to his main which forces his CC to lift. This does nothing of course as he kills my gate. My second gate isn't anywhere close to finishing and equal count of marines vs probes fight, ending with me losing everything. Shield battery doesn't even get used.
A better response was to immediately send that first zealot back coupled with probes to kill the bunker since that was my only gate and its death mean I would be without any unit production and only probes. Probes should also have been on standby to drill the ramp when marines moved up.
Game 2: PvP Vod here: http://www.twitch.tv/fold_/b/310665481?t=62m
We both scout each other first, he gets one manner pylon off and I return the favour. Unfortunately he gets a second manner pylon off and I'm not able to do so. His first two zealots go to my base and get 3 kills due to my bad probe micro. We proceed to do the same 2 gate robo build but his robo and 2nd gate is faster because of the disruption to my economy at the start but we end up pretty similar in supply.
The builds start to differ when he gets an observer out first and a quicker expansion while I get shuttle first and my expansion is started just about when his is finished. I move out immediately when my reaver is out and decide to engage having 6 goons, 2 zealots, a reaver and shuttle against his 7 goons 1 zealot and reaver with no shuttle which goes badly. I lose my shuttle with the reaver still loaded up. In PvP your shuttle and reavers are really important so losing both of them and having a much later expansion meant I was really behind. He had a bad rally point so a bunch of goons were left behind but 2 reavers controlled well killed my army.
I need to use my observers or goons to carefully judge whether I can engage before I go in. If there's too many units then I'll just try to get some probe kills with reaver.
Game 3: PvZ Vod here: http://www.twitch.tv/fold_/b/310665481?t=87m20s
Zerg opens with a 12 hatch which I scout is just beginning at 1:55 so I cancel the forge and get nexus - > gate -> forge. I lose my scouting probe carelessly and so was left in the dark but fortunately the first zealot kills 2 drones before scouting hydra just coming out. I make 3 more cannons while teching up to templar tech and hold off the hydra pressure.
For some reason I decide to make two extra cannons despite scouting that zerg was making drones with my corsair. Upon scouting lurker eggs I add a robo and attempt to get a quick third. Maybe this wasn't the right idea but I don't know. Zerg spots that I'm taking a third so sends his units there which I'm able to hold off but I completely wasn't watching the minimap and so 4 lurkers net 24 probe kills. I made the mistake of pulling all my units to deal with those 4 lurkers so the zerg was able to kill my third and after failing to reclaim the high ground, I decide to counter his natural. At the same time I try to take a third again but at 6 o'clock.
The third goes up safely but I have a really silly engagement in the middle where I didn't bring all my army and had only goons and templar against lings which results in me losing a bulk of my dragoon army. Zerg does a drop at main but this time it does no damage. A zealot spots zerg's fourth at 5 which I attempt to kill with a goon and templar army again which dies to his zerglings and hydras. Third at 6 goes down and now his ultralisks army is munching on my goons and zealots and I gg.
The first turning point of this game was when the lurker drops killed 24 probes. I was still ahead in supply at that point but losing 24 probes is not good. The second major mistake was when I didn't engage with my full army in the middle and lost many goons and templar senselessly. I didn't even need to engage there and should have been focused on denying his fourth and just continue to build up a critical mass of zeal/goons/templar/archons while doing harass with shuttle and corsairs.
I was going to add pictures but it's a lot of trouble so maybe next time. If anyone knows some free easy to use software that isn't Paint.net or GIMP for making a 3 x 3 grid collage I'm open to suggestions.