"If we're honest? True strength is the strength to be honest..."
A thick fog covered my commute today, thicker than what I've seen in some time. I suppose it's the transition from "too cold for fog" to "too foggy for frost", which is sort of nice but also kind of terrifying if you're driving early in the morning. There always seem to be a certain number of morons who either don't have their lights on at all, or have their highbeams on in an attempt to pierce the fog ._.
After some time listening to KMEL, I gradually started making explorations of my own, venturing out and finding music in my private time. Whereas radio is beholden to the general public and the need to make money, the internet can host anyone. Radio will introduce you to an artist, but you can spend some time exploring an entire discography and really understand some music if you take it online.
I guess I feel like I want to get a better understanding of musicians with meaningful lyrics. I'm not really sure I'm able to distinguish highly talented musicians from regular ones, but at the very least I can distinguish those whose lyrics I like from those whose lyrics I don't. In any case, I've been enjoying Akala for the lyrics and the way melodic riffs that come when he reaches certain points in his narrative. It's pretty good rap, even if you're not a big rap aficionado. Give it a listen