I came to TL from SC2, as did many of you, but I was quickly drawn in by the SC:BW scene, hearing names such as Bisu, Jaedong, Flash and Stork. The last 6-7 months I've been watching SC:BW from nevake's channel, but I also watched the Jangbi and Fantasy OSL finals and am currently following the ProLeague right now.
I feel like this video encapsulates so much of BW's history, allowing me as a newbie to see how and why the big names we know now (Boxer, July, NaDa, iloveoov) are as famous as they are. Along with that you can see the passion and love of esports and starcraft that the koreans showed.
I don't know how else to put it but I highly recommend any SC2-generation TLers to have a watch of this video to appreciate the rich history of Starcraft that we unfortunately missed out on...
Thanks for your time.