Haven't blogged for a while, been too busy with life and all. Decided to play some SCII again since I have some free time now. Went through all 5 of my placement matches, won all of them with a random mix of T, Z and P and was placed in diamond. Considering this was an initial goal of mine when SCII first came out, it was great. Having said that, I think the system is messed up. Most of my opponents were silver/gold so I dunno why I was placed that high. That and I haven't laddered in a while and was Plat before with about a 50/50 rank, so it can't be a promotion. Either way, I'm sure I'll find out if I belong in diamond soon enough

My last PvsZ was the most exciting and intense game from all 5 of them. I went 15 nexus after I saw that my opponent expanded cross position and then got up a forge and 2 cannons. I kept making more workers, adding more gates, getting upgrades, etc... Pushed with 1/1/0 zealots and 2 sentries(lol) and caught his slings mid map near a Xelnaga tower taking out 25 slings or so. Added more zealots and proceeded to attack his base but he was ready with spine crawlers and his mutas were out so I went stalker heavy after losing my initial force.
At this point, I think I was 1/1/1 to his 0/0 mutas. We ended up base trading but I cleaned his main and 3 other expansions nearby as he tried to take out my main and two expansions. I snuck some probes and built a nexus in another location with cannons for support and then went base hunting because he had a hatchery in almost every base on the map. Long story short, I managed to take out most of his bases minus one that I missed but his last sling attack on my new base failed so he gg'd and left.
![[image loading]](http://www.gamereplays.org/community/uploads/repimgs/repimg-33-247018.jpg)
Thanks for reading! All comments are welcome.