This is my biased evaluation on how well I've achieved it.
1. 2.7+ gpa the next two semesters
I changed this resolution to just doing better in school and learning how to cram for exams. This semester I think I've achieved my goal but I can't be sure because of my Operating Systems course.I could have done better in it had I just made my own problems after class from the lectures slides, solved them, and then come by the professor's office hours to see if I got them right.
I could have also raised some of my grades in my easier courses by using more flashcards and by keeping up with the coursework (easier said than done).
Last semester I did not achieve my goal.
2. Acquire summer job, preferably related to computers
Great Success!
I got a job doing some web design for the Government. I really couldn't have asked for any more out of a summer job. There was a lot of independence, great pay, and I even got to exercise and feel good about myself.
It was a lot of fun, and I felt like I was needed and I did stuff that was beneficial.
But at the same time I learned that the job was rather boring. I would work on things only because I found it fun. Often I'd take my work home. But I wouldn't hang out with any of my older coworkers. I think in the future I'd either have to start my own business or work at a company with many younger employees so I would have more in common with them. The problem with working at a company though is that employee retention is very low (from what I hear). People never stay at the same company for more than three years, and you have to continue learning new things.
The rest are all things I would like to do but don't really care if I can't accomplish.
3. Obtain Muscles, enough to impress others
I think I decided I didn't care enough about changing my body. I only made this a new years resolution because everyone else says I'm too skinny and it might have led to #4
4. Get a good girlfriend
I didn't succeed. To be honest, I did like this one girl that I met on a trip back from Montreal, but we go to different schools, and I don't think she wanted to see me after we got back.
5. Get to top of CN tower (slept through a tower climb this year T_T)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This was such an easy resolution!
6. Learn how to cook fried rice
Added Resolutions:
Stop wasting time on internet
Start a business
I still have time!
Stop complaining about difficulty of major to non engineering friends
Stop talking about people behind their backs, even jokingly.
Also great success.
Get to Master Starcraft
I got placed into plat. I think I could get to masters from cheesing or at least improve to diamond. I've only played like 20 games online. Starcraft 2 isn't that appealing and I really don't think people beating me are on any caliber of the skill of the players I faced on IcCup. I feel like if I just built cannons, they'd not know what to do after their 4 gate and I'd win just from that.
I've failed most of my new years resolutions. I've done a lot, but I could have done more if I had not wasted all of my free time on games and videos. It's unfortunate.
So... SHARE!!
How have you done on your 2011 New Years Resolutions?