So I was sitting in the bathroom and pondering (as all men do), and I had a pretty interesting thought.
What if people could play against an exact replica of themselves? Everything would be an exact copy, both physically and mentally. How the replica would be made, whether through time-travel or cloning, would not be relevant, however. All that matters is that the players are exactly the same.
Now, what kind of interesting situations would arise from this?
Would Flash vs Flash be the greatest series ever? How would Jaedong's JvZ fare if it was instead JvJ? Would Goody vs Goody last until the end of time? And how much BM and ragequitting would happen in an Idra vs Idra series?
Of course, how would YOU fare against yourself?
Netherlands45349 Posts
I would love to TvZ / ZvT myself. I really dont know which is better. Would be epic xD
Map Imbalances would be the deciding factor.
It would only point out the positional imbalances of a map, those would be abused. ^^
This is what IdrA1 vs IdrA2 would sound on the stream of Idra1 getting lucky with positions: "This guy is a fucking retard.," later in the game: "Maybe he is not so bad, he used his scouting info." even later: "He is indeed a moron, he didn't scout my hidden expos." in the end: "apologize for not playing that race for its fullest potential." ragequit from Idra 2.
idra vs idra: idra1: "this guy is just awful" idra2: "this is so silly"
for a series against myself we would both rage as we would both hate PvP, however at the same time the PvPs would be interesting as we would both 26nex lololololol
actually on second thought, Random v Random ftw!~
I'd never get 4gated again.
Baneling bust ultimate micro if it was me vs me
I'd probably make fun of his mom.
OpticalShot1 (P) vs. OpticalShot2 (P)
- both opens 1gate core - both tries real hard to be a Bisu probe then loses the probe to enemy probe before the first goon (sigh) - both then assume that enemy is going to expand and throws down 2 more gates for 3gate goon all-in - massive goon fight with lulzy failures due to reliance on goon AI - goon ice cream in center of map (whichever map it is) - for some reason OpticalShot1's goons fail less... (I don't know, can anybody explain the goon AI?) and 1 wins.
Interesting, I mostly play random (still select races but switch between them) in BW and SC2 so,
BW PvZ -> 2 hatch muta jaedong ee han timing attack vs Bisu Build 2.0 -> Toss wins because im not jaedong ZvT -> 2 hatch muta into lunkers or crazy zerg vs 1 rax FE SKTerran -> Zerg wins TvP -> Flash build vs 3 base arbiter -> Terran wins
SC2 PvZ -> 2 base ling infestor ultra vs Forge FE Phoenix/Templar/Warp Prism -> Toss wins TvZ -> 2 base reaper/bfh/ghost/marine/tank/medivac/raven/banshee vs 2 base ling infestor ultra -> Terran wins TvP -> 1 rax fe into mech/ghost vs 3 gate stargate -> Toss wins
United States25550 Posts
STEP 1 Blazinghand 1: crappily rush hellions Blazinghand 2: also crappily rush hellions
STEP 2 Both Blazinghands have no more mineral lines, just a mule and 3 scvs.
STEP 3 Someone makes a banshee first and wins
Players playing with themselves?
Oh dear god, what some misreading can do to the mind.
Anyway, I dunno what would happen, i'm pretty terrible so it would be kind of like two blind oxen on ice, tripping around like retards exceptional individuals until one of them hit each other. Then one of them would rage.
Wouldn't it end in a draw?
This would be really interesting if some sort of system were devised (say in starcraft 3, maybe) that could learn your playstyle from a database of replays. It could determine the frequency of the builds you do, how you usually macro, your average response time to events, your APM, what types of micro/harass you do effectively, etc. Then it could design an AI that plays like you. A difficult programming feat I'm sure, but not impossible.
On September 20 2011 02:02 TiTanIum_ wrote: I am sure I would win.
Results would likely be 50/50. If it's an exact copy, they're subject to the same mental fortitude and fatigue that you are.
United States25550 Posts
On September 20 2011 03:43 Jugan wrote:Results would likely be 50/50. If it's an exact copy, they're subject to the same mental fortitude and fatigue that you are.
He's joking since both you and your exact copy are you. ONE of you has to win, hence the certitude.
Personally, I would LOVE to play a TvT against myself, as I love the matchup and how I play it (standard Marine+Tank+Medivac play). Also, a BW TvT against myself would be fun too. I would probably go 1rax gasless expand in SC2 and a 14cc or 1fact expand in BW, then turtle up my siege lines until I get myself into an epic split-map situation.
Of course, random vs random against myself would also be fun, especially if I roll a Terran and Protoss, as my TvP and PvT are horrendous so the games should be interesting.