I am a diamond P player however i have decided to make the switch to terran just because i like them a lot more.
I am ok with my TvT and TvP, i can marco well, i can harass well, i can attack well, etc.
My biggest problem lies with TvZ, i just cannot do it, i cannot get a build in order, my brain fuzzles and i cant macro, i dont know when to move out, im constantly afraid as soon as i move out ill just over-run, so i just dont do it, which is bad.
WARNING! The replay you are about to see is bad, my macro and such is better vs P and T i do not know why i go down in Z.
Please help me What builds should i start on, i like playing standard i dont like playing cheesey etc. Seriously any help would be fantastic
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20698376/Me VS Zerg Very Bad!.SC2Replay
Thanks a lot to all of you that take the time and help me! :D
Honestly TvZ is my best matchup, i hate the others, i dont have lke good builds that people dont often see, i usually play standard and i out macro them in the mid game, but a build ill usually do is a 1 rac CC, then from there u have many options, i usually put ona two base pressure after i get all that, so like 4 raxs (2 with reactor 1 with techlab) and either two factorys for pushing out tanks or one factory and armory and engi bay for upgrades and a small amount of tanks, i can usaully win int he first 15-20 mins.
just slowly push keep ur marines spread out decent, decent enough to handle a hand full of mutas, and also if he pushes with banelings ur marines are fairly spread out.
I havent lost a TvZ for as long as i can remember (think i'm like 20-0 this season for TvZ), the key is to always keep up the pressure. I cant really suggest one build order but my strat goes something a like this: (i'm high diamond on EU)
Open 2 rax, pressure but the point is to make him make lings. Make expo as soon as you can just after your two barracks. Then transition into marine/tank/medivac. Drop if he's going roaches or skipping mutas and keep the pressure up, dont wait too long before you move out. From there on out i just freestyle it. You just need a few basic ideas like:
- Always pressure, never make him feel safe. - React to infestor/muta properly, more tanks vs infestors etc. - Know your micro. Dont waltz up to his base unsieged. Control your marines properly etc. - Dont let him get his 3rd without a fight. 2 base zerg is ez-pz, 3 base not so much.
Yea, obviously these concepts might not always apply, but it's a good starting point if you have no idea what to do.
I feel that in TvZ you dont really need a build order as much as you just need a way of playing. I can play pretty much any build order i want and it'll work as long as i am being aggressive, microing well and so on.
TvT and TvP is more about build orders and postioning while TvZ is just so fast paced and aggressive. The mistake i most often see at diamond level play TvZ is that the terrans play so passive, they let the zerg get his third up uncontested and they move out very late in the game and then get rolled by way too many units.
Yeah i play way too passive need to fix, thanks a lot for all the replies
I think its pretty obvious why you lost that game, you let the zerg take a secret 3rd base 8 minutes into the game, and didnt punish it at all.
Besides that, you had really bad siege tank control when he was defending his natural. You let your tanks hit 1-2 zerglings instead of focusing the banelings, which probably would have won you the game. You also shouldnt load up half your army when he has infestors. You cant put your army all in one place.
You still hadn't lost the game yet. What lost you the game was your transition to thors for pretty much no reason. He only made like, a total of 10 mutas that entire game. You need to keep your siege tank count up to deal with zerglings and banelings.
You also did nothing to counter his broodlords. In 7 games out of 10, at the 20 minute mark a zerg will start making broodlords, and once in a while you'll get the oddball that transitions into ultralisks to break your siege lines. Finding out which tech the zerg is getting on tier 3 is pretty much the most pivitol point of any TvZ. If he's getting broodlords, you need to have reactored starports making vikings to deal with them. If hes getting ultras, marauders are your best choice. In either case, you should have several ghosts by the midgame to emp infestors and snipe high tech units.
The goal of any TvZ is to stay ahead of a zerg player economically. If a zerg is free to do whatever he wants the game is pretty much over. Your third was very late, and your fourth never happened. You didn't put any pressure on his expansions and killed no drones throughout the entire game.
Heres how I would have played out this game. After getting my third up at around the 11-12 minute mark, I would have pushed out and pressured the zergs natural. I would have taken a medivac full of marines and harassed the back of his main, and at the same time I would have sent a group of 8-15 marines to kill his virtually undefended third, and done the same to his fourth.
At this point, if I were succesful I should be starting up my fourth as he starts to force my attack at his natural to retreat. I should remax my army, and get ready to deal with whatever tier 3 tech units he plans on getting. I should keep pressuring and denying his expansions with small groups of marines, and hellions while holding the xelnaga towers so that I can keep expanding safely.
Hope this helped.
Make a raven, they're pretty good I hear.
your Country52797 Posts
On August 21 2011 08:20 Korinai wrote: Make a raven, they're pretty good I hear. Couldn't you use seeker missle to push mutas/lings/hydras/etc to push them from behind into a siege line with marines?
Thanks all of you, this is helping a ton!
You know, there's a Starcraft 2 strategy subforum for questions just like this!
But it's too late now I guess. Just tale Deadlyfish's advice, he's got the right idea.