Hello! I will be blogging about my my daily adventures in and out of the gym! Hopefully this will force me to be accountable for my actions to become a better weightlifter and person.
Let me introduce myself, I am an 62kg (normal weight is 66kg) Olympic weightlifter in the USA. I started about two years ago so I am still a noobie. In my first nationals which was a couple weeks ago, I placed 5th and will be looking to improve that total.
The Paleo diet is something I believe that will improve my lifting. I probably won't be strict in following this(might have some white rice and milk), but it will be close. This diet is based upon hunter gathers. Basically this a lot of meat, veggies and fruit. :DDD
Also check out the TL health and fittness thread! Everyone is awesome in there! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=180919
8/22/11 After reading a topic of the Chinese training system, I thought this will be a good time to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in my training. snatch: 93kg clean and jerk:110kg back squat:160kg front squat:135 clean pull:140 snatch pull: ?
Strengths -Good leg strength -Fast speed under bar -Good overhead strength
Weaknesses -Very weak pull -Poor jerk technique (not getting bar behind ears) -some swinging in snatch and clean
Fixes -more pulls! -technique work after workouts. (my coach regulates my regular oly work so i cant do more) -add jerk drives, back squat isos
Another evaluation 10/5/11 Updates on prs back squat:165kg front squat:136kg jerk: 115kg push press: 90kg rdl: 110kgx5 dl: 141kgx2
Jerks are very solid right now. Push press and jerk drives are helping a lot. Pulls are a work in progress but I will just need to keep working to get my back stronger. Technique is also getting better, which I am pulling the bar into my hips a lot better. I will still swing sometimes, but not as much.
New/same Problems -weak second pull. I tend to cut my pull a lot since I am quick under the bar. This causes me to be very bad at power cleans and power snatches. -poor pulls, need to strengthen those hammies! -get stronger!
Fixes -will work from hang and blocks more. -adding more pulls off platform -add more partial lifts? ( i love these)
I'm getting a bit lazy, just check the last page for the updates. btw check out this sweet channel http://www.youtube.com/user/WeightliftingRutgers
just curious, you mind posting your average diet, i just see what it's like portion wise.=o
hmm this will be my typical diet
breakfast 4-5 free range omega 3 eggs, 1 green pepper and tomatoes cooked with olive oil ( will try to find coconut oil)
lunch 1/2lb grass fed ground beef with veggies
dinner whatever my mom makes + little/no white rice teaspoon of fish oil
If hungry, will be snacking on almonds, fruit (bananas, apples, cherries, plums, pears, watermelon)
Wow- best of luck with your weight lifting and keep posting your blogs.
haha you're so inspiring with your dedication.
also whats wrong with white rice?
ty jjhchsc2! I wish you the best of luck on your lifting too. White rice isnt paleo, since it stays away from starches. I think white rice is ok from what eshlow says.
@haji, how many days are you lifting? For newer people to oly lifting I would recommend lifting only 3-4 days a week. Having a day break will be fine. Once you feel more comfortable with the training you can snatch consecutive days. Are you implementing an oly program? My coach doesnt have me do oly lifts every day either so I dont think its a big deal. I would like to have snatches everyday though.
Why will you be swapping olive oil with coconut oil? Coconut oil is the unhealthiest edible oil (i.e. highest in saturated fats).
My GF brought back two XOCO sandwiches from Chicago, and I wolved them down like a bawsssss XD
Nice blog
Canada6683 Posts
ooh i'll be keeping tab on this blog good luck with your progress
Currently using the Paleo Diet, to keep up with my sealfit/crossfit :D
Before I joined the Army, I was a 130 Lbs and that was a year ago. Now I am 165 Lbs pretty cut up and toned :D Pretty happy with my results!
Good Luck with your adventures!
Also I'm curious do you take whey proteins? I don't cause I rather eat a bunch of hard boiled eggs(no yolk) I rather intake natural protein
I think I will keep the blog in just this thread
@haji, What do you mean you cant power clean? send me a video of your form
@fracus, no whey, just real meat and eggs
8/13/11 7 hrs of sleep - off to a bad start already.
Well heavy lifting more than 3-4 times a week is kind of impossible to recover from unless some anabolic boost is used, i wonder whats your take on that and how it relates to the industry.
On August 13 2011 23:14 xarthaz wrote: Well heavy lifting more than 3-4 times a week is kind of impossible to recover from unless some anabolic boost is used, i wonder whats your take on that and how it relates to the industry.
unless you're talking about the steroid industry then that word doesn't mean what you think it means
Oly lifting is awesome
I'm 56kg (though i plan to gain to 62 kg same category :D)
Still noob though, my max squat is 70 and my C+J max is 57.5 (never done more than that) Only been training on it a few months though
Dimsum!!! Could you update the OP or something and then bump it, though? Or have the old one in a spoiler?
@xarthaz, I lift 5 days a week. There are plenty of people who lift heavy everyday. Check out average broz gym. They max out snatch, clean and jerk, back squat and front squat EVERYDAY. The word "impossible" isnt used by weightlifters
@ BrTarolg, wow awesome! From what Ive seen on youtube, UK has a pretty small weightlifting team. Good luck with your training! update me on your progress!
@boubou, I will put my updates in spoilers in the OP.
8/13/11 Lifting snatch: 40/3 40/3 50/3 60/3 70/2 75/1 80/1x 80/1 85/1 clean and jerk: 50/3 60/3 70/1 80/1 90/1 95/1 100/1x 100/1 back squat:50/4 90/2 110/2 130/2 135/2 140/2 145/2x behind neck push press: 40/5 40/5 40/5 weighted decline situps pinch grip hold: 10 15 15 15 stretch and foam roll
diet breakfast 1 boiled egg, 1 banana, 1 plum
lunch chik fil a ((( grilled chicken sandwich with bacon and provolone cheese waffle fries (( fruit punch (((
dinner: rice noodles with chicken and choi
Only 7 hours of sleep. Off to a bad start already. I had to wake to help my sis move in to her new apartment so I had no time to cook, hence the fast food... I could of picked a better choice so it's my fault. Gym session was a bit of a bust too. I was suppose to go heavy but had crappy energy. Pull was very slow which made my 2nd pull even worse, causing a miss at 80. The way I miss is putting my knee down at the bottom of the squat. Don't worry I do that a lot when the bar is forward. I took another snatch at 85 and barely got that. My coach cut me off right there. Clean and jerks didnt go any better, I missed a jerk at 100 which was forward. My jerk problems are getting really annoying. I need to be more consistent in putting the bar behind my head. I took 100 again and then hit a very shaky jerk. I dont like talking about the accessory lifts but I did back squat up to 140 for double. I have a double session on monday so I look forward to that!
8/14/11 9 hours of sleep
lifting: rest, will prob do some light stretching
diet: no breakfast, yeah i was lazy. This is unacceptable
lunch fried rice, salmon and zucchini
snack had some raisins and cashews but I think it made me sick. haha Prob wont be eating it again.
dinner white rice, with chicken, kale, onions and tomatos
will take some fish oil later
8/15/11 lifting session 1 hang snatch: 40/3 40/3 50/3 55/2 60/2 65/2 70/2 75/2 75/2 75/2 snatch pulls 80/3 90/2 95/2 95/2 95/2 stretch
session 2 clean off blocks: 50/3 60/3 70/2 80/2 90/2 90/2 90/2 jerk off blocks: 50/4 60/3 70/2 80/2 85/2 90/2 90/2 95/2 press: 40/3 50/5 50/5 50/3 40/5 hanging leg raises: 10 10 pull ups 10 10 6 stretch and foam roll (Just bought lacrosse ball )
diet breakfast omlette(4 eggs) with tomatos and spinach
lunch 1/2lb grassfed ground beef with broccoli and tomatoes (i cooked 1lb of beef but I will split into two meals)
after session 1 1/2lb grassfed ground beef with broccoli and tomatoes
After session 2 Chinese broccoli with chicken fish oil
First day with having a double session. Went pretty well.