As for a quick update:
I'm so happy its June! May seemed to drag on pretty long for me. I only have two more months before I start my return process back to the states, little longer till I'm back at home. Can't wait, I'm getting more excited as each day passes! On the down side though, It hit 122+ degrees just the other day. Since I work at night here, I only go outside because I have to use bathroom and its quite the distance away. So I walk outside and my first though it omgwtf why is it so bright and why is my face burning off! Needless to say it sucks. Not looking forward to the summer..
I really wish I could upload some pictures but my upload connection seems to suck to much to do so I waited over an hour to upload just one picture but it failed in the end.. Anyways.. yay two more months! <3 TL