i like sc2 > dota > hon > Lol
and i feel that once dota2 is out, hon and lol will be dead as hon and lol is just a way to pass time while waiting for dota 2. Almost everyone i know who plays moba feels this way too.
Of course it depends in how late valve release dota2. if it is in this year or early next year, then i feel it will unite the genre and i think it will be as big as sc2.
In fact, dota is huge in china/southeast asia/russia. The penetration rate is incredible meaning that schools actually has dota club and any gamers would have known or tried dota before. It is not a niche genre like RTS is in the west. In fact, it is the most popular genre , after that comes fps games like CS
i like sc2 better than the rest...dota like games lol it seems kinda boring...oh sc2 has a free version too called the "Storm of the Imperial Sanctum"...
i guess sc2 is like build your base, while LoL and Dota games are build your character...but it would be boring in Dota to watch 1v1s... when sc2 has a larger team competition setting (with real pro teams), it could be more fun to watch than Dota and LoL games.
eh LoL has a 35k prize pool... interesting lol http://chippermonkey.net/index.php/news/pc-news/5227-nesl-tournament-with-35000-in-prizes
i'm still trying to understand how LoL is free... do they earn money from adverts? what pays for the development?
I play SC2 mainly though I do play HoN however
wtf do I vote lolololol
For me it will be Lol > Dota2 > Dota > Hon > Sc2
Might switch dota2 and lol depending on how good dota 2 turns out to be.
Goes like this: SC2 > Dota 2 > HoN (takes more skills then LoL) equal to Dota > LoL
Well Dota takes a lot more skill than HoN, Dota 2 reamins to be seen, but the interface and unit fluidity makes HoN a bit simpler, but obviously Dota is a dying game.
Then again I don't get why this was bumped, jsut another flame war that starts up in stream chats all the time, but SC2 shouldn't even be in this conversation it is completely irrelevant.
What ALMOST the majority of people on TeamLiquid prefer those kind of games over StarCraft 2? It makes me sad knowing more than 1/3 of the browsers I communicate with are not even taking StarCraft 2 seriously.
Canada5941 Posts
I still like SC2 and LoL. I will not be switching when DOTA2 comes out.
I've already memorised all the units in SC2 and all the Chars in LoL, i don't need 50 more friggin characters to remember.
I still don't think there's any appropriate reason to include SC2 in that (unless we're talking about SOTIS mod lol). I voted SC2, but in terms of the actual genre related games, I'd probably check out DOTA2.
I'll always love Starcraft but LoL has had the majority of my interest for a while now. I don't know if it's something wrong about SC or something good about LoL, but yeah I voted LoL for the moment at least. Definitely going to try DOTA2 though.
Also agree that comparing SC2 to MoBA games might not be fair.
SC2 > LOL > everything else.
right now u cant play either of then Sc2 & HoN & LoL are down
lol - bad, i'd go as far as crap game. decent for some lols, but not for the competitive gamer
hon - good moba, but still niche and will always be niche because of dota and its follow-ups
dota - old and not as ageless as bw for example, people are gonna move to dota2 if it's well done
dota2 - we haven't seen it yet, but being the genre it is, you can't compare to sc2. also being the genre it is it will never reach the complexity of sc so will never be at the same level. will probably be an awesome game though, looking forward to it, somewhat.
sc2 - you're on teamliquid brah, i need not link a million threads proving the superiority of rts to most other genres for the passionate gamer.
where is the poll option for diablo 3??
My thoughts:
Dota was made by many different people. "Ice frog" is just the guy who takes most of the control now. Dota 2 is not the official sequel to Dota and personally, I am annoyed that by taking the name Dota 2 Valve and icefrog are taking the credit for dota in the minds of less knowing players (which there will be a lot of).
And it also annoys me how a lot of people suck Dota 2's dick even though they know nothing about the gameplay, how it will differ from Dota or if it will be another Hon with a more attractive name. Sure its made by Valve, but how will that add much value (besides being horribly delayed)? I mean its dota so the plot ain't gonna matter much, gameplay is pretty much dota with maybe a few minor changes, and seeing as how they took the name dota 2 I expect many ported heroes. Graphics wise, maybe a little better than Hon but that doesn't mean a lot (at least to me).
Also, Lol feels so shady sometimes with their ways of trying to get money out of players but I respect how their player base on average are far more chill than Hon and tries to be a little more creative. But the graphics... jesus. What is this, year 2000?
Hon's general community is fcking impossible. If you have no friends to play with don't play Hon. Its not worth it sometimes on how mad it can get you and I sit back and think "how is this fun?" It has its rare moments where you play a really good game win or lose and you enjoy it playing solo, but most of the time it can get stressful.
Are people still playing LoL? That has to be one of the worst games I have played in a long time. I would be surprised if the could fuck up DOTA 2 bad enough to make it worse that LoL but I guess LoL shows that the DOTA style isn't enough.