The game has some problems that are yet to be fixed, but despite this, I really enjoy watching StarCraft II. Paradoxically, even though I dislike the constant all-ins, I like that they're figuring out what's working and using it to win. It's fascinating how the metagame is developing, how people are responding to the possibilities in the game, and how much more refined players are becoming in their builds and strategies.
Yep, it has problems. So did SC/BW. New maps should arrive over time, and miniscule but wide-reaching gameplay changes will keep things interesting for years to come.
If GOMTV can pull their heads out of their asses and provide a reliable stream, I'm buying a seasonal ticket for GSL4. Because HOLY SHIT that's a star-studded player pool.
I agree with the OP wholeheartedly. The only factor of interest for me in GSL3 was the rise of my favourite MBC Hero, Iron, as he steamrolled his way to the very top. I can tell that the main problem plaguing SC2's lack of entertainment value, from a spectator's perspective, is the small maps (as has already been pointed out by previous posters).
Meanwhile, I watch a BW game once every day or depending on my busy schedule, and it never fails to entertain me! Fakesteve has already summarized the main points: BW had storylines and moments of tension, not predictable matches like the GSL.
Hopefully, SC2 can improve in the near future. But I will not be watching the GSL4 matches as often anymore, except for the last rounds or if my favourite players are playing. There is another point I would like to agree with: too many tournaments! SC2 e-sports feel rushed, and I do not like it when it is forced down our throats like that. Honestly, it is everywhere YET nowhere at once...
Merry Christmas! =3
Valhalla18444 Posts
i do think we're a bit spoiled, however. starcraft 2 is a tremendous game in its own right, it is literally the only RTS in the last decade that has anywhere near the competitive depth of brood war. that's an impressive feat unto itself. i think they've built a completely solid engine and made a very smooth transition from a 2d isometric view to the 3d view they have now. it's just tiny details in the grand scheme that i'm displeased with, it's just unfortunate that as a brood war alumn they're the most important.
I'm feeling good about sc2's future. It's got great support from it's creators, and the fan base is ever growing.
That said some stuff is kinda fucked up about it right now. I haven't seen too much of an evolution in the game. Commentators love to point out how they haven't seen this strat since the early beta, and we can really see how much the game has evolved because a strat like this that was standard for two weeks and is now crazy and risky and nuts. Well, in reality we've only really been here for, what 5 months now since the game came out? That strat was still risky and nuts in early beta, thats why it only lasted two weeks. These commentators like to look at starcraft like a river: linear. I think over time we will be able to see the linear progression of strats, but right now we are still on the microbial level: everything down here is chaos. The game is pretty much controlled by all-ins now, just like it was in the beta. Nothing has really changed.
Also the GSL is wearing me out. It's games are so frequent early on in the season, and the seasons happen so quickly. It's annoying to have to be very selective about what SC you watch. GSL really needs to slow down a bit, take a breather.
My Christmas present to myself is to watch the Proleague tonight (I'm poor). It's so much fun to watch BW like I remember it. No way I'll give up on SC2 though. I'm positive the game will turn out great, everyone should take themselves a little less seriously though. The game is a bit of a mess right now, no need to pretend it's already a strategic masterpiece like BW was. We don't need 9 games a day to stay interested. Hunger is the best sauce.
New maps would help.
Well I won't buy a GSL4 ticket anyway. Too much money with 12 GSLs per year. I'll wait and see how SC2 evolves, and when I see that the same players keep on winning I will start to watch again. Because that's when you know there's actually a set skill level and not anybody can beat anybody with stupid rushes or random units. Once chat channels are implemented, I'll probably go play a bit as well!
For now though, it's BW all the way. Good luck to Tastosis in further seasons
I too feel bored of SC2. The past 2 weeks I have actually been playing WoW just because I don't know what else to play. The GSL contains a lot of cute games but nothing makes my jaw drop like every Flash game in the past year. Shoot, basically every single game I watch of bw is more interesting. Just now I watched Wemade vs Woongjin game 3 and it was awesome. Yesterday MSL group winners match beats basically every single game played in GSL 3. I'm just waiting for some kind of development (most likely maps) but until then, SC2 just isn't really fun.
GSL is waaaaaay too fast. There's one osl every 4 months or so (3/year). There's been 3 gsls in 3 months.... I think that has a lot to do with it.
And yeah, the maps are terrible.
I do agree that it seems we are getting bombarded with games but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Personally I skip most RO64/32 games unless certain players happen to get matched up.
I would suggest watch what games you want to watch and the recommended games, do not make it a chore just something to wind down to.
Personally I think it would be better if GSL were more of a "event" rather than a really a monthly thing we wouldn't really be burned out.
On December 26 2010 11:42 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i do think we're a bit spoiled, however. starcraft 2 is a tremendous game in its own right, it is literally the only RTS in the last decade that has anywhere near the competitive depth of brood war. that's an impressive feat unto itself. i think they've built a completely solid engine and made a very smooth transition from a 2d isometric view to the 3d view they have now. it's just tiny details in the grand scheme that i'm displeased with, it's just unfortunate that as a brood war alumn they're the most important.
Warcraft III. Ironically, there are no competitive non-Blizzard RTS's that seem to have any lasting value.
I still play warcraft III quite a bit and it's both really difficult and really fun. Balance is a little shaky but at least it feels like the better player always wins and you have much more control over the outcome of a game.