So here i was, on holidays at my cousin's house, it was great, sc2 LoL hon and parties were on schedule.
During one party a woman friend of his asked me to stay a little more to come to a party where she wanted to go. Ok, so normally i refuse this kind of invitation, first because i mostly don't give a damn about women, secondly i had things to do at home, thirdly because i knew the gal...
But in a way a masochist wouldn't disregard, I agreed to stay until tomorrow.
During the afternoon we realized we had not enough food/alcohol for the night. Time to go to the nearest store to refill our fridge. No worry, it's only 10min of ride from where we were so we asked a friend to carry us.
Then the shit storm began, during the trip we had a car crash, nothing serious, the car still works but it sucks and we had to deal with the paperwork.
To spice things a little, the almighty and dreadful SNCF (the french national railway company) is on strike, which means we had to see if our trains was still on schedule, so we opted for the bulletproof plan used in every slasher movie to solve problems: we split up.
Up to me to go to the station and solve the train problem; good, i've got a master degree in dealing with people. Just kidding, I suck at it, get angry too fast and got zero patience. I entered the station.... to see a fucking one hundred people queue... but no worries, there are 15 box office, it will be fast... wait a minute... only 3 were actually open...
Soooooooooo after almost 1h30 of wait, I realize that they can't find the file for the ticket I bought on internet, the train I was going to take is canceled, there is no room in another one this day and no alternative route available. No problem, it is not like I had an appointment on Saturday... or is it?
Anyway, 45€ up in my ass.
After that I go to the bus stop to go back to the house, but then I receive a call from my cousin asking me to buy smokes. Sure, a party without smoking sucks... I had not walked 5 meters from the door of the shop that I see my bus leaving the stop. Great. Another 20 min to wait in the cold.
I called my cousin while I was in the bus to know how he was dealing with the supplies and the crash report to hear a “i'm done, my friend is in the bathroom, she dress up and we'll arrive at the house at the same time as you”. Never fucking trust a women saying she only need a few more minutes to dress up. I waited for them another hour in the cold.
And when they arrived I learned that the gal who invited me was “sick”, so the party was not going to happen.
No worry, we had a back up plan, another friend was giving a party for her birthday. But it would be too easy, wouldn't it? Remember the anger problem? Well I got pissed and told both of them go fuck themselves and to go there without me, and so they did.
So here I am, with a bottle of vodka, half pissed, half enjoying myself by laughing at my stupidity, writing this on TL.
Because, you know, I always knew the gal who invited me was going to do that, my cousin was laughing at me because it was the first time ever I agreed to stay a little more for a woman but I was curious to see how things would end up.
There is a saying which sums up the situation: do not tempt the devil.
I did, and damn, he really has a good sense of humor. At least I hope you cracked a smile while reading this because one can only laugh at my stupidity, laziness and total lack of common sense.
EDIT: btw i just thought, if she went to the backup party it will be hilarious.