On September 26 2010 02:54 Jonoman92 wrote: Anyone who thinks they are something cool because they hit diamond should just be ignored. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with being proud of reaching diamond because it's a goal for some people.
No need to rain on other people's parade and if they are being annoying just ignore it.
Well, that may have grabbed someones attention which is the whole thought behind it.
Let me first start by going back before explaining the title to this. I've played StarCraft since 1999, I've been apart of Team Liquid for almost 6 years now (and trolled it for a good while before joining). I love the scene and I love the game, what I hate right now are the fucking gamers. Yes, probably a good 95% of you asshats out there. You know who you are, I know I'm one of them to a lot of people as well so it's a mutual feeling.
Now, why do I hate the people? Well it's very simple, people have this feeling that hitting Diamond makes them superior to any and everyone else. Yes, we're all entitled to our opinion but seriously. Diamond for a lot of people is so fucking easy to get.
I'm not trying to take offence to people trying to make their way to Diamond and are having issues but so many of us know that you can stick with one build type or pure cheese to climb your way up to that "IM BETTER THAN YOU, LAWLAL IM DIAMOND WHAT I SAY IS LAW". Don't believe me on that? Read the SC2 Strategy section "Diamond 800, this is what I think".
Where am I going with all these random thoughts, well to a few points that have been said before but re-hashing them needs to be done.
Firstly Just because you hit Diamond, doesn't mean you're better than someone in Plat or even Bronze. Not everyone masses games on Ladder, just because you're 200-200 means you have time to play more games. Get off your fucking horse.
Secondly Former skill has no merit on SC2. What do I mean by this? SC2 has taken away a lot of the management that made BroodWar something very tough to jump into at the later stages before SC2. This is a great thing for new gamers to SC2, but it also brings upon a lot of shit that until set strategies are mastered will just rain down more cheese and bullshit. Some of the worst ones at all of this, those fresh Diamond players who only know how to 5rax reaper or 4gate all-in (no one plays zerg ). Try varying your game style, because cheese only works so well and if it's stopped you're screwed. It's a double-edged sword that a standard opening can rip through if done properly.
Thirdly (is that even a word?) Let me jump to this recent topic about TvZ. Yes I understand the strategy forums are there for helping people, but look at one of the first things said "Diamond 1300". Some of the advice that is posted, is actually awesome but will often get skipped over because it's something like:
WCH wrote: he is doing exactly what he needs to counter you. Medivacs do help and micro your rines. It was completely thrown out because it wasn't some huge list of "Do this, build that, copy what I do". The fun of the early stages of a game, are coming up with your own timings, your own pushes.
What does all of this mean? Well, nothing because people will bitch about it but I digress. The last example (no offence to FindingPride, you were the first topic I saw on the main page) shows my exact point, someone brings in their Diamond rank and their rating. People have it in their minds that 1300 is this god-tier level that cannot be matched but you'll often see more people as of late in this area, why? Because the ladder isn't a proper ELO that hurts the users more for losses than it should. Someone with a 50% win ratio should be able to sit anywhere near 1000 (not that FindingPride is or isn't, just an example).
TL;DR and summary Diamond players are like high school preps, the higher their "standing" the more stuck-up they become. Rating means shit-all because most are from mass game. If you want help, don't fucking post about your rank and rating because no one cares. Everyone needs advice and practice.
ps, I'm Diamond 600 (44 games) 68% win ratio. (@ mods, just ranting, if there's an issue somewhere I'm willing to modify^^)
Biochemist, I've read that before :p Kind of where the idea stemmed from, but I felt the need to rant on my own :p
I love reading about these rants, cuz it just shows how immature most people are on tl
they're wrong, and you're wrong. Rating means something, but its not an end-all. You want to paint it white and black but the truth is its not that simple. Maybe you shouldnt post you rating while asking for advice. Maybe you should- there is no harm. But one thing is for certain if you arent in the top percentile you have no business giving out advice.
And a 1800 player with a lot of games played might deserve more respect then a 1800 player with few games played. It's too easy to get 1800 if you just abuse your bonus pool and play when you're at 100%. But will you learn much from milking it like that? Not really.
So, all in all, the ladder rating is the best measurement of skill we have, aside from tourney results.
Nice rant.. and I hate to break it to you but there is no friggin way people in bronze/silver/gold are better than diamond players, that just makes no sense. Maybe mid-diamond players could be better than a diamond with slightly higher points, but thats about it. If you are good.. a few games would get you really high on the ladder, we're not talking about more than 2 hours of daily gaming here.
I agree though, some people who claim to be diamonds provide really shitty advice.Although people in the lower tier tends to spew out ever weirder shit than what bad diamonds have to say.
you sound mad and i dont agree with anything you said at all ppl like you give TL a bad name
Why can't we all just get along ! ?
lol u got mad over what? raging cos u are 9 year vet that doesnt get respect from the mehh diamond crowd because u are part of the mehhhhhhh diamond? no really. im not hating on you but if you want to prove to everyone that they are bad and should shuttup u have to whore the ladder and become one of those 1600+ players otherwise u become one of those im better than you without proving anything ppl. yes u have become ur worst enemy
Its actually pretty tricky business. If you put how good you are in your post, a lot of people are gonna think like you did (and not saying theres really anything wrong with that). However, if you don't post how good you are, people are just gonna dismiss your post under the assumption that you're awful. The only real way to get around this that I've seen is to be one of the rather small group of people that TL readers will have actually heard of/have some respect for.
Luckily, I dont post too much help/strategy. :D
I don't get why you think sticking to one build type is bad. Most top progamers in BW stick to one build type with very minor variations just because it is so solid.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with stating your rank/points/ w/e as long as you don't act like it actually means anything. And if you don't someone is always going to jump in like "I disagree with you there fore you are a bronze player, and I am right because I'm 900 points diamond and you didn't state your rank". It's just an idiot-filter, we don't need that guy replying, y'know? There is absolutely no other way to assert authority (unless you're a known player), so disclaimering a post with your rank is perfectly fine because there are no other options.
the only time i really hate when someone throws their rank around, is when they are giving advice that is completely wrong, or are arguing with a truly good player. I like iccups system far better, but I think if blizzard stops making lame decisions, they could really have a good laddering system.
1300 means you are in the top ~3000 players in the world. That isn't exactly noob territory considering there are millions of players.
That being said, I don't ever go to the strategy forums anyways because 99% of the people who post are fucking retarded.
ps, I'm Diamond 600 (44 games) 68% win ratio. (@ mods, just ranting, if there's an issue somewhere I'm willing to modify^^)
If you want help, don't fucking post about your rank and rating because no one cares. Everyone needs advice and practice.
Look someone sounds like there just butthurt.
1k diamond player here and this is what I think
i agree that diamond is easy as balls, but the way high up diamond ranks are pretty legit
On September 26 2010 00:38 DyEnasTy wrote: the only time i really hate when someone throws their rank around, is when they are giving advice that is completely wrong, or are arguing with a truly good player. I like iccups system far better, but I think if blizzard stops making lame decisions, they could really have a good laddering system.
This, but I'm pretty sure blizzard is making the ladder like this on purpose because if not newbs will be stuck at their current ranking forever which is pretty unmotivating and would probably turn them off of playing as opposed to steadily gaining points. I mean in ICCUP I think I was stuck in C- for like 4 seasons, touched C once then promptly fell back to C- (this was obviously done while avoiding koreans too). But yeah once you get to like 1200 diamond, people usually know what they're doing (probably like D/D+ on ICCUP)
Half, I posted that at the end to see how many people actually read through, nice to see you did .
Also, to the people saying that I'm mad or angry, it's far from that. It may have come off that way with throwing the odd swears in there, but I find it to be more funny than anything.
On September 26 2010 00:15 dinmsab wrote: Nice rant.. and I hate to break it to you but there is no friggin way people in bronze/silver/gold are better than diamond players, that just makes no sense. Maybe mid-diamond players could be better than a diamond with slightly higher points, but thats about it. If you are good.. a few games would get you really high on the ladder, we're not talking about more than 2 hours of daily gaming here.
The reason why I'm re-quoting you here is that not everyone ladders, or ladders often :p. There are a lot of people that just play within their team that may only have a silver rating from their placement when the game first came out, but would easily be at a 1000+ diamond ^^
Uh. Almost every player, if they would be 1000+ diamond, is 1000+ diamond. It's actually not hard to get that rank, at this point in the game's release. There may be a few exceptions, but not very many. Even HuK masses games on ladder, and he plays professionally. Even the pros in teams still ladder.
Also, massing games doesn't get you into diamond. You need to consistently beat other diamond ranked players, which explains the massive amount of bronze players. Going 200-200 in bronze will keep you in bronze. There are probably some bronze players with those statistics.
If you play more, and you're not at the very high end, of diamond rank 10 or above, your win rate is going to drop down more and more, because the matchmaking system tries to push your winrate to 50%. Most diamond players above 50 still have a winrate better than 50%, but it's not obscenely high, except for the top players.
Yeah, diamond points X isn't a perfect indicator of skill, but it's fairly decent.
As many people in many other threads have said, having bad mechanics means you won't be able to understand the game at the same level. You just won't. You don't do all the things you need to be doing, and so your view of the game is skewed. Becoming better comes from you getting better mechanically, which also helps you get better strategically.
I hate all the posts that offer help because basically all of them are stupid, and come from players who clearly don't understand the game. But diamond players tend to be just a little less stupid.
Getting in diamond is like getting a driver's permit and getting 1300 is like getting your first car (and goes up ~50-100 every week cuz of the ladder system) 1000 now is not 1000 2 weeks back zomgD: