About 2 days ago, I bloged about StarCraft 2 being to "noob friendly" and how certain gamers thought that THAT was the reason why the game isn't so good. I made my arguement and you made yours and I have to say that everyone who posted a comment made strong, valid points like I hopefully did. Now on to another issue.
We all know that StarCraft 2 isn't perfect. There are a lot of issues pertaining to the balance of the game as well as the mechanics. Many gamers that play StarCraft 2 religiously will point out that units, such as the Brood Lord or the Reaper are way too over-powered and need to be fixed. Now, I actually haven't heard anyone say "It's staring Blizzard right in the face, how could they NOT fix it?", Fair arguement I suppose. Some gamers will point out that tatical advantages like scouting and multi-tasking is almost non-relavent because all you need to do is mass a huge army and basically pull an all-in. That too is a fair arguement. I know most of you are thinking "Yeah so what. Is there a point to this entry or no?"
I thought that some of these issues were so blatantly obvious that Blizzard would fix them immediately but still no patches fixing said issues. I think, and this is only my opinion, but I think that gamers expected a perfect game from the start of the beta or at least fix it when your about 5 patches in. Blizzard made the best, balanced RTS of our generation. They had a huge reputation which I believe has been damaged a little by ladder issues, gameplay problems and, of course, using RealID on the forums.
I thought that this would never end. No matter what Blizzard did or tried to do would be met with ridicule until I saw this video.
I thank my lucky stars that I found this video and I think I owe a big "thank you" to YouTube user Luckyfool. He confirmed some of my suspiscions that the original StarCraft was not completely balanced and/or it had some major bugs. If you didn't watch the video, it basically summarizes what StarCraft was like before some of the major patches by Blizzard. It took ten (10) years for Blizzard to completely balance this game out. Like I said above, it confirmed some suspiscions.
Now will this impact me buying StarCraft 2 that's being released on July 27th. Maybe, maybe not. People still bought StarCraft when it came out pre-balance so the strong bet is that I will be at my local electronics botique (or whatever they're called. SPEELING FAIL!) purchasing this game. It may not be perfect, but it has StarCraft in the title so why not? After all, people still buy Mario games right?
Oh my God, I am SO dead for posting that...
Poll: Will you buy SC2 even though it isn't perfectly balanced
Yes. I've waited too long for the sequel to the greatest RTS (13)
Not a chance- There is no way I'm buying SC2. The original is the superior and I'd rather play tha (7)
Most Likely- It may not be perfect, but it's StarCraft (1)
Not Likely- Blizzard has major, MAJOR balancing work ahead of them if they want my money (1)
Depends- Based on reviews and price or even gameplay (0)
22 total votes
Not a chance- There is no way I'm buying SC2. The original is the superior and I'd rather play tha (7)
Most Likely- It may not be perfect, but it's StarCraft (1)
Not Likely- Blizzard has major, MAJOR balancing work ahead of them if they want my money (1)
Depends- Based on reviews and price or even gameplay (0)
22 total votes
Your vote: Will you buy SC2 even though it isn't perfectly balanced
(Vote): Yes. I've waited too long for the sequel to the greatest RTS
(Vote): Most Likely- It may not be perfect, but it's StarCraft
(Vote): Depends- Based on reviews and price or even gameplay
(Vote): Not Likely- Blizzard has major, MAJOR balancing work ahead of them if they want my money
(Vote): Not a chance- There is no way I'm buying SC2. The original is the superior and I'd rather play tha