Hey guys,
Last time I posted, I was a measly little Copper player trying my damnedest to GTFO of there. My lack of skill, understanding, and patience had led me to be placed at the bottom of the shit bucket for the longest time.
But, a solid month of non-stop playing, watching, learning, and reading... I'm so fucking excited to say that I placed Rank #38 in GOLD.
Here were the rookie lessons for this accomplishment:
- Scout properly - Stay under 400min - Maintain Micro/Macro & know when to do what - Build workers - Know the map - Know the matchup
I'll probably post more as I think of them, but those were the tips that seriously helped me from being a bullshit idiot player to someone who finally can say: I play SCII.
Thank you TL.net for being one of the legitimately elite online communities out there.
Time to get top 20 now ;D
Valhalla18444 Posts
congratulations, young warrior
great job, keep up the hard work =)
is awesome32269 Posts
May you bring many victories to Teamliquid. We will be waiting!
Remember: wax on, wax off.
Keep at it and you will be diamond in another month or so
Very nice! At this rate you'll def be one of the better players once the actual game comes out. Grats and GL HF ^_^
Take the black instead. Though it's cold on the wall you'd be protecting TL from evil invaders.
Gogogogo! Keep improving :3
On June 03 2010 08:42 Lexpar wrote: Remember: wax on, wax off. Banzai!
On June 03 2010 08:33 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: congratulations, young warrior It is an honor *bows*
On June 03 2010 08:45 EleanorRIgby wrote: Keep at it and you will be diamond in another month or so
Haha, let's hope so!
On June 03 2010 09:10 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: Take the black instead. Though it's cold on the wall you'd be protecting TL from evil invaders.
Seems like a sacrifice I'd be willing to take.
Keep up the good work!
Post replays of your progression!
Wow, way to go, really impressive!~
Really impressive! You will own when SC2 comes out.
Thanks guys, I'm only trying to get good enough so that I can get more involved with SCII. This shit's gonna be poppin' when it comes out :D
congrats, gl at getting top 20!
damn, you can stay under 400 mins consistently? i still can't do that... maybe for the first 15 minutes or so, then my min count skyrockets as soon as i hit my 3rd and my army's at 170/170 =\
Congrats! I guess you are proving the ladder system isn't broken. ^^;
It is truly a great feeling to unfold your Wings of Liberty. Strike fear into the very Heart of The Swarm, mighty ohaicami, and never forget to uphold the Legacy of The Void.