Netherlands6142 Posts
+ Show Spoiler +01[18:30] <+Pholon> I was gonna yell at him 01[18:30] <+Pholon> to challenge him 01[18:30] <+Pholon> get pumped 01[18:30] <+Pholon> and he aint here [18:30] he will take u on [18:30]  [18:31] dont u worry a bit [18:31] :D 01[18:31] <+Pholon> kk 01[18:31] <+Pholon> you arrange it lol [18:31] i will [18:31] :D [18:31] ill manage
[18:45] why dont u take on this " scrub no one cares about" [18:45] ;d 01[18:45] <+Pholon> I will [18:45] ok 01[18:45] <+Pholon> are you convinced he will win? [18:45] HAHAHHAHA [18:45] heh [18:45] convinceD? [18:45] hahahaha [18:45] :D are u serious 01[18:45] <+Pholon> okay 05[18:45] Pholon hes new to rts 01[18:45] <+Pholon> lets make a bet on it then [18:45] unlike u 01[18:45] <+Pholon> if I can take him down 01[18:45] <+Pholon> bo5 [18:45] he has no years of experience 01[18:45] <+Pholon> you get banned 1 week [18:45] wif apm n such 01[18:46] <+Pholon> if not [18:46] ^^ 01[18:46] <+Pholon> I'll take a 1 week ban [18:46] in theory u shuld be able to take him on easily [18:46] ok [18:46] promise? [18:46] so ok Everyone here is our witness 05[18:46] Pholon will be banned for a week [18:46] if Zealot wins 05[18:46] and if Pholon wins [18:46] Ill be banned for a week 01[18:46] <+Pholon> deal? [18:46] Okay guyz? [18:46] deal [18:46] wait [18:47] awesome [18:47] is this for IRC? [18:47] yes [18:47] ;d 05[18:47] one week no Suna or No pholon [18:47] so IRC will be semi-endurable 01[18:47] <+Pholon> you better tell your boy to practise [18:47] for a week [18:47] omg 01[18:47] <+Pholon> casue he's going down
[18:47] he will kik ur hi n mighty ass 01[18:47] <+Pholon> oh right 01[18:47] <+Pholon> we need to ask zealot [18:47] and ull just be placed where u belong [18:47] :'p [18:47] :D 01[18:47] <+Pholon> if he wants to play 01[18:47] <+Pholon> lol 01[18:47] <+Pholon> ZEALOT [18:47] I think I'm gonna dodge tbh! [18:47] a scrub people care about but a SCRUB NEVERTHELESS 01[18:47] <+Pholon> I HEREBY CHALLENGE YOU TO A BO5 [18:47] hahaahah [18:48] :D 01[18:48] <+Pholon> tomorrow at 21:00 01[18:48] <+Pholon> you need to win [18:48] if not 01[18:48] <+Pholon> or Suna gets banned for a week [18:48] ill be banned [18:48] ;d [18:48] <3 [18:48] don't want to risk getting Suna banned [18:48]  [18:48] my hero Zealot :d 01[18:48] <+Pholon> if okay 01[18:48] <+Pholon> she challenged me [18:48] hahahaha
05[18:53] My dear pholon [18:53] just get ur ass here [18:53] tomorrow [18:53] at 9pm 01[18:53] <+Pholon> yeye [18:53] and maike sure its moisturized [18:53] cuz its gonna bne kicked hard
01[18:57] <+Pholon> is there a topic for this yet? [18:57] hahahaha [18:57] u make one [18:57] ;p
05[19:00] Pholon :D link us the url when u made ur fancy schmanzy topic [19:00] I jhave a few words of my own to make 
let people judge for themselves
lmao this going to be good. who's streaming?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Can we make this permaban and rig it so Pholon wins?
Australia7069 Posts
gunrun is streaming aparantly
They just agreed to these new rules:
<TA|deL> Suna if Pholon wins you have to make a blog about how much you love Pholon <TA|deL> and if Zealot wins Pholon has to take a pic of himself in a dress (his sister's?) holding a TL sign and post it
Netherlands6142 Posts
wtf no, stop shitting up my blog delface.
Netherlands19129 Posts
Im calling ref on this one!
Netherlands6142 Posts
GLHF.tv will be streaming and even have the lady these 2 fine gents are fighting over herself on skype for live reactions. In one corner we've got Pholon the legendary lord of liquipedia trying to banish the mischievous maiden for her wrongdoings. In the other corner, we've got Zealot zealously standing up for his partner and defending her honor and freedom of speech.
Will Lord Pholon be able to restore peace to the lands of #teamliquid IRC for 7 days and 7 nights? Will Pholons justice be brought down upon us all? Will the noble knight Zealot be able to defend her honor? Or will he perish on his on sword? Is Miss Suna a damsel in distress or a wicked wench in disguise? Drama, trolling, a woman to fight over. This grudgematch has it all, tune in tonight, 9pm cest, 3 pm est on http://www.glhf.tv!
Ok guyz i just wanna have this cleared up.. Apparently, due Pholons epic sense of spicing things up and giving it a twist of his own, people started to think that Zealot is just fighting for me and that i use him to get my dirty work done but thats not exactly the case..
The following is what happened
01[18:25] <Pholon> en verder kan ik iedereen wel hebben denk ik ;o "and apart from them I can take anyone I guess" [18:26] <Suna> uhuh [18:26] <Suna> sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [18:26] <Suna> [18:26] <Suna> jij verlsaat zealot nie eens [18:26] <Suna> XD [18:26] <Suna> hahahaha "sure, you can't even beat zealot" 01[18:26] <Pholon> heb ik ooit tegen zealot gespeeld? "have I ever played zealot?" [18:26] <Suna> ja [18:26] <Suna> HHAHAHAH [18:26] <Suna> jij zuigt [18:26] <Suna> enorm;d "hah, yes, you suck, really bad" 01[18:27] <Pholon> wtf [18:27] <Suna> sc2 hw [18:27] <Suna> he [18:27] <Suna> 01[18:27] <Pholon> ik heb volgens mij 1 keer met jou erbij gespeeld 01[18:27] <Pholon> en dat was 2v2 "I think I played once while you were there, and that was 2v2" [18:27] <Suna> erm [18:27] <Suna> [18:27] <Suna> nee [18:27] <Suna> 1v1 hebben jullie ook gedaan "no, you did 1v1 as well" 01[18:27] <Pholon> ok lol 01[18:27] <Pholon> het zal wel " o well w/e"
This is just a convo of Pholon and me about the lan to come and i was simply saying Pholon sucked because he couldnt even beat Zealot ( who never played rts games before nor did he play bw and isnt familiar with this whole scene ). Pholon claiming otherwise i was excited and suggested to take Zealot on to see who is the better player.. nothing more nothing less..
After this Pholon made up this whole sensational win or die competition where he wanted me to get banned if he won and if he lost hed get banned after whcih i consented. That is all .. so theres nothing like me asking zealot to fight me or anuything of that..
On May 19 2010 18:45 Roffles wrote: Can we make this permaban and rig it so Pholon wins? why would you need to rig a match against someone who never played bw 
pholon, if you have good internet, i volunteer to be your practice partner! fighting!
Netherlands6142 Posts
On May 19 2010 23:16 MisS_Suna wrote: After this Pholon made up this whole sensational win or die competition where he wanted me to get banned if he won and if he lost hed get banned after whcih i consented. That is all .. so theres nothing like me asking zealot to fight me or anuything of that..
You have to spice up things or noone will care -_-
On May 19 2010 18:45 Roffles wrote: Can we make this permaban and rig it so Pholon wins?
You just became my hero.
I'd say Where's the love people!
heh Kick his ass Zealot!
is suna cute? if not she gonna lose
On May 20 2010 00:47 DreaM)XeRO wrote: is suna cute? if not she gonna lose
Miss suna is that Vampire chick that spams every stream i'm in right? Win dude! Bring on the white knights to defend!!
OH PHOLON, 0-2? I thought you were getting rid of suna
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On May 19 2010 23:51 TheAntZ wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2010 18:45 Roffles wrote: Can we make this permaban and rig it so Pholon wins? why would you need to rig a match against someone who never played bw  pholon, if you have good internet, i volunteer to be your practice partner! fighting!  It's cause Pholon's not much better than a comp at Brood War.
What if pholon gained the comp skill of the BWAIP bot?