On April 26 2010 15:16 lilsusie wrote: I'm not sure how I feel about having a post like this out in the open. I know that people are aware (Rek mentions plenty of times of his nights out) but at the same time, I'm not sure if I want people to have this image of Korea to be this raunchy, underground nasty-nasty thing, complete with whores. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a part of the culture but not exactly the reputation that this country needs to get tourists. =/
Money can buy anything in this country. I know it's true in most countries too but Korea is just so blatantly immoral sometimes.
Here's a question for you, OP, why did you decide to post this on our forums at all?
I believe that people reading it understand that this is only the dirty part of Korea. I could make a beautiful post about my Korean culture and all our beautiful tourist spots and foods. Maybe I'll do that next! Why did I decide to post it? Well I see blogs everywhere about people going to Korea so they may as well understand what they might possibly want to try out.
I believe in the freedom of information.
Yes, freedom of information, but you also realize that TL isn't the place for people to say "OMG I'm going to Korea, I'm totally gonna blow 5k dollars on a night out with beautiful women!" (Well, maybe a few guys can but most are high school/college students who are poor) And those who CAN spend that much... already have. And blogged about it.
Don't assume on the internet that people will take this as "only the dirty part" of Korea. It's a part of Korea that most Koreans are not proud of, thus not really something that you need to publicly put into light. =/ Those are my 2 cents.
If it's something that most Korean's aren't proud of why does the government do nothing to stop any of it? Why do almost all korean males partake in it in one way or another? If you were unaware in many areas they have police guarding the perimeter of the red light districts! It's just the way it is and me sharing this information with a gaming website isn't going to do anything other than inform.
If anything, the korean way of disliking something but never having the balls to bring it out in the open is exactly why change for the better doesn't happen.
Perhaps I'll run for president of Korea! O wait I'm a USA citizen damn.
I was just expressing my opinion too. I live in this country and trust me, I know how corrupt things are. It's terrible. But that's for the nation to figure out. I don't know why you felt compelled to inform about your country's dirty laundry, that's all. I know many men partake. I know that the rich in Korea feel that the whole nation is their playground and they can do whatever they want. But that doesn't necessarily make it right. Meh. I guess it just seemed weird that some random guy who has 10 posts decided to make a post making Korea sound like some woman whore haven. *shrug*
On April 26 2010 15:41 starfries wrote: I think most people reading this realize that this is not everyday Korea. The post makes it pretty clear that most normal people can't afford this kind of lifestyle, and that it really only caters to a certain type of rich person. Prostitution and escorts appear almost everywhere and I would argue that it doesn't present Korea in a bad light, especially compared to how it works in some other countries. And I doubt anyone is going to decide to go to Korea based on a post like this - even if we could afford it, and very few of us can, this is a Starcraft website and I think our primary interest in Korea is always going to be that.
I sure as hell hope so that ppl know this isn't everyday Korea. You'd be surprised at how many TLers think Korea = starcraft left and right with hot women everywhere you turn. It's not.
Yeah I should have added in that they have Anmas for girls (way more expensive) and about Host Bars which are female versions of room salons. Not only women for sale in Korea my friends! Viagra FTW hehe
On April 26 2010 15:46 lilsusie wrote: They have gay host bars too, and gay call boys. Like I said, you can buy ANYTHING in Koreathe world. (if you have the money that is)
On April 26 2010 15:52 Ack1027 wrote: So....you love your girlfriend but you fuck ee cha girls cuz it would be unprofessional to refuse?
Yeah, I do. If I refuse my clients will be very put off by it. Taking a moral high-ground around them will make them lose trust in me. If they lose trust in me they will stop betting hundreds of thousands of dollars per day at the casino I work at. I could lie to them and let them pay for me then not go through with it, but they'd probably find out as they are closer with the girls than I. Not only that of course. I admit I'm not perfect, and though I have cheated on my GF, the majority of all this experience was before we met. I've been in this biz a long time.
On April 26 2010 15:16 lilsusie wrote: I'm not sure how I feel about having a post like this out in the open. I know that people are aware (Rek mentions plenty of times of his nights out) but at the same time, I'm not sure if I want people to have this image of Korea to be this raunchy, underground nasty-nasty thing, complete with whores. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a part of the culture but not exactly the reputation that this country needs to get tourists. =/
Money can buy anything in this country. I know it's true in most countries too but Korea is just so blatantly immoral sometimes.
Here's a question for you, OP, why did you decide to post this on our forums at all?
I believe that people reading it understand that this is only the dirty part of Korea. I could make a beautiful post about my Korean culture and all our beautiful tourist spots and foods. Maybe I'll do that next! Why did I decide to post it? Well I see blogs everywhere about people going to Korea so they may as well understand what they might possibly want to try out.
I believe in the freedom of information.
Yes, freedom of information, but you also realize that TL isn't the place for people to say "OMG I'm going to Korea, I'm totally gonna blow 5k dollars on a night out with beautiful women!" (Well, maybe a few guys can but most are high school/college students who are poor) And those who CAN spend that much... already have. And blogged about it.
Don't assume on the internet that people will take this as "only the dirty part" of Korea. It's a part of Korea that most Koreans are not proud of, thus not really something that you need to publicly put into light. =/ Those are my 2 cents.
On April 26 2010 15:26 druj wrote: What kind of people are these girls anyways? Some sorry sad tale of a poor girl trying to make it out alive, sex addicts, superficial materialistic whores, slavery, runaways etc..
I mean prostitution is prominent all over Asia, but I'm curious about, being the richest area in the country, why do these girls end up doing this, especially with the high educational and literacy rates in the country.
Most of them start off as normal girls. College students. Poor families. Rich girls wanna get back at daddy. Etc. The thing is, this culture is sooooooooooo dependent on aesthetics that, simply put, if you're pretty, you'll get paid. A part time job at a store/fast food joint will pay between 2.50 to 4 bucks an hour. $2.50 an hour for a whole day or to fuck some guy for a few minutes for a TON more... most girls will take the latter route. And like OP said, they start to like the money, thus they stay in the business.
Honestly, I think there is somewhat a bias on TL where we are more exposed to the darker side of Korea (probably because of all of Rekrul's posts ).
For the most part, I think most people hold South Korea in a positive light due to the pop culture, and for us, the haven of progaming. I think it's good to be disillusioned that Korea isn't the utopia for all popular culture and gaming so we all don't end up like rabid Anime or Kpop nerds who think "OMG JAPAN/KOREA IS DA BEST PLACE EVAR I WISH I WAS JAPANESE/KOREAN!"
Of course on the other end of the spectrum, so much negative light on Korea could cause another shitstorm like with what happened when Rek posted about Ret and his mishaps in Korea. Everyone just jumped to conclusions that all Koreans had this negative attitude, but we all have to consider both the positive and negative lights with a good dose of common sense to realize that both exist for the country, and it isn't ever a polarized culture of 'good' and 'bad'.
On April 26 2010 15:52 Ack1027 wrote: So....you love your girlfriend but you fuck ee cha girls cuz it would be unprofessional to refuse?
In Korean culture, refusing your host is a VERY big nono. It's borderline insulting. And people who can afford to go to those places are not people you want to be insulting. Especially in a corporate/business scenario.
Wow, I'm going to Korea when I have money! Easy, no hassle, E. Asian hookers with the benefits of plastic surgery and first world hygiene. What's not to love?!