So me and a bw friend are meeting up at Nikola's at 8 to kill zombies.
Show up if you want to, just scream "TEAMLIQUID" over and over again till I hear.
Yeah I know it's pretty short notice lol, i just realized left for dead 2 fits 4 people.
edit: in the future I will make a blog titled VANLAN every time before i go to nikolas, the vancouver tl crowd should start being social 
Might stop by, it's the one on robson right? And any way of recognizing you besides screaming Teamliquid?
Im here right now, Im the only white and also the only one playing SC2
holy shit saw heyitsclay, smuft come over lol, show me sc2
Eeeeh didn't have time to drop by. You really should do one of these on the weekends lol.
Im gonna give this thread a bump because I'm also from Van and would be interested in some TL meetups in the area!
Let's eat sushi and hit up the LAN.
I'm down to get owned
Hell yes, sushi + TL sc2 LAN would be awesome.. I have a spare account that people without keys can use too.. if there are even still people who DON'T have beta yet