Day 4 I've definitely opened up my builds to find a use for every unit (except battlecruisers). Vikings+marauders in TvT is really strong, mixed with tanks. Banshee+viking can be devastating vs. zerg, especially with 3-4 ravens that have missile researched. Missiles rape the fuck out of zerg. I had one game where I went quick banshee/raven/viking, got the missile upgrade and two ravens. Zerg went for a lot of mutas. We fought one battle, and it was me casting two missiles and blowing all his mutas up. Awesome.
I'm slightly frustrated at the league system, and overall match-making system in general. I've been in the top 8 of my division in the gold league for three days, occupying rank 1 a couple times, and haven't been shoved into the next league. When I get raped by disconnections and lose a bunch of points, I then find only opponents where I get 3 or 4pts from, which is ridiculous. Then I make a dumb mistake and lose 19pts from one game.
Hopefully I can get my ISP to come out and do something about my net, then I can game all day without a problem. I'm considering switching to zerg, as I've got a good grasp and feel for terran. Only problem is I really like terran and don't want to leave them yet T_T
Almost 5am, need to be awake at 11am to watch tsl, huzzah.