How passive or aggressive do you live your life? I'm a very passive person, take whatever comes my way, not planning my future.
I know of people who think of years ahead, meticulously planning out their days towards a certain goal. That is a concept that is completely alien to me. I would like someone who thinks they are that type of person to explain to me what their thought process is. How organized are you? What do you think about when you wake up, when you go to sleep?
I literally cannot wrap my head around the idea of actually planning out your life.
I'm pretty passive. I don't see much point in meticulously planning out my life since I am a very fickle person. I change my mind too much to make definite plans, so I just concern myself with very broad goals.
win a lottery = success
I'm really passive. Sometimes I get insprired by other people, but the boost in motivation goes away after a few hours. I actually have plans to achieve my "goals", but always find excuses to procrastinate. I guess it depends on how much you love yourself.
On February 19 2010 11:01 The6357 wrote:win a lottery = success Yes.
Canada5565 Posts
I've found that pursuing your interests is both living in the moment and planning for the future, because when you know what you like to do you probably have a good idea of what you want to do in a few years
I go with the flow for the most part, but when i want to do something, i will get the fuck off the flow and go for it
Accomplishing whatever meaning I set for myself in life would be a life success. I don't want to tell anyone that purpose because then they could point at me in the future and be like "haha you haven't fulfilled your life's purpose."
I don't meticulously plan out my life. But I do dream about what I want to accomplish.
But yeah, I know a person who basically has his whole life planned out. It's kinda sad that he's just trying to find a way to make lots of money But I think he's doing something he likes.
get into sc2 beta = success ; . ;
overall passive imo
im passive-aggressive.. ha
really though, im working on converting from living passively cause i can't just naively enjoy it anymore.