On February 16 2019 23:04 Plansix wrote: Well, the important thing is you found a way to feel good about yourself. Glad you got there.
To be honest, that sounds like you are talking to yourself. But never stop being a dick.
Happy birthday.
Plansix is right to disparage xm)z who writes incomprehensibly garbled nonsense. It's time he learns running sentences through a thesaurus and pickung randon antonyms and synonyms isn't a good way to communicate, unless he really does want to call Plansix a "opposite of Catholic".
On February 18 2019 20:36 Dangermousecatdog wrote:
On February 18 2019 19:44 Godwrath wrote:
On February 16 2019 23:04 Plansix wrote: Well, the important thing is you found a way to feel good about yourself. Glad you got there.
To be honest, that sounds like you are talking to yourself. But never stop being a dick.
Happy birthday.
Because it is Plansix writing garbled nonsense that makes no sense not xm(z?
You have a weird sense of what constitutes being a dick.
I don’t really waste my time on people who post in a dickish and dismissive manner. Especially one as incoherent as Xm(z. Im done playing “guess what this super passive aggressive poster is trying to say.”
And thank you. I intend to have a happy birthday, even if I have to work today.
On February 15 2019 23:12 xM(Z wrote: dudes trying to justify GHs' ban based on passed deeds look mean, petty and vindictive.
Aren't you supposed to judge a event/ ban based on past posting behavior? Or do mods look into the crystal ball and say, yeah, this guy is gonna make a bad post in the future we better ban him now?
compare the past with the present and if there's a change, you don't pull out the 'but, but ... the original sin!' mantra and how he needs to burn for it. i know that some of you arguing it, were in favor of rehabilitating fucking Breivik and that dude screwed up a whole country, for good; so yea, petty, mean and vindictive.
That's lumping a lot of people who have a beef with GH together. And frankly I have no idea who the hell you're referring to defending Breivik. I would hope no one is defending a mass murderer.
the other thing is that GH figured out(albeit unconsciously imo) how to argue/talk to an illiberal, he figured out how to extract meaning out of them. step 1, trigger them; step 2, observe what triggered in them then trigger them some more. that is how you get meaning out of an illiberal else you get shit like + Show Spoiler +
On February 14 2019 11:18 Plansix wrote: I can understand that you sympathize with GHs viewpoint and feel his style of discussion had merits. But people were open with GH that they found this style of discussion frustrating and disliked it. People, including myself, voiced this opinion to him several times and various ways. And his response was always that he wanted it that way. He wanted people to dislike the discussion and to feel frustrated. And because of that, people got fed up with him and complete lack of caring about the people he was discussing things with.
And this all leaves aside his obsessive behavior, aggressive PMs, and constantly trying to rekindle old arguments. Like, you know, harassing me for an entire month about spreading propaganda because I remembered an article wrong. And me repeatedly telling him that I made a mistake and him not giving a shit to the point where the moderators had to tell him to drop it.
So I understand that you liked GH's contribution to the site and his style of discussion. But I don't think you got to experience his true contribution to the site as some of us did.
which is a whole lot of nothing about nothing and just wastes lives.
about the: 'but i felt on the defensive the whole time and it made me uncomfortable and was unwarrantedly offending etcetcetc. come the fuck on, first off that's not a GH special but it's common with most/all 'conservative' posters and secondly, it's not personal; it can't be personal because it's about the argument.
I don't think triggering and harassing people is really "figuring out how to argue/ talk" with people. It's called being an asshole. Maybe communicating in a very loose sense. And when someone's being an ass, they really shouldn't be pulling the "well why are you offended bro" card.
when two liberals argue, their goal is to walk off as friends, to be friendly afterwards(now i know you, you know me, lets live and let live, fuck the argument and its solutions). when two conservatives argue, their goal is to find a solution for the argument in question and that goes up to and includes hurting each others(physically or psychologically) to see who'll win.
(note: i used liberal and conservative as placeholder for opposite states of being, biologically driven)
I got nothing here except that is a weird as hell framework.
On February 18 2019 20:36 Dangermousecatdog wrote:
On February 18 2019 19:44 Godwrath wrote:
On February 16 2019 23:04 Plansix wrote: Well, the important thing is you found a way to feel good about yourself. Glad you got there.
To be honest, that sounds like you are talking to yourself. But never stop being a dick.
Happy birthday.
Because it is Plansix writing garbled nonsense that makes no sense not xm(z?
You have a weird sense of what constitutes being a dick.
I didn't write anything on what constitutes being a dick. What I wrote was that Plansix is right to disparage xm)z. How exactly are you supposed to communicate with xm(z? Are you too a biologically driven argument; that you triggered yourself into extracting meaning, revealing that you is a whole lot of nothing about nothing and just wastes lives.
Plansix is fine, his fear of the unknown is well noted; other than that he's harmless.
i'm going to wrap up things in here with a note to ticklishmusic+ Show Spoiler +
- there's distant past and immediate past; - people unable to pass over their first impressions of someone, or more inventive - people who forget to press F5 to refresh their deprecated brain pages. - the last bit alludes to the general systems theory applied to humans. its been gaining traction since late 19' early 20' and was/is used from research on human sexuality to questions of teleological or purposeful behavior, passing through (new)models for the study of human thought. anyway, long-story short - you pick a system, define its context then watch/study its entropy. visualizing this case, you had energy flowing from the warm body GH, to the cold body p6 by ways of triggers. p6 would then take the energy, feel all giddy inside, consume it then go cold again. when you ban all GHs you'll leave all p6s dead cold. + Show Spoiler +
it's why the more hot-heads he gets banned the more empty he feels; there's a nice irony there.
im disappointed xM(Z didn't tell us this is an experiment he decided to run to delve the depths of 'illiberality,' he is a scientist no matter what every university, think-tank and private laboratory in a thousand-mile radius says
he is the kind of person i was talking about, unhappy with the ban because he liked GH being an asshole to people he disagreed with/didn't like. i think. there's a language/coherence/possible dimensional communication barrier going on here
On February 14 2019 00:03 travis wrote: Ah, so now people are more bannable if they have a stance that someone (I guess aquanim or m4ini) defines as a "conspiracy theory". That is a very stupid stance.
What's even stupider is that "conspiracy theorist" is used disparagingly. You'd have to be a goddamned idiot to believe there are no conspiracies in the world, it's not even an opinion it is a fact. Some of them were huge, that's also a fact.
edit: I guess aquanim didn't necessarily imply a negative connotation to conspiracy theorist, unlike the other guy (but I would guess that is how he feels by his post)
just to add to your point.
All conspiracy is .. is communications for the purposes of committing a criminal act. It happens all the time. It is difficult to prove.
When I was in high school I worked part time at a very disorganized and understaffed Shell Gas Station. The Gas station grossed $4.5 million a year in the areas three staff members ripped off. Two staff members and I conspired to shave 4% of all non-gasoline sales and 4% of all oil changes. It was a criminal conspiracy. We didn't get caught so it never gets reported as a "criminal conspiracy".
When I was 16 I ripped off a Video-99 ( Blockbuster type store ) for really big money when I hacked their POS system and Inventory system. That was a solo job though. No communicating with others ... so no conspiracy.
In Canada, it is estimated retailers are ripped off for $5 billion per year by employees. Many times the employees co-ordinate their efforts... in other words.. they conspire to rip off their employers. Most of the time its just for a few thousand dollars. The fact that its $5 billion per year in total tells you how rampant employee theft is and how big the #s are.
There are hundreds of criminal conspiracies going on of various sizes. Understaffed, disorganized retail stores are vulnerable to their employees working together to rip the place off.
Given how much TL has changed over the past 8 or so years I’ve been here, its good to see that bewilderingly tone deaf +1s that harm the position advocated for ain’t going anywhere lol
On February 26 2019 05:57 BigFan wrote: "Very smart"? How about low-life and scummy? I can't believe you're actually admitting to a crime even if anonymously and trying to normalize theft...
The high minimum wage in Ontario has created a zero-regulation, no-rules, underground economy that is a libertarian's wet dream.
I distinctly recall attempting to find a retail job where they always paid vacation pay, always paid overtime, and always insured you got a break after 5 hours. What I found was.. that place didn't exist unless it was unionized. And when you are 14 years old its tough to get into a union.
So I got the whatever job i could get when i was 14.
On February 26 2019 05:57 BigFan wrote: "Very smart"? How about low-life and scummy? I can't believe you're actually admitting to a crime even if anonymously and trying to normalize theft...
This is JJR, the amount of jobs and criminal activity he has coped too is unbelievable, I know he has also been a "fence" I can't remember the others but he has sure lead an impressive life. He also knows and or is related to very many impressive people.
not really. i started delivering flyers when i was 10... so did other kids in my public school. moved on to retail at 14.
then i went to the university of waterloo and took co-op software engineering. the academic terms are 4 months. the full time work terms are 4 months. This requires 9 or 10 moves in 4 and 2/3s years. most students live in 3 or 4 different cities during that time. its the biggest engineering school in canada. So its not like this is some crazy. out-of-the-norm experience.
From 18 to 22 I worked 6 four month work terms at 3 different companies. Just like everyone else in Waterloo's co-op engineering program does.
I think CombatEx went to Waterloo shortly after i did.. but i don't think he was in the co-op program.... i think he took computer science in the math faculty.
probably the reason why i didn't become very good at Starcraft during high school is that i always had some kind of part time job.. and in the summers a full time job.
On February 26 2019 08:17 JimmiC wrote: Side note, I also had no idea you were such a ladies man. I don't even know how you have managed to fit everything in!
If you read my posts carefully i think you'll find i had a very long brutal stretch of ZERO gfs during 4 of my years at Waterloo. Waterloo's co-op program is not exactly good for relationships or for meeting women because you are constantly moving.