Firstly can I just say how glad I am that I found this website all those months ago, coming from a WoW background man this community as a whole is a lot Nicer/friendlier/helpful and I'm glad my WoW days are behind me ^^
Some background on me, I'm an Aussie, and i live in Sydney. I'm a Diamond Protoss player on NA/SEA/EU but that's not what this blog is about. I finally through some sources purchased a Korean account.
Now, I know that's not a Big deal but ever since the game came out I've been hankering for a Korean account, so I can practice with the best, and now I CAN!!
So i get home from work and proceed to blaze through my first 4 placements then my last one.. The unthinkable happens....
Map: Backwater gulch
Opponent: Random
So already I'm thinking, OK here comes some sort of cheese, and I contemplate whether or not to Forge first in case of a cannon rush/6 Pool.
"What are the odds of that though" I think to myself, "Hopefully I can scout early enough to adapt to any cheese"
I pylon scout to be safe, and don't find my opponent till last. As my brave probe walks up the ramp he sees the unthinkable. A zerg player, 6 Drones, 6 Zerglings, all heading towards my base. Everything. Oh dear.
So panic sets in and i proceed to plop a forge and another pylon down.
"ok, I should be fine now, I've got this" Then.....
Blamo. Power in my house goes out.
"Well aint that a kick in the knickers" I think to myself. Well not really. It was more like: "FUUUUUbjsdajbksdbsadjbkasbjkgfbjkajbafojnajbigfbjkgfjbawhuiwajbk"
Power comes back on and I log in, and I'm too afraid to look at my league, then I do. Gold. GOLD.
But it isn't all bad, you see every cloud has a silver lining. Mine is that the Korean server, in my opinion is VASTLY different to the other servers. I mean I'm Playing gold players better than most diamond/low masters on the other servers. What most people say about this server is true, People are waaaay more agressive, and generally waaay more cheesy. Its really been a super steep learning curve for me and I think I'm already a better player for these last few days. Except for PvP, I still HAAATE PvP. HATE IT :/
Anyway seeing as I have quite a journey ahead of me, I figured I would blog about my experiences as I go. I might even set up a stream, I just got a new computer so I think I might test some things out over the next few days to see if my Crappy Aussie Internet can handle streaming T.T
Also any of you fine fellows on the KR server want to chat/practice my Name/code is Ezkaton.135.
Thanks for reading the first of what will probably be a few blogs!!