(P)MLAXtwelve vs. (Z)Zangano on Metalopolis:
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This game doesn’t have a ton to work on. On one point it is my longest game, but for a majority of the game I was keeping a steady lead and I think I won because of superior macro and multitasking. that being said I think I could have won this much faster and I think against a better Protoss I would have been crushed as I would have been hit with the air harassment much harder and faster before I could tech into hydras. Also I made infestors that I never used.
(P)Llamapowers vs. (Z)Zangano on Tal’Darim Altar:
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This game it is fairly obvious that I made several major mistakes. I took my third a little too early when I knew an army was at my front door. I didn’t tech into banelings, I didn’t transfuse the spinecrawlers, and I just made too few Zerglings. I think this is the Sapnsishiwa way to fight a 4 gate I just handled it improperly and I sacced a queen unnecessarily.
(Z)Zangano vs. (P)Twentyseven on Backwater Gulch:
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I feel so terrible for this one. I saw the Protoss cannoning off on one base and in my genius mind didn’t think HES MAKING VOIDRAYS IDIOT MAKE HYDRAS. This defeat makes me wanna kick myself.
(Z)Zangano vs. (P)Trex on Typhon Peaks:
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I got myself destroyed by a straight up 4-gate. After this game I learned that I need to make more spine crawlers in ZvP if I see evidence of 4-gate.
(Z)Zangano vs. (T)edmonton on Delta Quadrant:
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I was pretty happy with my play this game. I should have spread out my Overlords and made more Banelings. I also did an attack too early and should have waited to ambush when the tanks were sieging up. If my Overlords were spread out I think I could have sacced that base and saved up zerglings and banelings for when he moved into my main and I could have won.
(Z)Zangano vs. (T)Heathen on Backwater Gulch:
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Quick defeat, but very obvious what I did wrong here. I didn’t scout early enough to see the 2 rax pressure build and I suffered from it. Whether its cheese or not I can’t tell.
(Z)Zangano vs. (T)Alex on Shakuras Plateau:
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This game was another victory due to sheer out macroing, but I am proud of my unit composition and early game macro. I let my minerals drift because I psi capped myself a lot. MAKE MOAR OVERLORDS. I also didn’t spread overlords well again and also wasted an overlords by saccing it to scout without speed then again by sending another overlord in the same way. Needed better micro for my Zerglings in the end as well.
(Z)InFeSTaToOn vs. (Z)Zangano on Slag Pits:
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So this was me trying out the Spanishiwa opener in ZvZ which is more flexible but doable. I think in this game I could have pulled it off if I had just done a few things different. Firstly, I tried to do some cute baneling harass when I knew my drone count was way ahead and that he had roaches. If I were to do this again I would have made some spine crawlers in my nat, gotten my +1+1 faster (I was slow on it for no reason other than forgetting). Actually I should have built a warren instead of Banelings as I had seen roaches. Or I could have fended off that roach push long enough to get a spire up.
(Z)Zangano vs. (Z)SweetStrudel on Tal’Darim Altar:
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I am not too sure what to do, I think this was a seven roach rush and I since he was random I didn’t see his race fast enough. I guess this game was an issue with my scouting. Had I found his base and seen the warren I would have made more spine crawlers and made more lings. I could also have positioned my lings to flank the first roaches and get the surround.
(Z)MrImaUFriend vs. (Z)Zangano on Backwater Gulch:
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I didn’t Spanishiwa in this one, but my victory was due to a very effective baneling harass though I pushed it too hard and being a dumbass I again kept it up when I knew I was way ahead and he had roaches wasting resources. I got greedy.
(Z)Cristian vs. (Z)Zangano on Slag Pits:
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This game’s victory entirely is thanks to using my lings and spine crawlers. This was the same build as the game against SweetStrudel except I handled it and we were close enough positions to put in a fatal counterattack.
(Z)Zangano vs. (Z)Will on Shakuras Plateau:
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I think the only thing I can learn from this game is that don’t make too many assumptions. People can do literally anything int his game and sometimes even if it’s bad it will surprise you. I wasn’t aggressive enough I think.
(Z)Zangano vs. (Z)LuvToSplooge on Xel’Naga Caverns:
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a ZvZ where neither side is really playing it the orthodox way.
So overall I did much better than I expected but obviously I got some major issues I need to hammer out. I think this opener is strong but I need to keep practicing it against different races and openers to really have a solid feel for it. I also need to address several play issues like my macro falling apart in the mid game and not using my spellcasting units better (I need to use infestors and transmutes more). Lastly, I need to scout better against Protoss and Terran it is destroying me as well as more harassment in the early midgame to ensure my economic lead.
Of course for those out there reading and watching, I would live your feedback as well, do you have any tips for what I should work on?
So for next time
-solidify the opener especially once you get the influx of gas income.
-Work on early game defense by smarter scouting and static defense + ling micro.
-Work on keeping myself from being capped and drifting minerals in the mid-game
-Use infestors and transmutes more.
- harass more as well as actively try to be scouting all game.