I am currently rank 13 in diamond and i usually go as high as 7-6 before i get cheesed back to 13 or even as far as 15. the problem is that the higher i get the more cheese comes my way and just kills me. mainly from terrans. i can hold almost any cheese from zerg and toss easy but terran all ins are just soo strong. and is it me or do the scv's feel overpowerd vs. probes when fighting an all in? maybe its just because its hard to pick out the marines.
mostly its fast mauraders that kill me. or a fast seige tank and marines, banshees, and a raven thing. i just have no clue how to even stop that. any help on that?
now getting to PVP its kinda dumb and i cant wait for the patch. ist kinda pointless to play a pvp now seeing how drastically its going to change. so i get mad when i get pvp which has been the only match up i have played today.
does anyone else have days where they just get like one match up? somtimes i only get zerg or toss. doesn't happen with terran as much though.
is this normal to get more people cheesing as they get higher? from what artossis says on his stream the north american sever is just really bad and thats all he encounted which is true, because i watched his stream most of the time he streams.
is the euro sever like the NA server with mostly just people playing like douche bags?
i was just wondering.
I haven't played on NA, but what I've seen that in 90% of cases it's NA players who complaing about opponent being BM. I rarely meet BM on EU, but as I just climbed up to diamond I've seen some more. I get cheesed in about 10-15% of my games though... But generally I would guess that players are more mannered on EU than NA
Don't get frustrated man. Also, don't get all tense about your points and ranking, they truly truly don't matter. You can even vent your frustrations by cheesing a couple times yourself, or by trying something crazy and unorthodox. You know, having fun, the purpose of playing a game. Against the raven thing, just try to make him pop PDD mid map, this weakens it significantly. There are many threads detailing how to counter one base cheese. GLHF
I"m having similar issues. My problem is protoss. Lost to two cannon rushes today because i haven't faced them since beta LOLOL.
maybe we should practice some? I know a couple other people that are stuck at high diamond: I think that's where macro starts to get reasonable >.>
Well according to what people say, this is a bigger problem in NA than EU. Can't verify it though.
Odds are there might be more dickish players on the NA servers. Though I could be wrong on that. XD
On May 04 2011 15:26 Froadac wrote: I"m having similar issues. My problem is protoss. Lost to two cannon rushes today because i haven't faced them since beta LOLOL.
maybe we should practice some? I know a couple other people that are stuck at high diamond: I think that's where macro starts to get reasonable >.>
As someone who is in the exact same spot as the OP, the problem really is: we dont get chances to practise macro and focus on our macro mechanics because when your top 8 in Diamond, all you see are Cheesey players, who cheese well enough to get to the top of diamond, but cheese and only cheese so that masters players easily stomp them after denying their cheese.
The problem for the legitimate high diamond players is that we have to focus on super safe builds that account for the most likely incoming cheese play, so that when we get Masters opponents, our build is safer than theirs, but slower and they get the economy advantage, and as being a higher lvl player, these two combined = an eternity of being in diamond.
To the OP so far my only even semi plausible reaction to the banshee raven siege tank marine scv all-in is with fast chargelots with +1 armor. But u need enough stalkers to take down the banshees =/. Often times vs this I will kill all of the ground, but thanks to the PDD my stalkers all die be4 killing the banshees = me running for my life trying to get stalkers to finish the banshees off.
try to focus fire the banshees cause they are SUPER high damage, but really squishy if a PDD isnt raping your stalker dps.
Because of these pushes I am playing a lot more mass gateway units with super fast upgrades getting armor upgrades and speed for my zealots asap. I feel with robo tech you simply wont have the warpgates necessary to reinforce when you have killed everything save a couple banshees.
The Marine thor scv all-in however, i have no idea wtf to do vs that. And neither does LiquidTyler so idk what to tell people about this one. =/.
Uhhh.........what makes you guys think you deserve to be in masters when you can't stop cheeses? Also the Raven/banshee/marine thing isn't so bad, artosis does a video on it. Ive found success with phoenix/obs/sentries/zealots and FF the marines then using the sentries to focus the PDD down and using phoenix to snipe banshees....its kinda apm heavy but it works most of the time.
People don't play standard enough and that prevents your results to match your godly skills? You can find dumbasses thinking that at every level, from bronze scrubs to IdrA. People who are ranked higher are able to deal with stuff you are not able to deal with, that's why they have better results.
edit: not an answer to OP obviously, rather to some of the following posts
I don't deserve it. I need to work on it. I just suck, and have hit a bit of a skill cap (probably just me not having decent enough fundamentals)
vs. Siege tank marine raven/pdd, banshees, you absolutely need to wait for charge. Especially on maps like Tal Darim where they can shell away at your expo and also get high ground with the bansees. Chargelots decimate marines and tanks, and you only need a handful of stalkers, assuming you don't lose them.
I had a lot of trouble with these kinds of all-ins previously, but if you wait until charge finishes, you'll be dandy.
I get cheese here and there, but it's mostly macro games for me. High Diamond.