On March 10 2011 10:37 Diader wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:05 jayt88 wrote:On March 10 2011 09:55 Eknoid4 wrote: So, people like me should get banned, but an entire lynch mob of people whining, fretting, and talking constant shit about someone who is doing a job better than they could should all be able to collectively try to convince the world that they hate someone because of her accent in a tournament hosted in non-english speaking country? All the while just coincidentally not noticing every other thick and difficult accent to understand because Artosis is talking so loud over them they may as well not talk. By people he meant just you, because you are alone in being devoid of logic. The job is meant for people fluent in English, hence you have Artosis and Tasteless (both fluent in English). Pointing out that it is hosted in a non-English speaking country does not even matter, are you saying you can condone pathetic English commentators for the China Olympics or other international events not held in an English speaking country? People are not whining, they are making a point that she is bad or at least not up to par for the job. The criticisms are constant because the problem is constant, if she got better of course they would die down (some trolls will still continue). Last thing, accent is only part of the problem, her diction and pronunciation, failure to connect with co-caster and also occasional lack of knowledge (this factor is not a big issue in my opinion) are majority of the issues that have been pointed out. So don't just choose what you think you can refute and make a fool of yourself. For the record, Kelly IS fluent in English. She just has a Singaporean accent. Like how people in England speak fluent English with a British accent, etc. That makes me wonder, would there be this kind of a backlash to a British caster? Australian? New Yorker?
it depends. southern english is generally understandable to everyone but there are parts of "up north" and scotland where it just sounds like gibberish.
some accents are just more easily understood that others, whether its how they pronounce their s's or how fast they tend to speak. its nothing to do with the fact shes asian, people dont like it because they cant understand her, it doesnt matter why they cant.
my personal opinion is that she is a bit hit and miss, she has moments where its fine but moments where it sounds like a giggly school girl, but hit and miss isnt good enough for the number one tourney in the world, like it not the top of the podium isnt where you do your training.
if she needs to get more time infront of a camera thats something she needs to work on in her own time not after being gifted the top job because people are throwing around the racism card.
On March 10 2011 10:32 forgotten0ne wrote: If anyone wants a fun project, go through everyone who is "sad to see her go" or "thinks this is unfair", and see how many complained about her beforehand. It's like watching kids play with fire, and when they finally get burned, wonder why.
Find me ONE person who disliked her and now "thinks this is unfair"
Your smugness disgusts me, stop pulling shit out of your ass.
god damn I feel sorry for her, and seriously the community should feel ashamed. There is absolute nothing wrong having an opinion on her, whether it is dislike or like...
but giving her absolute no space to show that she is comitted to her work, wants to improve, her passion for the community and the game itself is just bullshit!
I remember on her first casting on GSL, and 5-10 minutes later someone actually took the liberty to post a thread with a poll on how they liked (rather how they disliked) her casting in GSL!
I really liked kelly ^_^ Keep up the good work Kelly don't be discouraged by all the haters, I think you are a wonderful caster and I really hope to see more of you in the future. #1 KellyMilkies FAN ._.
I hope GOM keeps Kelly. DOA has promise, but her insight is far superior, imho. Match her with another caster.
I simply don't understand some people's annoyance with her accent. Maybe they have limited exposure to other cultures outside their own 4 walls.
On March 10 2011 10:37 Diader wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:05 jayt88 wrote:On March 10 2011 09:55 Eknoid4 wrote: So, people like me should get banned, but an entire lynch mob of people whining, fretting, and talking constant shit about someone who is doing a job better than they could should all be able to collectively try to convince the world that they hate someone because of her accent in a tournament hosted in non-english speaking country? All the while just coincidentally not noticing every other thick and difficult accent to understand because Artosis is talking so loud over them they may as well not talk. By people he meant just you, because you are alone in being devoid of logic. The job is meant for people fluent in English, hence you have Artosis and Tasteless (both fluent in English). Pointing out that it is hosted in a non-English speaking country does not even matter, are you saying you can condone pathetic English commentators for the China Olympics or other international events not held in an English speaking country? People are not whining, they are making a point that she is bad or at least not up to par for the job. The criticisms are constant because the problem is constant, if she got better of course they would die down (some trolls will still continue). Last thing, accent is only part of the problem, her diction and pronunciation, failure to connect with co-caster and also occasional lack of knowledge (this factor is not a big issue in my opinion) are majority of the issues that have been pointed out. So don't just choose what you think you can refute and make a fool of yourself. For the record, Kelly IS fluent in English. She just has a Singaporean accent. Like how people in England speak fluent English with a British accent, etc. That makes me wonder, would there be this kind of a backlash to a British caster? Australian? New Yorker?
http://www.usatoday.com/money/world/2011-01-10-callcenters10_CV_N.htm Call centers booming in Phillipines, partly because they have more neutral accents than Indians.
http://www.unrealitytv.co.uk/x-factor/x-factor-usa-cheryl-cole-loses-job-because-of-accent/ Brit with heavy regional accent supposedly doesn't get a job on a US TV show because of her accent.
People who are aiming at a particular group need to be able to communicate effectively with that group. If you are speaking to the general population, then having an 'easy' accent is a key thing.
I've seen episodes of TV shows where people have been subtitled because their accent may be hard to understand for the viewers (UK shows subtitled for US audience, and US shows subtitled for UK audiences, or Brits/Americans in shows shown in the opposite country being subtitled).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accent_reduction It's a legal form of discrimination in the US when it comes to jobs, "under U.S. labor law, employers can make job decisions based on accent if it interferes with work".
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1571946/No-accent-too-thick-for-a-UK-job-says-minister.html "However, her comments brought a reaction from business leaders, who said that some jobs simply could not be done properly by people with very strong accents - because they would struggle to make themselves understood."
If the Brit/Aussie/New Yorker was difficult to understand, I'm sure people would complain. A lot of people like TotalBiscuit because he has a "different" (to them) accent, but he's able to be understood. Being different doesn't mean bad, being different and hard to understand is where the problem is. Get someone from the deep south to commentate and I'm sure people would complain about that as well.
On March 10 2011 10:40 rysecake wrote: I wonder what people here think of TLO's casting, which had a much worse accent than Kelly's imo. I'm 100% American and I could understand Kelly better than TLO at least. I agree with this. However I think that people are more willing to give TLO a chance and not say anything rude about his casting since he is really good at the game and he's a guy. I'm going to miss having Kelly casting.
On March 10 2011 10:43 Khaymus wrote: This is what Starcraft 2 has done to the community.
The internet is a shitty place. People act like complete fucks because they can get away with it. Starcraft 1 community was great because we all loved something that very few people did...we all GOT IT. We understood what we loved was a beautiful thing...and didn't bitch about everything.
Starcraft 2 has made this game very very popular...and with popularity comes the internet. People on the internet are complete fucks which in turn make anything that is popular have a community of fucks.
Screw you internet...another reason to hate you on a daily basis. So glad all of my hobbies have to revolve around this cess pool.
People were just as hateful to lilsusie when she casted GOM Season 2 for SC1.
On March 10 2011 10:37 Diader wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:05 jayt88 wrote:On March 10 2011 09:55 Eknoid4 wrote: So, people like me should get banned, but an entire lynch mob of people whining, fretting, and talking constant shit about someone who is doing a job better than they could should all be able to collectively try to convince the world that they hate someone because of her accent in a tournament hosted in non-english speaking country? All the while just coincidentally not noticing every other thick and difficult accent to understand because Artosis is talking so loud over them they may as well not talk. By people he meant just you, because you are alone in being devoid of logic. The job is meant for people fluent in English, hence you have Artosis and Tasteless (both fluent in English). Pointing out that it is hosted in a non-English speaking country does not even matter, are you saying you can condone pathetic English commentators for the China Olympics or other international events not held in an English speaking country? People are not whining, they are making a point that she is bad or at least not up to par for the job. The criticisms are constant because the problem is constant, if she got better of course they would die down (some trolls will still continue). Last thing, accent is only part of the problem, her diction and pronunciation, failure to connect with co-caster and also occasional lack of knowledge (this factor is not a big issue in my opinion) are majority of the issues that have been pointed out. So don't just choose what you think you can refute and make a fool of yourself. For the record, Kelly IS fluent in English. She just has a Singaporean accent. Like how people in England speak fluent English with a British accent, etc. That makes me wonder, would there be this kind of a backlash to a British caster? Australian? New Yorker?
British? No. Aussie? No. NY? lots of backlash Boston? lots of backlash Alabama? absurd amounts of backlash
IMO, of course.
If we can all just accept these two facts, we can all get along better.
1. Just because you find her accent fine, doesn't mean every1 else would. 2. Just because you find her accent annoying, it doesn't mean every1 else would.
On March 10 2011 10:43 Khaymus wrote: This is what Starcraft 2 has done to the community.
The internet is a shitty place. People act like complete fucks because they can get away with it. Starcraft 1 community was great because we all loved something that very few people did...we all GOT IT. We understood what we loved was a beautiful thing...and didn't bitch about everything.
Starcraft 2 has made this game very very popular...and with popularity comes the internet. People on the internet are complete fucks which in turn make anything that is popular have a community of fucks.
Screw you internet...another reason to hate you on a daily basis. So glad all of my hobbies have to revolve around this cess pool.
"hey guys im part of a small group of people and no one else is allowed to play this and when they do come I'm going to cry about it to remind them that i'm tuFF"
actually its people like you, the ones who CARE too much, that make the internet stupid. Kelly was a terrible caster, close your eyes and don't watch what is going on and then try to listen to her without a bias opinion. You will agree
Of course you're just someone on the internet, so you'll just say you can understand her. Thats fine even if it is a lie, the majority has no idea what she is saying and it *RUINS* code A when it just becomes you and a bunch of friends mocking Kelly through Skype.
Honestly I don't think she is suitable for this position but I think she did a decent job and has the right attitude/work ethic so I'm left with a positive opinion of her. It's kind of sad that wherever her name appeared, flaming and bashing usually ensued (even in her fan club). Some people are treating her tryout in code A as some sort of existential crisis which I think is by far an over response.
The white knighting is so fierce in this topic and on these forums as of late, I have to say they are worse than even the most blatantly prejudiced and borderline racist posts on the other side.
Blindly defending an opinion on either side to the point of bigotry is equally bad.
Let's look at the FACTS.
1.) She was not fired. This was explained in Gom's clarification on the state of code A casters. She was given a contract for 1 season and while I guess it's reasonable to suspect that contract might've been extended had the response been more favorable...
2.) The response to her casting was not positive overall and mixed at best. It's sad to see some people trying to draw some type of false equivalency in the other topics celebrating or acknowledging the other casters. Moletrap was generally congratulated and Doa, while a little less positive overall, was not criticized anywhere close to the degree that Kelly was. People who claim this is because they are white males are equally bigoted as the worse of the other side because the real reasons the mass majority of people disliked Kelly are...
3.) That her knowledge of the game was severely lacking -- even of her most familiar race. This is supposed to be her job and she's supposed to be a professional... and yet her knowledge of the game is nowhere near countless others. And...
4.) Her accent. Contrary to what some people say, for the majority of people, this has absolutely nothing to do with her sex or her race and everything to do with how understandable she is in comparison to the industry norm for broadcasters. She could be a white male with her accent and most of us would be equally upset.
At first, I was totally opposed to her hiring. After taking the "advice" of her defenders and giving her a chance, I was no less disappointed than I initially envisioned I would be. She had some fun moments where I think the character of Tasteless and Artosis worked well with her but her glaring lack of knowledge regarding the game didn't improve at the rate it needed to to silence her critics and her accent didn't improve (like many expected, because like many pointed out, to change an accent so heavy takes YEARS).
On March 10 2011 10:40 rysecake wrote: I wonder what people here think of TLO's casting, which had a much worse accent than Kelly's imo. I'm 100% American and I could understand Kelly better than TLO at least. Lolz this is so true. When I watch ESL, I don't understand a words TLO and other casters said, and yet people keep complimenting them.
I for one hope she gets rehired. I actually thought she knew what she was talking about (she definitely knows more than Doa IMO), and despite the constant hate she always had a professional attitude on stream.
Plus, she punked Artosis live. That was one of my favorite moments
Yeah, I don't get the white knighting, the job was temporary, she would have left after one season regardless of whether or not people were bothered by her accent.
I'm of the opinion that they should actually hire people who have experience commentating and public speaking. People with a record of casting games, or people with experience in radio or some other media. Surely there's someone with a decent voice who would like nothing more then to comment SC2 games for a living.
I wish people wouldn't hide behind her accent as the reason they don't like her now when they already made up their mind in the beginning. I'm glad for all of those who changed their opinion of her and I really hope she comes back after their trials are finished, she really worked well with Artosis and Tastless (who wouldn't?) and I thoroughly enjoyed their casts but honestly I think Doa is trying too hard to (or subconsciously is) acting like Artosis and Tasteless in his casting while Kelly was original and still fun. Oh well, I doubt Gom's decision will disappoint me so I'm looking forward to their choice.
On March 10 2011 10:53 canikizu wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:40 rysecake wrote: I wonder what people here think of TLO's casting, which had a much worse accent than Kelly's imo. I'm 100% American and I could understand Kelly better than TLO at least. Lolz this is so true. When I watch ESL, I don't understand a words TLO and other casters said, and yet people keep complimenting them. The difference is that TLO fans won't say you hate him because he's a white male which is just as ridiculous as the kelly defence (Asian Female).
On March 10 2011 10:49 Teivospy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:43 Khaymus wrote: This is what Starcraft 2 has done to the community.
The internet is a shitty place. People act like complete fucks because they can get away with it. Starcraft 1 community was great because we all loved something that very few people did...we all GOT IT. We understood what we loved was a beautiful thing...and didn't bitch about everything.
Starcraft 2 has made this game very very popular...and with popularity comes the internet. People on the internet are complete fucks which in turn make anything that is popular have a community of fucks.
Screw you internet...another reason to hate you on a daily basis. So glad all of my hobbies have to revolve around this cess pool. "hey guys im part of a small group of people and no one else is allowed to play this and when they do come I'm going to cry about it to remind them that i'm tuFF" actually its people like you, the ones who CARE too much, that make the internet stupid. Kelly was a terrible caster, close your eyes and don't watch what is going on and then try to listen to her without a bias opinion. You will agree Of course you're just someone on the internet, so you'll just say you can understand her. Thats fine even if it is a lie, the majority has no idea what she is saying and it *RUINS* code A when it just becomes you and a bunch of friends mocking Kelly through Skype. you could've saved yourself a lot of time by just saying "yup you're right. I'm one of these assclowns you were referring to."
Suppose you thought that Kelly and TLO had similarly hard to understand accents. The reason so many people liked his casting and not Kelly's could be boiled down to game knowledge and how he enhanced the cast with his knowledge in addition to saying what is going on.