On March 10 2011 10:45 dxong wrote: god damn I feel sorry for her, and seriously the community should feel ashamed. There is absolute nothing wrong having an opinion on her, whether it is dislike or like...
but giving her absolute no space to show that she is comitted to her work, wants to improve, her passion for the community and the game itself is just bullshit!
I remember on her first casting on GSL, and 5-10 minutes later someone actually took the liberty to post a thread with a poll on how they liked her casting in GSL!
That's not the case at all. It's much like one of those singing or dancing shows where everyone gets a chance to show off their talents, and the judges decide who is the best. It's not how you can improve AFTER you get on the show, it's coming to the show ready to flaunt your stuff. Personally, I'm not entirely sad to see her go.
Here is my take. I think it is safe to say that the model casting duo should be tastosis: one caster and one deep analysis commentator. Doa and Kelly are not deep analysis commentators, they are both casters. I would consider commentators to be like Artosis, incontrol, and Idra among others. Example of casters would be HDStarcraft and HuskyStarcraft (Unless that has changed since I last watched several months ago).
So the result, is that their duo doesn't work because they lack deep analysis. Yes, they do have basica analysis, but beyond that it gets sketchy. This means that you basically have two casters. Between these two casters I think that Doa does a far better job. Accents aside, since I am not concerned with that, Doa does a better job at being professional and looking/sounding good on stage.
To make the casting work, one of them has to go and I think it is pretty clear that whether it was to give someone else a shot or some other reason, Kelly was the one that had to go for at least now. Doa doing a better job not to mention the not insubstantial number of viewers that have trouble understanding Kelly making that decision easier.
We may see Kelly again, but I would only support her as a caster if her analysis became deep enough which it is not right now.
Poor analysis examples from last night's matches (contains spoiler): + Show Spoiler +In the ZvZ they never addressed the two drone descrepency at the beggining of the game. Then somewhere through the game Kelly said that it was because Losira was making so many drones. It was partially due to that but also becuase of the 2 drone discrep. and the ling counter attack when Leenock was out of position. I can find more example but will leave it at that for now
On March 10 2011 10:48 everyone wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2011 10:40 rysecake wrote: I wonder what people here think of TLO's casting, which had a much worse accent than Kelly's imo. I'm 100% American and I could understand Kelly better than TLO at least. I agree with this. However I think that people are more willing to give TLO a chance and not say anything rude about his casting since he is really good at the game and he's a guy. I'm going to miss having Kelly casting. 
Bringing up this point got me thinking... Does it really matter why we dislike her? Lets say we dislike her because we are indeed sexist, maybe we dont like how a commentator is missing a tooth, maybe we dislike him because he has huge pimple on his forehead. Does it really matter? If we dislike a commentator enough to mute or avoid code A totally, it just makes good business sense to replace the commentator.
GOM isn't there to teach us to appreciate the differences between Asian accents and English accents, if a decent % of their customer base dislikes her commentating well they just got to change it or they risk losing that %.
On March 10 2011 10:49 Teivospy wrote:Kelly was a terrible caster, close your eyes and don't watch what is going on and then try to listen to her without a bias opinion. You will agree
You watch GSL with your eyes closed?
Kelly wasn't bad it is just hard for her to live up to the hype of tastosis. I enjoyed her casts on the less complex games, but when games started getting really macro oriented she didn't really deliver good insight and acknowledge how well the players were truly playing. Like Losira vs HuK was amazing play by Losira but the casts wouldn't suggest it was anything special. Wouldn't mind seeing her again, she will have more time to improve over the next few months!
oh that sucks for Kelly... on the other hand, im not sad
On March 10 2011 10:34 Selith wrote: Kelly's accent / pronunciation is understandable for the most part (even "funny" pronunciation of words are clearly understandable), but when she gets excited, I can't understand what she is saying. It all sounds like a blur, if you know what I mean. If she can fix that, then there isn't really much left to do other than to develop 'caster sense', if you will, of SC2.
I agree. Some people are being way to hard on her. She went to Korea and gave it her all. Good for her, I don't see why people are being they way they are. People should be kind and supportive, tell her what she can do to improve instead of being harsh.
wow 30 pages... I think even if everyone liked her she still would leave because GOM wants to circle casters for Code A.
Wow, 32 pages - it shows that a lot of people have an opinion (whether good or bad) about her. I for one am sad that she's leaving. I think her casting with Artosis or Tasteless was pretty good but didn't think it worked out that well with Doa because they are both play-by-play casters. Even though Tasteless is more a play-by-play his analytical casting is decent.
Hope to see more of her in future GSLs, and good luck for the future! Hopefully, she won't let the haters affect her and continue to improve! Kelly fighting! I end this with my 2 favourite moments of her casting:
oGsSupernova!! (from Supanova vs Squirtle, ro32 set2).
High five! *Withdraws hand* Did you just dodge a high five?? Now you know how "Grack Fields"!!
hopefully she didn't let the haters get to her
she was getting better, and it was cool having a girl caster. I actually really started liking Code A. Oh well GL 
i wish i had the balls to try and be a caster
i really really really liked the combination of Kelly and DoA. I didn't really notice Kelly's Accent nor did i really care but the combination of their voices kind of worked. Hopefully its just a beta phase and kelly didn't choose to go home.
i'd say kelly will fade off never to be seen/mentioned again. Thats abit harsh maybe casting some SEA tourney for $50. but who could blame her being so flamed by so many i wouldnt show my face ever again.
I have a hard time believe that Kelly's anti-fans are mostly those against Asian girls. Seriously? This site has a healthy dose of yellow fever, what with the numerous posts about wanting to go and live in Korea and the salivating on anything remotely to do with Kpop Idols. So who's doing the hating exactly? Demographically I don't think it's Asian guys, it certainly wouldn't be white guys(more asian girls the better and if they have big titties like lil.susie(plus she's got like a huge fetish for white guys apparently). Girls don't make enough of a demographic to register any kind of opinion on tl.net or in the gaming world really, so who the heck would be hating on Kelly because she's Asian and Female? Those things should be working in HER favor, not against it. She just has a terrible accent/voice for casting.
=>Kelly is just not good enough for a professional caster for gomtv global. If you don't agree with me, you are surely a fool. =>Kelly improved a lot during her casting career but she still had a feel mistake. When she excited or tried to talk fast, it was so hard to understand what she was saying. Also add in an annoying girl fast speaking part. Guys don't want to listen to girls when they talk so fast like that. It's really annoying. =>European maybe fine with her accent but US is not. Let's try to hire someone else with better speaking skill.
On March 10 2011 11:13 firemansam wrote: i'd say kelly will fade off never to be seen/mentioned again. Thats abit harsh maybe casting some SEA tourney for $50. but who could blame her being so flamed by so many i wouldnt show my face ever again.
You'd give up your dream over a bad reception or ridicule? Never gonna achieve anything with that attitude. Just because you fell off the bicycle doesn't mean you can't get up and try again.
On March 10 2011 11:03 EnderPR wrote:Here is my take. I think it is safe to say that the model casting duo should be tastosis: one caster and one deep analysis commentator. Doa and Kelly are not deep analysis commentators, they are both casters. I would consider commentators to be like Artosis, incontrol, and Idra among others. Example of casters would be HDStarcraft and HuskyStarcraft (Unless that has changed since I last watched several months ago). So the result, is that their duo doesn't work because they lack deep analysis. Yes, they do have basica analysis, but beyond that it gets sketchy. This means that you basically have two casters. Between these two casters I think that Doa does a far better job. Accents aside, since I am not concerned with that, Doa does a better job at being professional and looking/sounding good on stage. To make the casting work, one of them has to go and I think it is pretty clear that whether it was to give someone else a shot or some other reason, Kelly was the one that had to go for at least now. Doa doing a better job not to mention the not insubstantial number of viewers that have trouble understanding Kelly making that decision easier. We may see Kelly again, but I would only support her as a caster if her analysis became deep enough which it is not right now. Poor analysis examples from last night's matches (contains spoiler): + Show Spoiler +In the ZvZ they never addressed the two drone descrepency at the beggining of the game. Then somewhere through the game Kelly said that it was because Losira was making so many drones. It was partially due to that but also becuase of the 2 drone discrep. and the ling counter attack when Leenock was out of position. I can find more example but will leave it at that for now
Interesting how you mention the drone discrepancy on yesterday's ZvZ. This drone discrepancy was because Losira skipped his second queen at his nat, opting to get some extra drones and lings instead.
God some of the people here are just.....
I mean really?? "I paid for the stream I should be able to choose who I want casting games, I don't like her, whaa whaa whaa"
Let me ask most of you.. do you call your cable company if you don't like someone on a show and cry about it??
It's unfortunate that the once great SC community has turned into the WoW community, a bunch of whiners
Well..I don't have problem with her accents or things in that nature but what bothered me watching code A matches were the roles caster/commentator take.
There should be 1 Caster and 1 Commentator/Analyst.
when Artosis and Tasteless does their stuff, Artosis is the Analyst commenting on how things look and analyze players builds and stuff. Tasteless basically "casts" the game, describing whats happening on screen.
The reason why I think tasteless and kelly mix didn't work too well is that nobody is there to analyze the game play. Kelly tries to but often times wrong. so both of them "casts" the game.
Also reason why, at least in my opinion, Artosis/Kelly combo worked out alot better.
Kelly can be ok as long as there is more knowledgeable analyst along side her. but lack of vocabulary that I see in her casting kinda turns me off i must say. there is other way of describing thing then "looks like he is doinng xxxxxx at the moment" x100
Well to those who don't actually watch the GSL and instead just ragged on KellyMILKIES, I actually watched, when she was with Doa she made some good calls especially Huk vs LosirA, Doa, stated that Huk is going to be going Colossus looks like, she knew though that he is going to be going Immortals, from her actual experience.
People forget she actually has a LOT of casting experience, she makes her calls pretty well, there are only a hand for of analytic casters like Artosis/Day9/Tasteless, I've noticed that a lot of people who have been complaining say they mute her, how would you even know how "deep" her knowledge is if you didn't listen from start to finish? I did, I find that she's not as bad as some VERY fluent english speaking people. She didn't just say "I think" she'd say "He is" and was quite often right.
Maybe I don't complain because I am bilingual and speak two languages myself, and I don't have an English accent whatsoever(Technically I speak American if you get the joke.) but even that was hard to get rid of for me.
Also to be frank no offense to Doa he's got a great voice, but he's boring to watch without KellyMilkies, Artosis and Tasteless were a better duo, they would joke with each other too.
People forget about our community as a whole also. The SC2 community tries to be more supportive usually, so negative talk if you haven't read for lilsusie and kellymilkies and torches girl friend have all gotten a LOT of comments from males like "Go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich" Also it's always easier to bash someone rather than compliment or give them constructive feedback. My sister is one of the best Artists in the world and she gets shit still, including the jokes of back tot he kitchen.
I grew up being raised mostly by my mother and eldest sister, so I can see most guys are assholes when it comes to women in a professional atmosphere, let me guess.. It's never alright to hit a woman right? That comes from a lot of guys who still live in the stone-age, here's a tip "It's never alright to hit" not a girl or a guy. Live in the present and live how SC2 community and E-Sports needs it. Be supportive of our Casters as much as you can give them constructive feedback, Offer them help to improve their English. not btw (You're english sucks go kill yourself.) Our community is the only community that says "GG" and we don't teabag our competition. On a majority level.
And to Kelly.
See you in the Bo3
People forget the GSL isn't a tournament hosted by a small business or regular player/person. Gom.tv and Blizzard are expected to go about everything in a professional, and best-as-possible manner. The expectations for casters, commentating a GLOBAL Tournament FOR Blizzard are not standard. You need to be very knowledgeable, understandable, and likable, you're speaking to thousands if not million(s) of people.
Criticism, be it bad or good, is entirely necessary for something of such a large, professional scale - they want to do it right, no? Better to not lie and pat people on the back when they might not deserve it, just because you feel bad.
She may be back, but probably not likely.