started a ZvP on Aztec
+ Show Spoiler +noticed that there was lag of like 1.5-2 seconds, so i decide to just speedling all in. my opponent 2 gates i defend easily with my speedlings+ 1 sunken ahh, the classic 'you hack' ally... or drop (lol so pathetic) he did indeed disconnect after i killed his hidden buildings :/
I also played a TvP on ChupungRyeong
+ Show Spoiler +After I destroyed my opponents natural and killed all the probes at his 3rd he says: 'I would recall on you and win, but i have to go' 'you're bad, im playing with one hand' 'GG' he then proceeds with the classic GG into disconnect build order.
noticed that there was lag of like 1.5-2 seconds, so i decide to just speedling all in. From my experience, it is very difficult for tosses to defend against speedling all-in when there is a heavy lag.
he then proceeds with the classic GG into disconnect build order. It never was entire clear for me, does the game exits nicely or disconnects when you hit Alt-F4?
On December 28 2010 20:02 Frigo wrote:Show nested quote +noticed that there was lag of like 1.5-2 seconds, so i decide to just speedling all in. From my experience, it is very difficult for tosses to defend against speedling all-in when there is a heavy lag.
yeah it's pretty hard to do anything in that much lag.
It never was entire clear for me, does the game exits nicely or disconnects when you hit Alt-F4?
not sure
UMS ZvP on Python, guy hacked, 9999999 minerals and gas, 255 air weapon upgrade (or so he said, in the replay it is 8), spammed cannons, reavers and carriers
It took him 53 minutes to kill me. The very definition of "you suck".
WHOA never seen that before.
On December 28 2010 23:54 Frigo wrote:UMS ZvP on Python, guy hacked, 9999999 minerals and gas, 255 air weapon upgrade (or so he said, in the replay it is 8), spammed cannons, reavers and carriers It took him 53 minutes to kill me. The very definition of "you suck".
53? youve got to be kidding :O he could have just uberfast made tons of units right at the start....
On December 28 2010 16:53 ZeroChrome wrote:started a ZvP on Aztec + Show Spoiler +noticed that there was lag of like 1.5-2 seconds, so i decide to just speedling all in. my opponent 2 gates i defend easily with my speedlings+ 1 sunken ahh, the classic 'you hack' ally... or drop (lol so pathetic) he did indeed disconnect after i killed his hidden buildings :/ I also played a TvP on ChupungRyeong + Show Spoiler +After I destroyed my opponents natural and killed all the probes at his 3rd he says: 'I would recall on you and win, but i have to go' 'you're bad, im playing with one hand' 'GG' he then proceeds with the classic GG into disconnect build order. I find it hilarious that the first game he accuses you of hack then says ally or drop. Why accuse someone of hacking if you're going to disconnect/try to drophack them lol.
And the second guy it seems since he wrote gg that he wasn't intentionally disconnecting. Sometimes when you leave really fast in a game it disconnects for the other guy.
On January 02 2011 13:27 therockmanxx wrote: "i play in sc2"
pure gold.
+ Show Spoiler +On January 02 2011 13:27 therockmanxx wrote:Ok Im gonna post a cute game here ... yay Lost Temple Zerg 12oclock(Me) vs Terran 3oclock possition. He has the advantage !! Testing his entrance ... I think he is going M&M. + Show Spoiler +I decide to go lurkers 1base marines timing attacks always beat me Its a drop !! (This is the only agression he did the entire game) + Show Spoiler +He finally decide to take his natural and I was ready to take my 4base I was camping outside his base waiting that he made any movement... and waited... and waited..... + Show Spoiler +This image is widescreen. Screw this !! Lets just go !! Wht army composition do I need vs a turtle terran?? NVM just attack. Sometime I wish I could move my army with just 1hotkey!! Dark Swarms in terran base is a bad thing ... for the terran I decided to ask him why he didn't do any further agression to stop me from expanding which leads to his inevitable dead... Fair enough
Hahaha i lold
"i play sc2"
pure win
United States10328 Posts
loooool "i play in sc2" very nice
This is another game... ZvZ in HBR
12Pool with gas pretty standar in zvz... I'm at 3oclock position...
+ Show Spoiler + He decide to camp his lings in one side of his main, My lings are in the door of my natural out of his overlord vision. If you cant tell there is something wrong in this pic, probably you are not a zerg player.
He was asking for this...
+ Show Spoiler + I believe an slowpoke has a faster reaction time than this guy...
+ Show Spoiler + He goes for the counter!! I'll be fine...
+ Show Spoiler + Back to his base..... where his base used to be....
+ Show Spoiler + Now back to my ...... I think I should move away my drones after my sunken was gone... T_T
This doesnt look good. 3 Mutas + 6 Scourge vs 2 Mutas T_T Lucky for me I have ninja lings.. Charge !!!!! ..... Retreat !!!!
Just in time.....
+ Show Spoiler + Naahh........
+ Show Spoiler + LOL
The placement of every single building in that game makes 0 sense.
On January 03 2011 09:34 koreasilver wrote: The placement of every single building in that game makes 0 sense.
Because I am noob ?? Duh !!!
On March 27 2008 09:51 ._. wrote: Made my day. Still get a feeling it was sorta set up.
On November 01 2010 01:25 AyJay wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2010 21:05 zimp wrote:oh i see the progamer dragoon gif just disappeared so here it is again (in bigger size) because its worth watching^^ It's Jesus! + Show Spoiler +Get it? Dragoons are dead protoss warriors that were revived!
Rofl i thought before i clicked the spolier it would say "becuase he walked on water"
<3 you all, just rediscovered this thread. missed it.
From a game today:
I went into shock after this lol, I think my apm dropped to like 0 for a couple of seconds. I still won the game though, so it's all good :D