I love watching the pros play. I am sure you do too. The problem come in when I try to execute high diamond level play in the silver league... It just doesn't play out like it does in the tournaments.
This is why I find it so helpful to watch games of lower league play. If I am in silver league, I better know what silver league players are doing overall so I can counter it. If I am a gold player, same thing... When I get to the higher levels (IF I ever get there) then the majestic micro play of a guy like DeMuslim is going to be very helpful for me to watch. For now, it's just kinda frustrating...
One other thing i think is important to focus on... Pros are not making the same kinds of mistakes that I am making. I can't watch a pro play, even if they lose, and say - "Oh, he did THAT wrong, I do THAT all the time, I should STOP doing that so I can get better." That just doesn't happen. Do I make the mistakes the pros make? Yeah, most definitely, but those are not the mistakes that are losing me games and causing me to face palm all over my desktop...
This is why we created NuubCast. A new youtube channel. On this channel my team of casters will commentate lower level games that we play - AND games that YOU submit - to show the mistakes that bronze, silver, gold and platinum players make - even some diamond play as well. We will cast your victories and your defeats, and all grow together on the path of becoming a better SC2 player.
If I could, I would post the videos we cast here on this blog, but I don't think I can embed vids here... So come on over and subscribe to see the casts, then come on back here to discuss games and lower level strategy.
I like the idea. I mean gotta give some casting love to the lower ranks too. I'll check out some vids and give some feedback.
I am Diamond but not particularly great at the game, so I may send in some of the better games I have if that's okay. I've been practicing a lot recently and I think this would be a good helpful outlet, plus like TheAntZ said, it would be fun to get ripped apart by a bunch of dudes on YouTube.