bbyong adding turrets at 7.5
dropship checks out action's main but 2 hydra are watching
bbyong moving out witha bug mnmnf group a few lurkers there burrow,poor control, lots of mnmnf die swarm goes down AFTEr and one vessel scourged, and bbyong needs to back off another drop in action's back nat - and picked up to leave as hydra/lurk come to defend
now scourge chase the dropship hiding in the corner...boom
LOL what?!?!? bbyong hides his dropship at the corner of the map next to an ovie just to be sniped by scourge
a plague on a few mnm
mnm threatening action's rebuilt 2.5 no defense there but a sunken?
cracklings stop mining at 7.5
action loses 2.5
drop in the main again, 5 lings/one guardian deter them
scourge pick off 4/5 vessels just 3 ultras attacking bbyong's front door but 2 bunkers can't hold here come the lings to join them
bbyong concedes action advances!
United States10328 Posts
3rd of bbyong traded for 5th of action... ddropship negated again by guardian/lings
like 5 vessels scourged!! ultras are out and into the nat of bbyong! GG! yeahhhh action~~
Singapore66063 Posts
gg!!! action late game is beautiful
United States10328 Posts
On November 13 2010 19:06 konadora wrote: GG!
whoa whatcha doin for 30k
craton showing off his perfect liquibet?? action looks kind of despondent despite advancing
bbyong has to pack up and go home empty-handed
man. we really need a action/kwanro hybrid offspring
Nice game by Action, 3 guardiangs saved the game
Yeah Action my mafia zerg!!! Go and take this MSL!
Thanks Craton for streaming, much appreciated.
Yeah, thanks for the stream!
United States10328 Posts
On November 13 2010 19:07 Zona wrote: craton showing off his perfect liquibet?? action looks kind of despondent despite advancing
bbyong has to pack up and go home empty-handed
nope, he picked action>bbyong game 1
though thanks a lot craton for streaming!! :D
On November 13 2010 19:07 Doraemon wrote: man. we really need a action/kwanro hybrid offspring
jaedong?? lolol