"How do you respond to TvZ being previously heavily Terran favored and a Zerg winning season 1?"
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This is going to be the easiest prediction ever, as well as slight rant.
A Terran is going to win GSL season 1. Any idiot can see this. This last patch made it impossible for top level Zergs to beat top level Terrans once the game goes anywhere near late game. MULEs simply kill you. Just like beta...
Reading the SC2 boards make me cringe though, because there are still posters posting, "omg that Terran played so amazing!" or, "omg now Zergs need to learn how to play....ha!" t/n: because in the past, Terrans hardly ever made it to tournament quarterfinals — ask anyone who followed zotac during the beta or read TL when word spread that Korean Zergs were more developed and adapted to the game than anyone else
Do these people not see that Terrans are doing literally nothing different from last patch and now are raping the face of every Zerg they come across t/n: with reapers. And they're doing it with ease.
Terrans right now are secretly smiling and trying to play off the "our race is so weak " card t/n: see the first note above even when they know their race is now the strongest. I find it absolutely hilarious how biased Terran players are and how their perception of game balance is horribly off to how the game actually is.
And I doubt top level P's are having much easier of a time versus T that Z's are. PvT is probably balanced now, considering Protoss had such a huge advantage in the last patch, but now it's about even I'd think.
TvZ though...lol blizzard. Every TvZ the Terran gets their expo for free, with not even the THREAT of losing it t/n: because the Zergs are afraid of hellion and reaper harrass. That threat was so very important in the patch b4 this (where Terrans were already beginning to rape Zergs - but they pretended otherwise).
Zerg has been massively overnerfed. It basically started with the Roach nerf. Instead of buffing Terran up to Zerg's level, Roach were nerfed (also making them utterly garbage in ZvP killing off lings and hydras entirely).
The 1->2 roach supply change, plus the neural parasite and hydralisk t/n: from bw changes now leaves Terran so comfortable, they're often 20 MULEs ahead in any and every TvZ you or I will ever play.
And Roaches...have been effectively removed from the game.
I cannot see any race other than a Terran like Clide or HopeTorture winning GSL1. This is not a matter of "just play better and recognize your mistakes." (t/n: "i shouldn't have to be a pro to beat a god-damn build!") Terran is right now the strongest race (again) t/n: reference to the days of the terran bonjwa and I predict a TvT finals, with Clide versus HopeTorture. t/n: because it was all T and 1 Z from the semifinals onward~
Or it could be any other two Terrans in the finals. Assuming somehow it is not a TvT final and some protoss or zerg gimmicks their way to the finals, if the final is TvZ, Terran absolutely is the winner of GSL1. t/n: LOLOLOL
If it's a PvZ in the finals, it is a toss-up. And at this point in time, predicting a ZvP finals is laughable.
The others simply stand no chance.