Good Evening TL,
My name is Will, also known as Sireph (#444) in-game. I'm a High Bronze level Toss (currently rank 8) and my goal here is to get better and enjoy playing SC.
Everyday I want to post my findings and results from practicing and laddering here, not only to put everything in one place but to share it with other people like me, who kind of suck.
I'm a student at NYU and I'm currently on the CSL team. Hopefully through playing with them and my practice partners I'll be ranking up to diamond/plat in no time.
Speaking of practice partners, I'm still looking for bronze or silver level zerg partners.
Today's findings:
TvP: Playing on one base, there's no way I can support an early HT build with 4 gates. Practice partner had trouble dealing with HT storms against bio-ball but by the time he had a bio-ball, I had practically nothing to defend with. One solution: 4 gate normally, take expo around 50 food and transition to Ht's in midgame (like normal).
Actually yeah, Day9 said the exact same thing in his daily w. qxc
fast expand every game as protoss, except vs protoss.
it also lets you get better more efficiently cause you have less crap to practice, and you spend more time learning macro.
Katowice25012 Posts
Hi! My name is Matt, nice to meet you. Welcome to TL!
Small tip, convention is to have the race you played as the first letter of the 'XvX' matchups. TvP implies you're the one playing terran, and I don't think they have high templar.
Welcome to TL.net! Enjoy your stay ^.^
If your planning on expoing i recommend 3 gating instead. 4 gate is for pushes in which ur supposed to lose units. U cant support 4 gates and have make pylons at the same time. So youll have to have a long period of time of not making any units to put a expo up. Which is not good!
Welcome! You've come to the right place.
And I don't recommend 4gating into HT as 4gating is typically a very pushy, somewhat all-in build. With 4gate, you take a pretty serious economic hit, so you're expecting to either do some serious damage to compensate for it or simply end the game.
Then again, I don't main Protoss, so what do I know, eh?