I had a similar situation once, OP.
My family had an 8 month old Labrador retriever named Vinny. Anyone who's ever been around a lab knows how personable, playful, affectionate and fun they are. Vinny was no exception.
Around Christmas that year, my sister and I were playing with a bouncy ball to Vinny's delight. Try as he might, he couldn't mange to snag it, and everyone had a great laugh at poor Vinny's expense.
A few days later, though, Vinny stopped eating his food. He lost weight, but didn't show any signs of real illness. He just wouldn't eat.
After a day or two of this, we took him to the vet. Turns out Vinny managed to get a hold of the bouncy ball after my sister and I had finished playing with him. And, of course, he ate it.
... And, of course, it got lodged in his intestines. He couldn't pass it, and required surgery.
No one was laughing anymore. =\
But we went through with the (multi-thousand dollar) operation, and Vinny was back to his old self in no time.
These are the things we do for our pets.
Best of luck to your kitty.
Awww, poor kitteh
I would more than love to pay that ammount of money for any of my cats, they are a part of my family and they should be threat like they are. So go for it, so you and your lovely cat can have more wounderful days/months/years/decades to come
Wishing him and you the best of luck!
Korea (South)1897 Posts
Yeah just pay it. I could live myself if I didn't because it's ur cat and it would pain me everyday.
This thread makes me so sad. I hope your kitten makes a full recovery !
I love kittens =A=
On September 01 2010 10:56 NuKedUFirst wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2010 10:18 guN-viCe wrote:On September 01 2010 08:04 NuKedUFirst wrote: It's your call, putting him down and getting a new cat would be cheaper though.
wow, that is a brutal statement. surely just leaving the bone broken would be better than outright killing of the cat. You honestly think that letting an animal suffer is better then putting it out of it's misery? Son, I am disappoint. That is not your argument. Your argument is that OP should put it to sleep because it is 'cheaper,' not because the cat will suffer if he doesn't put it to sleep.. Be consistent.
In the course of about 2 years I paid a nice chunk of money to get my cat fixed.
The first time it happened must have been one of the most unlucky months of my life. I noticed my cat wasn't feeling good when he was in his litter box but he wasn't using it he was just laying in it which was really unlike him. When I tried to pick him up be moaned in a tone I had never heard from him before. I gave it overnight to see if it was just something simple like an upset stomach of some sort. The next day I noticed a reddish liquid seeping from his pee pee area (gross I know). He also kept going to the litter box without going but straining real hard to go. I looked this symptom up online and read that it was a urinary tract blockage and if i didn't take him to get help within 24-48 hours it would most likely be life threatening.
Well since 24 hours had already passed and it seemed like it was getting worse I had to take him. Unfortunately because it was a Sunday I had to take him to an emergency clinic which was the only place open in my area on a Sunday. So I drop him off and the next day a series of unfortunate events took place. First one being I woke up to find my car towed off the street. The plates were expired and although I was not driving my car I was unaware that a parked car could get towed for expired tags. I also got a ticket for parking in a no-parking area even though I was parked directly under a sign that said no parking on school days only (It was June or July).
Then I get hit with another extremely unfortunate circumstance in that I over withdrew my bank account. If anyone ever dealt with national city bank before, their overdraft policies are absolutely outrageous. Honestly it was mainly my fault for what happened and can't blame anyone but myself but I was unaware that simply checking your balance at an ATM that was not your banks charged a fee. On top of that they waited to collect all the fees at the end of the month and dumped them all on your account at one time. I've never been so rude to bank teller before in my life. I remember getting paid that day (my check was around $600) and checking my balance and seeing like 30 something dollars left and asking "my check just hasn't cleared yet, right?" I tried my hardest to get them to give me a one time courtesy but the lady at the teller was being a total bitch and even took her check book out of her purse and made some smart ass comment like "You see this? It's called a check book and people use them for a reason". Of course I had to snap back like "I get my shit direct deposit lady, who the fuck actually uses one of those".
So at this time I had to use what little money I had to get my car out of the impound lot but they said they wouldn't give it back to me because the tags were expired. This came as a priuority because there was a per day fee for leaving it at that lot. Well the reason why I didn't get my tags the month of my birthday was my car failed an e-check for my check engine light being on. I was car pooling to work and decided to procrastinate on getting a mechanic to fix it. So they said the only place they would tow my car was the e-check station. I knew I would fail the e-check still because my check engine light was still on but the tow truck guy just dropped me car off and I was allowed to drive off (finally a break in my luck).
So now I was broke and needed what I think was 600 dollars to get my cat back (they were able to unclog him). They said I had to pay everything before they gave me my ca\t back and since I was a first time customer, there was no payment plans and the bill had to be paid in full. I asked how long I had and they told me 7 days before they gave my cat to a lost animals shelter. Well I ended up finding the money through my own means and by borrowing a little from a good friend who had the extra cash.
A year later my I home to see my cat laying in the litter box again and immediately knew what the problem was from experience. I take him to a few local vets and they all tell me I need to pay money up front before they would even admit him. Unfortunately I didn't have money until pay day so I remember that the emergency clinic I took him to last time allowed me to pay money when I came to pick him up. I also remember how they said that return customers could set up payment plans so I decided to go back to the same place I took my cat the first time.
Well this ended up being a bad decision because they failed horribly this time. First off the bill was an outrageous $900 which at first was reasonable because we left without paying any money. The payment plan was $300 a month and I didn't have to make my first payment til the end of the month. The only thing that irked me was that a year before he stayed for 5 days and this time it was only a 2 day stay and somehow the bill came out to 300 more. The other thing that pissed me off was he wasn't ready to come home, they rushed him home before he was actually fixed this time. I could tell because he was moaning in pain the same night we took him home. I gave it a few days and things only got worse. He was cringing in pain and I was getting extremely emotional because I was once again strapped for cash.
So we take him up there and drop him off and the next day I get a call from the vet. They said they need to operate or he won't live and it's not going to be cheap. He said it won't happen until the next day anyways so he wanted me to think it over and call him tomorrow with my decision. Of course I wasn't going to let me cat die I loved the poor guy more than anything. So I call the vet back and tell him to operate on my cat. Things go well and I go to pick up my cat 2 days later dreading what to hear from the billing department. They said I had to pay the previous balance in full before anything and possibly even a portion of the new bill before they would give me my cat back. I told them it was bullshit I had to pay the previous balance (in a more polite phrasing) because my cat wasn't ready to go home the first time and they should have operated originally. That way everything would be on one payment plan instead of having to pay the for the first (useless) treatment before moving on to the next. Well luckily I was able to scrounge up the 900. I think I needed a pay day loan just to do it but I still managed to obtain the money.
Well the new balance for the surgery and his 2nd visit was a jaw dropping $2500 dollars and they said they needed "something" right there and then before I could take him home. Well I had to scheme something up fast because I just couldn't take out another pay day loan. I decided to give them my credit card or debit card, can't remember which one it was, and told them to charge it. The reality was, there was no money on the card and any sort of payment would be declined because I wasn't with national city anymore, I was with US bank and their debit card was a lot harder to over withdraw and would usually just come back declined in most circumstances. Well they must have not charged the card right there and then because I wrote down my card information, signed my name giving consent to charge the card, and walked away with my cat who seemed surprisingly cheerful considering his surgery. I thanked the people there for saving my cat and was actually really polite and positive towards the employees for their efforts.
Well I call them to make payment arrangements and they tell me that their policy on payment plans is 3 months to pay the balance in full, no exceptions. Honestly I might have been able to squeeze in 830 a month but I decided to just chalk my credit and let them send the bill to collections. It's been a year since the final surgery and my cat is alive and healthy and I'm glad I was able to save his life. It was worth every penny to me.
I ran over my last cats tail a couple times with my computer chair. I felt really bad afterwards because he just always enjoyed sitting by me.
That really sucks about your vet bill, but what can you do really? I'm sure you love the guy.
Man... I've done that before. The most terrifying thing ever. I can mention various times where I almost back up into my cat (with the chair), trip over him, step on him (middle of night + dark + black cat). I would hate it if I actually did do it by accident. Scariest thing ever...
Our cat does the same kind of thing and just sits under my chair, or on it (he is black as is the chair) and gets sat on, trodden on and accidentally kicked, I feel so bad when it happens but I am glad nothing this bad has come of it. Maybe he should just gtfo the way but meh.
Hey guys, thanks for all the encouraging info. I updated the OP because Peaches came home today.
Poor little guy, thanks for the update. Hope he gets better soon....
I would feel so bad if I accidentally hurt my kitty Just let it rest and be super nice to it, not much else you can do until it heals.