If you haven't noticed already there is an IRC channel for those who want to find gaming partners in the absence of proper Battle.net channels.
However, I thought finding someone to play with was frustrating because 1) most users don't look at the channel much and won't notice you 2) no cross-region play requires people to shout out their region which they tend to forget.
So I made a small IRC bot that can remember your SC2 gaming preferences and suggest you other people with similar preferences even if they are AFK.
I will leave it running in the channel for testing purposes, but please don't hate me if it screws up or crashes altogether, I have only just written it and didn't have a chance to test it yet. Hopefully you will find it useful. Any suggestions/criticism are most welcome!
To use it, open up a private messaging session with it like this: /msg AdjutantBot help
It will tell you the list of available commands. You can type help [command] to get a summary of what it does for any of them.
Setting up your preferences looks like this (you need to tell the bot these commands via private messages) :
region eu
bnetid BoxeR.888
race t
enemyrace z
gametype 1v1
skill 1v1 mid platinum
skillrange 1v1 high gold low diamond
You can register several races or game types by separating them with spaces:
race t z
enemyrace p r
gametype 1v1 2v2
To search for appropriate practice partners, type "show".
It works by keeping track of users who are online and matching their preferences against each other. For example, if someone specifies "skillrange 1v1 low diamond high diamond" you will not be matched with them, because your skill falls outside of their preferred opponent skill range. All preferences (region, game type, races, skills) must match for it to suggest you that opponent.
If it finds a match, it will tell your their Battle.net ID, race, skill and the preferred game type.
Of course, it cannot magically pull these preferences from your Battle.net match list so you have to specify them manually. However, you only need to do it once and it will remember them. If you get in the channel again you don't need to type them in again, unless you want to change them.