On July 12 2010 02:13 kyarisan wrote: there isnt really any good footage of wong vs the zangief player but you can watch the set between gamerbee and j wong here
On July 12 2010 01:59 keV. wrote: I'm predicting Daigo > Gamer Bee in SSF4 finals. 3-1.
I duno man, on youtube they kept downloading each other and winning 4-5 in a row and then vice versa. Just depends whos day it is really.
Yea. Both have been absolutely rock solid. I couldn't believe how badly Gamer Bee cleaned up last night at the salty suite tournament.
Winners bracket: Daigo Umehara (Ryu) > Mike Ross (E. Honda) -Beast is too strong
Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief) > EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus) -If RickyO stays on Rufus, I've got Vangief. I'm confident that Jwong's Rufus is the best in the USA and we all saw what happened. I wouldn't be surprised to see a character switch from RickyO
Daigo Umehara (Ryu) > Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief) -Daigo has played against plenty of really good giefs in Japan and I think Vangief will just get boxed out all game.
Losers bracket: Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim) < GamerBee (Adon) -No way is Gamer Bee losing to either E. Honda or Dhalsim. You just can't turtle against him period and he took Arturo out so many times both as Seth and as Dhalsim last night.
Infiltration (Akuma, Juri) > Shizza (Chun-Li) - Maybe Shizza can beat Infiltration, but he plays a really intelligent Akuma and I have him taking this one. I don't think we will see a Juri switch, but it is possible. This one could really go either way.
GamerBee (Adon) > Infiltration (Akuma, Juri) - I think Adon is a bad match-up for Akuma. He can't mix up nearly as effectively because of Adon's insane recovery speed on so much of his stuff. I'm guessing that Infiltration will give Juri a go before he loses, not sure when. I don't think it is going to matter though. Infiltration's Juri has pulled out some remarkable wins, but like Neo he has been shaky at many points throughout.
I see Gamer Bee advancing after cleaning up the losers from winners with little difficulty. It would be really interesting to see Gamer Bee vs Vangief... Only thing I really have no idea about.
Here are some of the common pressure and mixup attempts you'll see in games. This should help a lot in understanding what people are doing.
Air Counterhits
If you score a counter hit in the air, even with a jab, you can juggle your opponent afterwards: they cannot recover until they land. You'll see this happening a lot.
Tech Punishing
In MBAA, your "quick-rise" or fast wake-up on the ground is called teching. The character looks like they bounce off the ground, usually bouncing to the left or right. Unlike SSF4, after you quick-rise you are vulnerable for a few frames before you can move, so people can get a free combo if they were expecting it. This is called tech-punishing.
Frame Traps and Stagger Strings
Same as in SSF4: you do a move, wait a sec, then do another move, leaving a 1-3 frame gap between your hits. If the opponent pressed a button, they get counterhit.
Stagger Strings are pressure strings with frame traps in them.
Whiff-Cancelling in Pressure Strings
Like I mentioned before, Crescent and Half moon can cancel their heavy attacks into light attacks to eliminate the long recovery. This can be very confusing for both the stream viewer and the opponent. E.g. you might see someone do a few hits into a blocked sweep, then cancel into a whiffed light attack, then do one of the following: - dash in for a throw - dash in to continue pressure - do another attack to counter-hit the opponent (frame trap) - instant airdash (airdash low to the ground) to continue pressure
High-Low Mixups
Many characters have overheads like in SSF4, but there is another high-low mixup that you'll see a lot.
When someone jumps in on you and does an air attack, after you block it your instinct is to start blocking low to continue blocking when they land. But in MBAA, they can double jump after the air attack, airdash, and do a second air attack: this happens so fast that it can be hard to react to it and block high again.
Another example: mixing up between an empty jump into a low or throw, and air-dashing at the last second to do a delayed air attack.
MBAA has an unusual cross-up protection: when your opponent jumps over you, you usually don't have to block backwards! If the opponent has their back to you in the air, then you can block their air attack in either direction.
As a result, you'll see 3 different kinds of cross-ups that avoid this protection:
1. Jump over their head, then airdash backwards over their head, basically crossing them up twice. In this situation, the attack has to be blocked from the front.
2. Jump over their head, then double-jump so that the character faces the opponent. Cross-up protection won't save you if your opponent is facing you.
2. Jump and land directly on top of a character on wake-up, so that you land on either the front side or the back side. Cross-up protection won't help you against ground attacks.
WOW, Mexican player Kusanagi comes out of nowhere and BEATS TOP JAPANESE PLAYER GARU! (2-1) Garu is now in the losers bracket, and he's the only Japanese player in top-8.
That smash bros argument has been beaten to death by GFAQs people, not sure about other communities like SRK (I don't care about smash to check SRK on it, I usually check there for Marvel or SFIV). Personally I don't think it is, but I really don't give a crap if they consider it one or not.
Bill, I used to remember (also when the stream mentioned) Arlieth getting mad hype for this game a long time back, I was wondering, what the hell happened to arlieth?
Edit: @islandsnake. You said it. Whenever I see a jump forward airdash back crossup hit I just leap off my seat )