The ESL Steelseries Go4SC2 Tournament
Only 5 Minutes left to sign up!!!!!!
GO GO GO !!!
The rules:
Steelseries Go4SC2 takes place every Saturday
- €100 prize money for 1st place
- Top16 players earn points for the monthly ranking
- Final always on Monday on ESL TV
- Unlimited participants (EU-Key Users)
Steelseries Go4SC2 on Wednesday
- Top 4 earn points for the monthly ranking
- Unlimited participants (EU-Key Users)
Steelseries Go4SC2 Monthly Finals
- €500 prize money for 1st place
- Top8 of the Monthly Ranking qualify
- Takes place on last Thursday of the month
If we reach at least 400 signups we will extend our cup to 512 slots!
Cup-Site and Signup Site
Once you have signed up you get a time that tells you when you have to check in on the tournament day (and you also get a link to the checkin via e-mail). We need this checkin to generate the tournament tree.
Replaypacks of the past Go4SCII Cups
Go4SC2 Cup Replay Download Section
ESL TV German Stream
ESL TV German Stream
ESL TV English Stream
At the moment we do not have an English stream but if you are streaming, please e-Mail me at and I will post your english stream here and in our news at ESL!!
ESL Radio - The TV Stream!
ESL Radio!
Templar, Befaro and Frodo will bring the matches to you in German!
Read more about this Cup on Team Liquid:
TheLittleOne vs. ZpuX - ESL Go4SC2 Cup #7 Final
DeMusliM vs. White-Ra - ESL Go4SC2 Cup #5 Final
Go4SC2 Monthly Final - Live on ESL TV
GO4SC2 ESL Cup March Finals
Dimaga vs. Socke - Go4SC2 Cup #1 Final on ESL TV
Go4SC2 ESL Cup #1
Go4SC2 April Finals. Winner: White-Ra
If you have any questions, feel free to ask our admins (TheRogue, NachtkindFX etc.) in the #esl.go4sc2 channel!
<3 riptide, you're awesome