So some unexlplainable miracle happened and I got my hands on a beta key yesterday. (apparantly there is god).
My thoughts on the game. In the placement matches I went 7-3, with one loss due to pc crash, lost one tvt where I was playing like in Sc1 making tanks and vultures, but then the other guy come with a bunch of barrack units and destroyed 10+siege tanks + 15+flamethrowers. The other game I lost was a zvt, where the terran camped in and made 10 battlecruisers and killed my hydras. I got in the silver division, where I lost all my zvt games due to some nasty rush from the terrans with a lot of stimmed marines.
Overall I must say that the game is super super fun, but there are things that needs to be fixed imo in order for it to be at least close to SC1. Mainly the lack of micro possibilites and the problem with recognizing units when there are more than 12.
Cant wait to play more tonight.
T.T i want to enjoy the game too
sorry to kill your joy, but if there is a god, you would have gotten the beta invite in the first wave :D
On March 19 2010 20:57 s.a.y wrote: sorry to kill your joy, but if there is a god, you would have gotten the beta invite in the first wave :D
And I would have a key, oh wait, nope I'd probably be in hell.
SC1 took several years to get the balance just right. Why do people still count imbalance against SC2, when SC1 was imbalanced as fuck when it was released (and even more so straight after BW came out)?
Give them time, they'll nail it.
Oh and, congratulations on your beta key.
*waits patiently for more australians to get invites*
I got my key yesterday too. I also played the ranking games with the same stats and a few ladder games. I have to agree that the game is really really fun. However, the biggest problem is that in big fights it tends to get a bit messy and you are not completely sure what is going on. Maybe I'll get over it when I'm more familiar with all the units.
I`m not complaining about anything lol
infantry doesnt kill tanks easily.. tanks kill everything on the ground, though in tvt you need some marines to kill off the hurt enemy
I am so bad at this game cause i do keep on playing like Sc1. Let me tell you this... Mass Zealot and Stalkers suck against marine marauder.
I got my beta key The night of st.pattys day at like 3am while i was right smashed drunk. Played my placement matches drunk and went 6-4 lol
I got into the gold league though once i got a hang of the new hotkeys i was pwning everyone pretty bad just about to the top 10
pretty fun though i must say =]
Send me a friend request :D
On March 19 2010 21:25 k!llua wrote: SC1 took several years to get the balance just right. Why do people still count imbalance against SC2, when SC1 was imbalanced as fuck when it was released (and even more so straight after BW came out)?
Give them time, they'll nail it.
They also learned a lot from that and should learn from their mistakes. Tho I do agree it will take a while.
On March 19 2010 21:25 k!llua wrote: SC1 took several years to get the balance just right. Why do people still count imbalance against SC2, when SC1 was imbalanced as fuck when it was released (and even more so straight after BW came out)?
Give them time, they'll nail it.
Because the whole purpose of beta is to hammer out the kinks and balance as much as you can before the paid release??