Even though I'm back in the US now after my year in Korea, I still listen to the K-Pop occasionally (okay, I admit, the stuff's addictive), but these guys are my new favorite entertainment source. Some other takes on recent hits:+ Show Spoiler +
(Needs moar girls.
(Korean Air did it better, but hey...)
Hong Kong 4685 Posts
You'll appeal to TL's readers more if you show a white girl.VIDEO
Some other takes on recent hits:+ Show Spoiler +
The white girl has hijacked the thread.
On January 23 2010 14:52 ZeeTemplar wrote: The white girl has hijacked the thread.
I can't agree more... now I can't help to lurk toward this girl and her other videos....
So funny! I much prefer these songs with stormtroopers. They distract from the music.
If the white girl was a better dancer, I would say she's hijacked the thread, but those stormtroopers have better rhythm.
Sunmi is leaving the wonder girls :[ . K-pop will never be the same.
Imagine walking down the street and just seeing imperial forces dancing to music "i want nobody nobody but u! i want nobody nobody but you!"
United States 20661 Posts
On January 23 2010 15:04 haruharu wrote: Sunmi is leaving the wonder girls :[ . K-pop will never be the same.
You can distinguish between them?
My friend is always singing this shit in the classes I have with him, I felt embarrassed that I knew what it was but I didn't tell him lol.
I'm a huge kpop fan, but that white girl doing afterschool and brown eyed girls cover totally won the thread.
Singapore 66064 Posts
... Troopers have fallen so low.
man my first thought of the abracadabra was "man isn't she cold?" while when I watched the stormtroopers my first thought was "goddamn look at those codpieces" there has to be something wrong with me >_>
hahahahaa i love those troopers! Nice title for your blog!
On January 23 2010 16:09 d3_crescentia wrote: man my first thought of the abracadabra was "man isn't she cold?"
0 degrees isn't that cold actually. Also: VIDEO
what WOW thats really coooool <