lol, i think RoieTRS wins this thread for sure... all the people making ridicule out of him... you must have felt like a total ass...
Like my 4th post or so. i bumped an old thread that had a comprehensive analysis about queens ensnare, the thread was so pimp. but yeah temp banned for that .
I rarely embarras myself.
which is not something to be proud of.
IMO, the amount of embarrasing moments is proportional to the quality of life.
Isn't it embarrassing that you have nothing embarrassing to share? Oh shit, paradox.
United States10328 Posts
I have less than 200 posts, all of which were extremely conservative and worded in complete neutrality or whatnot. I'm just too sensitive to criticism from other people on the internet D:
It's really embarrassing not having any posts worthy of a LOL. :S
[Edit] Actually, I've just looked back at my posts (the ones that were from 2007 where I was a total 12-year-old troll that couldn't type) and those were fucking distressing to read. An example of one of my written monstrosities: i think sc2 is starting to veer off into a more of a WoW format game...the units all have unique abilities and i think some are a little rigged. i hope sc2 isnt a huge disapointment reactor will be so overpowered if you can land factories on one xD
Christ I hope I've gotten better at posting x.x
On August 24 2009 02:11 Wuewdoodoo wrote:I seem to not type right or something. It's like everytime I post on teamliquid, either the thread dies or nobody seems to like what I say or contribute.. Also, I tell stories about how fucked up I am and I get perma-banned by frozenarbiter. Great. I am just an innocent. It is me, Scorpion. Don't know if you remember(probably not ;D), but, The most embarrassing moment was when I wrote that blog about how fucked up I made Starcraft west and I just got insta-banned and I couldn't even reply in the thread. Soooooooooooo, gay. Seriously, I didn't mean to do it, it was for the lulz. The blog itself got deleted and somebody wrote in some text for me instead. I am not a bad person, honestly, but, I can say I was a HORRIBLE child to be around with. All I could think about was screwing around on west and it led to a bunch of shit but it doesn't mean I can do all of that anymore... it's the past now. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=87300The blog in particular. Please don't ban me again, I just want to lurk/post randomly T_T edit: some hate from that blog that I haven't even read yet: "I normally don't reply to blogs like these, but lets just say I would not hesitate to slam your head into a CRT monitor if I've met you in real life." Wow. Amazing. I can't believe my text can do things to people like this. I should just stop.
...that was YOU!?
Also, this thread got me pretty good. A lesson in reading the whole thread before posting.
lmfao!@the link(blog) that started okay but then turned into a pile of shit.
I was looking at the strategy forum when I saw a thread that interested me. It was a really old thread with outdated stuff and some guy who said something retardedly random. I figured I'd tell the guy what a retard I thought he was for bumping. The thread was on the 5 last commented I thought because I allways used to look at only those threads so there was no shame in typing another response I thought.
The next day I had been banned for 3 days and the mods comment was something like "Are you fucking serious?". I went back and checked the thread. The thread itself was not top 5 when I posted in it. It couldn't have been because the last post wasn't even from the same day. And the guy I lashed out against had allready been banned for his post, which I didn't check before I typed.
So basically I rebumped an old thread that the mods had just banned someone for bumping and while doing it I was mocking the guy for doing the exact same thing I was. I felt kinda embarrassed after that but I didn't know how to explain it to the mods or if they would care anyway so I just let it go .
I think it was when I, by accident, double posted this thread named "Your Most Embarrassing TL Moment?". Such a rookie mistake!
I think it was when I, by accident, double posted this thread named "Your Most Embarrassing TL Moment?". Such a rookie mistake!
First responding in a couple strat topics, only to have 10 people quote me and completely rape what I said.
Bosnia-Herzegovina1437 Posts
I made a thread called centi-penis
Bosnia-Herzegovina1437 Posts
I made a thread asking for TL to help me on the strategy section, then I made this little joke lmfao
How much semen does a gay guy have? A buttload.
and then all the sensitive people started bashing me, I only got 1 reply about actual help, and not how BUTThurt gay people are.
lmfao@clasic that was classic
xsebt are you fuckin serious?
Netherlands4663 Posts
I made a picture of Leta vs Bisu, posted it somewhere on TL and I didn't even get one laugh :/
I blame Quirky Title for the incessant meta-references in this thread.