English translation from IEG is here.
+ Show Spoiler [Korean from FOMOS] +
북미지역 1위 타일러, 이스트로 입단
[이스트로 제공]프로리그 무대에 서는 것을 1차 목표로 삼겠다
WCG 북미지역 1위를 차지했던 타일러(22, 프로토스)가 이스트로 프로게임단에 입단했다.
타일러 (ID : Liquid’NonY)는 지난 9월 IEG가 개최한 Scforall Spirit Tournament 에서 1위를 차지하며 이스트로 입단의 기회를 잡게 되었고 이후 WCG USA 2008 1위 , WCG Grand Final 에서 8강에 들며 실력을 인정받았다.
WCG 대회 종료 후 이스트로 입단을 위해 지난 11월에 입국한 타일러는 2주간 이스트로 2군 선수들을 상대로 입단 테스트를 거쳤으며, 가능성을 확인한 코칭 스태프의 결정에 따라 입단이 확정되었다.
1986년생인 타일러는 플로리다 출생으로서 미국내 명문대인 Duke대에서 철학을 전공했을 정도로 명석한 두뇌의 소유자. scforall.com에서 진행했던 이벤트 매치에서 STX의 박성준 선수와의 경기 VOD가 큰 화제가 될 정도로 독특한 경기 스타일을 선보이며 눈길을 끌었다.
이스트로에 입단이 확정된 타일러는 "이스트로에 입단하게 되어 매우 기쁘다. 코칭스탭과 선수들이 잘 대해줘서 적응하는데 큰 어려움이 없을 것 같다. 빨리 실력을 향상시켜 프로리그 무대에 서는 것을 1차 목표로 삼겠다"라고 입단 소감을 밝혔다.
2주간 타일러를 지켜본 김현진 감독은 "아직 보완해야 할 점이 많다. 하지만 기존의 잘못된 습관 등 몇 가지 부분만 보완한다면 충분히 국내무대에서 활약할 수 있는 가능성을 엿보았다"말했다.
그렉 필즈(CJ , 테란)에 이어 타일러까지. 외국인 선수들의 한국 무대에 대한 도전이 이어지는 가운데 앞으로 이들의 큰 활약을 기대해본다.
▶ 타일러 프로필
이름 : Tyler Wasieleski
아이디 : Liquid`NonY
종족 : 프로토스
생년월일 : March 15, 1986
태어난곳 : Tampa, Florida, USA
미국내 거주지 : San Antonio, Texas, USA
형제 : 2남중 막내
출신교 : Duke University (대학), 전공 철학 (Philosophy) 재학중
경력 : WCG USA 2008 1위.
WCG Grand Final 2008 5-8위
TeamLiquid StarLeague 4위
Scforall Spirit Tournament 1위
WCG US Open 2007 1위
처음 게임 시작한 시기 : 2000년 3월경
스타를 시작한 계기 : 개인적으로 이스포츠의 가장 큰 비중을 차지 하고 있다고 생각하며, 가장 흥미롭게 한 게임이다.
미국에서 평균 연습시간 : 하루에 평균 6시간 정도.
좋아하는 한국 프로게이머 : 김택용.
프로토스를 선택한 이유 : 리버의 매력에 반해서.
한국에서의 목표 : 프로리그 출전.
한국선수와 해외선수와의 차이점 : 모든 면에서 연습을 서양 선수들 보다 월등히 많이 하며, 게임에 대한 노련미가 다르다.
이스트로 팀에 대한 생각 : 외국인이라 많이 소외될 줄 알았지만, 여러모로 빠르게 친해져서 많이 기쁘다. 연습 뿐만이 아니라 생활함에 있어서 선수들이 잘 챙겨줘서 기쁘다.
+ Show Spoiler [English from SCForAll] +
North America’s 1st place player Tyler `NonY` Wasieleski has joined e-STRO
After winning WCG USA 1st place, Tyler was chosen for the e-STRO team in Korea.
Tyler (NonY) has proven himself by winning the SCForAll Spirit Tournament as well as winning the 2008 WCG USA National qualifier.
After the WCG Grand Final event when he came to Korea, Tyler had to prove himself to the team by playing against the e-STRO B team. After 30 games with the e-STRO B team players, NonY had shown his ability and skills to the e-STRO coaching staff, and they were very impressed.
Tyler is from Florida, born in 1986. He majored in Philosophy at Duke University so there was no doubt about his cleverness. His game at SCForAll against JulyZerg (click here for the VOD) in a showcase match became a really hot issue with his firm and macro style of play.
At the interview he said `I’m really happy to join e-STRO, I do not really have any problems that I worried about before I came here. Everyone has been so kind to me. My first goal is to play a Pro League match in Korea`.
After watching Tyler’s (Nony) games for 2 weeks, e-STRO head coach Kim Hyun Jin aka kOs, made a statement saying `NonY is really skilled and has a good playing style for foreigner, but he stills has many things to fix, there are many bad habits that I see. I personally think he should work on new skills and learn it as quick as he can in order to play in Korea`.
After bringing Greg (Idra) from the foreign scene, we are looking forward to the new foreign players who will eventually end up here in Korea on a pro team.
Name: Tyler Wasieleski
Game ID: NonY
Race: Protoss
Birthdate: March 15, 1986
Born in: Tampa, Florida, USA
Address: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Family: Parents and an older brother
School: Duke University, Major (Philosophy)
Achievements: WCG USA 2008 1st place
WCG Grand Final 2008 5-8th place
TeamLiquid StarLeague 4th place
SCForAll Spirit Tournament 1st place
WCG US Open 2007 1st place
First time playing Starcraft: March, 2000
Reason for starting the Starcraft: Starcraft has the biggest scene for e-sports, and NonY personally thinks it’s the best game ever.
Average Practice time (in USA was): 6 hours a day
Favorite Player: Bisu[Shield]
Reason for picking Protoss : Most favorite unit is the Reaver
Goals in Korea: To play in the Pro League
After winning WCG USA 1st place, Tyler was chosen for the e-STRO team in Korea.
Tyler (NonY) has proven himself by winning the SCForAll Spirit Tournament as well as winning the 2008 WCG USA National qualifier.
After the WCG Grand Final event when he came to Korea, Tyler had to prove himself to the team by playing against the e-STRO B team. After 30 games with the e-STRO B team players, NonY had shown his ability and skills to the e-STRO coaching staff, and they were very impressed.
Tyler is from Florida, born in 1986. He majored in Philosophy at Duke University so there was no doubt about his cleverness. His game at SCForAll against JulyZerg (click here for the VOD) in a showcase match became a really hot issue with his firm and macro style of play.
At the interview he said `I’m really happy to join e-STRO, I do not really have any problems that I worried about before I came here. Everyone has been so kind to me. My first goal is to play a Pro League match in Korea`.
After watching Tyler’s (Nony) games for 2 weeks, e-STRO head coach Kim Hyun Jin aka kOs, made a statement saying `NonY is really skilled and has a good playing style for foreigner, but he stills has many things to fix, there are many bad habits that I see. I personally think he should work on new skills and learn it as quick as he can in order to play in Korea`.
After bringing Greg (Idra) from the foreign scene, we are looking forward to the new foreign players who will eventually end up here in Korea on a pro team.
Name: Tyler Wasieleski
Game ID: NonY
Race: Protoss
Birthdate: March 15, 1986
Born in: Tampa, Florida, USA
Address: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Family: Parents and an older brother
School: Duke University, Major (Philosophy)
Achievements: WCG USA 2008 1st place
WCG Grand Final 2008 5-8th place
TeamLiquid StarLeague 4th place
SCForAll Spirit Tournament 1st place
WCG US Open 2007 1st place
First time playing Starcraft: March, 2000
Reason for starting the Starcraft: Starcraft has the biggest scene for e-sports, and NonY personally thinks it’s the best game ever.
Average Practice time (in USA was): 6 hours a day
Favorite Player: Bisu[Shield]
Reason for picking Protoss : Most favorite unit is the Reaver
Goals in Korea: To play in the Pro League