Since I played zerg before I quit BW, I actually followed a number of them.
- Luxury is decent at BW and getting better, also needs to learn metagame to be S-class
- July has his flair but doesn't really dominate, there's no real consistency
- YellOw[ArnC] can micro, but in every other way is inferior to his brother at BW
- Kwanro can micro but sucks at game management
- GGPlay is the zerg version of Rock and the second-most-forgotten OSL winner after Sync
- Thezerg shows a LOT of promise, but beats out Justin in having the worst ID ever
- GoRush will never do anything again after beating NaDa in that 7-game MSL final
- HyuN isn't bad, but has yet to do anything really impressive
- sAviOr. LOL. If I had a dollar for every liquibet I lost because of him, I'd retire early
- Jaedong is pretty much the best zerg player who ever lived
Why is Lee Jaedong soooooooooooo good?
WCG this year is going to be Korea 1-2-3 unless the brackets don't allow it. (there will be rants later about why the other guys are also unstoppable)
Recent B.NET ATTACK was a joy to watch
2 Hatch Lurker ZvT with perfect execution
Offrace PvZ
Offrace TvZ
Zergling/Queen/Scourge only ZvP
Hydralisk only ZvT
(thx to Super-Uploader)
also, that 2x muta micro is quite ridiculous. When he keeps them together, you can barely tell at first that it's 2 groups (until they switch to FP view)