Last section to write and analyze is TEM.
TEM sample prep
TEM procedure
TEM results (images)
TEM analysis (what the images mean)
Also some minor formatting work, and then the summary and I'm basically done!
SEM is down still, and the technician in charge of the other SEM completely fucked me over since I was supposed to meet him at 2pm but could only make it there at 2:10pm b/c I had to develop the TEM negatives (which could NOT wait). He was liek "I had that hour set aside for you but you werent there so I went on to do other shit, I'm sorry mate" I understand his reasoning and it was my fault I was late, but still that pissed me off.
Soo, looks like I will hand in the thesis incomplete after all. I'll probably go do the SEM between then and the viva (defense presentation) and add it in for revision or w/e.
It's not 'that' big a deal but it's incredibly annoying since time wise I could have easily finished everything, and yet i was completely fucked by equipment issues.