I've lived in west coast USA, east coast USA, and now England.
It's been interesting to see that in the west (cali) the dudes who work @ McD and whatnot are Latin fellas. Meanwhile, in the east, it usually black amigos.
In the Motherland? For some reason it's eastern european folks tendin' the shops. Intesting how the immigrant class based on geographic proximity usually constitutes the lowest wage earners - 100 yrs ago they were Irish in the states I think.
I must say though that it's prolly a testament to the pseudoequality in place in these countries, that these pple find work in these places. Why? B/c if you go to Japan you don't find the immigrants from SE asia in McD and places where there is interaction with clientele. The immigrant workers of low socio-economic status are confined to the "mini-chinatowns", "minikoreatowns", etc. In fact I bet if you went in clearly not looking Jap to a Convenience store interview or KFC interview, you'd get instarejected. Ok at this point I'm not even sure what I'm writing about anymore b/c I wasn't going to even talk about Japan in the first place but now i've written shit about the shit country that has the most retarded and archaic views towards pple 'not of their kind'.
Yay for freedom...?
OK yea this blog entry sucks, bash away plz.