The brutal Broodwar AI Action Fest known as the SSCAIT 2014 is back with the Semi Finals!
Wednesday 28th of January 2015, 23:00 CET 15:00 CST
Wednesday 28th of January 2015, 23:00 CET 15:00 CST
Martin Rooijacker's LetaBot defeated the stout-hearted krasi0bot in the Ro8, while ICEBot took care of the terran prodigy W.O.P.R. This semi finals game is actually the game to the Throne of Terran, as these are the only two left. In that respect, it may determine the course of many prospective and current terran AI-writers, as this tvt conflict is as much a clash of programming ideologies as it is of titans.
Where ICEBot is the Erwin Rommel among the terran AIs, with its dev'lish cunning and large repository of tactics; it possesses the most feared of tank pushes (with battle cruiser backup (how would WWII have ended had Rommel had those at his disposal?)). It also sports the best anti-rush and choke-blocking skills in the playing field, which it may well need to face LetaBot, the King of Cheese.
As mentioned before, if this mean little cheese machine gets its dagger up your armour, you may as well type gg, because once either the bunker rush, proxy rax or marine rush hits you, there are very few ways back...
On the other end of the bracket we've got the undying sons of Aiur. When Dave Churchill's UAlbertaBot took down the mysterious Black White, it claimed the Man-Toss defender title for the Ro4. It is a straightforward, do-or-die gateway strategist, backed up by fearsome macro. No fancy stuff, just plan, in-your-face protoss action. For Aiur!
Its adversary is, you may well fear and remember, the unequalled XIMP, by Tomas Vajda. In this adversary we find the ideological altercation in the first semi finals match mirrored, in so far as this XIMP bot is a gimmick build as well. It will wall itself in with cannons and send carriers over the top to wreak havoc with whatever non-allied it finds at the other side of its walls.
UAlbertaBot may be the best protoss opponent for XIMP, as it has the best of current protoss ground army offensives. Will it be up to the cannons and carriers? We'll find out soon!
#bwapi @
SSCAIT Stream playing botmatches 24/7[/center]