this way thought me how to work. never doing anything for school didn't help me with this one bit. but it showed me another path. that one of becoming a pro gamer. it was my dream, and maby somewhere it still is.
having tried to become sc2 pro for years I learned a thing that defines me to this day: work hard, and results will show, no matter how long it will take.
When my high school was finished I got the choice between going to comminty college and get a degree there in computer science, or 2 years longer to a diffrent high school which will grant my acces to college. My choice went to the first of the two because then I could have something of use. I could make money with it, which I couldn't with the better high school degree.
And now im fck'd...... really really hard......
I finished mutiple subjects on school already for the rest of the school year, no teacher giving me any work, and my only place to dump time in is a project for one of the worst client ever.
my grade average is a mere 8.2/10 and there is no way of speeding things up.
Luckly I have hang out here on teamliquid.
shout out to all you guys! your the best<3