I fixed a few things, but GTAI cheats with minerals since 2011. It's supposed to and the majority of the players want it that way.
If AI playes a 4Gate you have to scout it and build proper defense. If "Hard" is too hard for you, start with "Very Easy" or "Easy".
Note: Elita-AI builds a Pylon about 0:24 which is impossible for a human player. But it always have been this way. I won't change it.
I released a new version. All races are attacking more aggressive now.
Protoss Update: If AI builds an Oracle, it will try to kill workers.
Zerg Update: SwarmHosts Micro is awful. Removed the unit from "CounterUnits()".
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On October 29 2014 21:40 NeoBlade wrote: I fixed a few things, but GTAI cheats with minerals since 2011. It's supposed to and the majority of the players want it that way.
If AI playes a 4Gate you have to scout it and build proper defense. If "Hard" is too hard for you, start with "Very Easy" or "Easy".
Note: Elita-AI builds a Pylon about 0:24 which is impossible for a human player. But it always have been this way. I won't change it.
I released a new version. All races are attacking more aggressive now.
Protoss Update: If AI builds an Oracle, it will try to kill workers.
Zerg Update: SwarmHosts Micro is awful. Removed the unit from "CounterUnits()".
Just to clarify, I didn't have a problem with the ai getting more resources. I had the problem with the fact i kill everything. Then magically 2 immortals 4 zealots and 2 stalkers appeared out of no where.
Hey NeoBlade
Hello, I have been using GTAI ever since I played it, I'm glad you recently updated it . How do I use GTAI the latest version with my maps that are offline? Do I still have to import it like before? I tried that but it is still not working.
I heard the standard way to do it is like so:
- press F3 (Custom Games) - Choose a map - Create with Mod - Search for "GTAI" - You will find "Green Tea AI (GTAI)"
But I want to play one of my offline maps with custom triggers. How can I use GTAI completely offline?
How do I use GTAI the latest version with my maps that are offline? Do I still have to import it like before? Yes, you have to import it like you did before.
But before you do, you have to make some changes.
It is important to find this section in "GTZBoard.galaxy"
if (checkai) { DialogSetVisible(GOpenMenu, PlayerGroupActive(), false); DialogSetVisible(GOptionBoard, PlayerGroupActive(), false); CameraLockInput(1, false); AITimePause(false); TimerPause(GTRoundTime, false); UnitPauseAll(false); TriggerDebugOutput(1, StringToText("No human player, AI automatically start"), true); }
To always start GTAI, you have change 2 things: "g_start" and "checkai"
In more detail: If you want to use GTAI in your maps ... - Find "if (g_start > 0)" in "GTZBoard.galaxy" - Put "g_start = 1;" above it => Starts Random General - Find "if (checkai)" in "GTZBoard.galaxy" - Put "checkai = true;" above it => Auto-Start
(Quick and dirty)
// Neo 2014-10-02: "g_start" is set to 1 to start "Random General" g_start = 1;
if (g_start > 0) // Startup: GT Start Menu
and do the same with "checkai" like mentioned above.
I opened up GTZBoard.galaxy in notepad++ and did what you said, but I don't think GTAI is working, I think it's normal AI. GTAI is usually waaay better so I don't think it's working. I copied my GT2AI 0.20 folder, edited GTZBoard.galaxy and imported into a map that already has this version of GTAI on it (I assume it will just overwrite the file?). Any idea on what's going on?
> I assume it will just overwrite the file?
I guess that's wrong. Try a new map, please.
Released new Version 7.0
- Bugfix: 7 Ebays with 1Rax-FE - Increased probability: CannonRush = 12,5% - Decreased probability for Oracle-Attack - GTAI now always reveals its name - Terran attacks with Banshees (if available) - Help AI with Oracle-Production - included "GTAI 0.26" - Refactoring
Thanks NeoBlade it worked.
Do the commands still work? Like -qr for quick restart? Have they been changed? I tried typing -help in game and it's not working. Was this removed?
I may have posted in this thread more than anyone except OP. I had given up on this thing since the HOTS release!
IDK how long it has been up and running but I am so happy!
I've been playing VS hard as Zerg... Terran is super easy. Protoss is super easy. Zerg seems very difficult. Is this just because my macro is bad ... is there any chance that the Zerg AI has some sort of income hack that the other races don't in Hard Mode?
Other than that... my 1v1 is going to to go hell because I love playing the GTAI so much ... thank you VERY much.
> Terran is super easy. Protoss is super easy. Zerg seems very difficult.
:D ... I have to laugh because a student of mine (I am a SC2-Coach), said almost the same thing: "Terran is super easy. Zerg is super easy. Protoss seems very difficult."
Please try again 2 times against all 3 races (6 Replays) and post a Replay here. Thanks!
> Do the commands still work? Like -qr for quick restart? > Have they been changed? I tried typing -help in game > and it's not working. Was this removed?
I don't know. I know I did not change anything in this matter. If they do not work, you have to figure out why. They have a low prio to me. "-qr" will probably be fixed in the next few month.
It is obvious that this is still being worked on. I appreciate it.
It depends on the race you play
ZvZ is hard because this thing is constantly throwing units at you ... so a round of drones at the wrong time is your death. I feel like its really making me better at injects and everything while fighting is going on. I am usually a mid diamond player, but this season am high platinum because its fucking rough in there lol.
Thanks for your work, NeoBlade.
This replay has the Zerg "Cardis" on Shattered Temple just suddenly spawn in a bunch of units at 12:55...
No eggs, i thought okay maybe they were burrowed and the animation bugged, but upon replay inspection yeah it just conjured up the units. I call shenanigans!
The old AI's like Incubus and Araq were harder, some of these new ones are hilariously bad (besides the spawn hack!)
Thanks for all your work, once again... GTAI #1 mod NA
edit: actually links the fucking replay this time http://drop.sc/390295
edi2: thats what i call a bug report
> some of these new ones are hilariously bad
Which ones? Please post Replays, thanks!
> Thanks for your work, NeoBlade.
Thank you very much! I was very happy, when I read your comment.
> but upon replay inspection yeah it just conjured up the units.
I know, but since the GTAI always cheated I do not see a problem. I will take a look at your replay, though.
Spawning units only is a problem, if the GTAI opens with Triple-Hatch-Before-Pool and sends 7 Roaches at 4:46 at your base (7RR). But at 12:55 you should have Watchtowers and see the attack coming.
Spawning units should not happen if you use "Very easy" and "Easy". IIRC cheating starts with "Hard" or "Harder".
If you want to fix it yourself: Well that's very easy :D. You just need to debug about 9.900 lines of code.
GTAI uses a "Commander-System", which is a good thing, do not get me wrong. Every BO is put into a single file. 21 files per race.
Good luck! Neo
PS: In other words ... I do not have the time to search for it.
Thanks for all your comments and help! Enjoy your new years eve, folks!
New version 12.1
- Bugfix: Terran-AI "Cade" did not work => CRITICAL BUG - Bugfix: Terran-AI "Cade" tries to swap buildings without AddOns - Bugfix: Banshee-Harass for Protoss? AI_RACE == Protoss - Bugfix: Terran creates Oracles - Help AI with Cloak (Terran) - GTAI: Viper-Micro is awful, tried to remove unit - Bugfix: GTAI-Terran always plays Banshees - Bugfix: Contrllr of plyr (Triggering Player) == AI => user - Changed "GTSupply" for Terran - Tested changes to "GTName" - Bugfix: Commander "Kate" SwapBuildings - Included "GTAI 0.29" - Rizzo-Mech-BO => Terran2.galaxy - Preparde GTAI for "Elite" and "Insane" - Added Hellbats and Hellions in AttackWaves - Created first BO "Rizzo-Mech" - Improvements to mech BO - Bugfix: Terran just plays one BO, removed test trigger
Yay! Updates!
Thanks for your work NeoBlade! I have used GTAI for a long time (since WOL) and am excited it is still being worked on
You are welcome!
And thanks for your response!
Glad to see this is still being updated.
I used to use this with SC2AllinOne to play custom maps offline but it looks like these new versions are only on Battle.net. So how would I get the mod only for use in offline?
I did create a map with the mod on Battle.net so I assume I have the mod downloaded on my computer somewhere. Where do I find it? And how do I import the mod for my custom map with the editor?
Hey Neoblade,,thx for the awesome work men!
Whats about the "ingame option" and the chance to choose a specific commander?!
Sorry, for bumping but I did not see this question:
> And how do I import the mod for my custom map with the editor?
Not possible and it never will be. I mixed SC2-Editor-UI with Galaxy-Script. You have to be an expert (sort of), extracting both and using this.
>Whats about the "ingame option" and the chance to choose a specific commander?!<
Will never work again, except someone else will fix it.
WARNING: HotS-GTAI is not maintained anymore. I released "LotV custom (GTAI)", so everybody can practise LOTV against a strong AI.
The mod has been fantastic, thanks for all your work Neo.
Looking forward to trying it in LOTV.