it has been 9 days since made my previous blog. overall everything went pretty smoothly but it made me realize quite alot of things.
1. sleep is important for playing sc^_^
even thou playing until your incredably tired sounds a good thing to do, but here is a thing that i think is giving way to few thought by everyone i have encoutered so far.
the amount of games DON'T equal IMPROVEMENT. ofcourse there is thing called macro and it is REALLY important but if you don't know what to do, you will lose. there execptions to this rule, but so far has been being my biggest stumble block.
I am somebody who always preffered macro over aggresion. in both sc1 and sc2. and this gave me the abilty to macro decently. but macro won't save you if your in-game decision making is plain out terrible. this is why i am planning on to change my practice up quite a bit.
with keeping in mind that if your decision making making is crap you can still lose to way inferior mechanically players. the first thing came to mind was something I read in a starcraft strategy book about brood war made by an north american player called "playa". one thing he mentioned was that he used to look an huge amount of replays of progamers and then started after some time started to notice all their flaws. this idea is quite intresting and I think it is quite a legit one.
here is my quick recap of a full week with working with then schedule I described in my previous blog.
-first few days where easy but as the week progressed and my school days where getting longer and longer i started noticing that it became exetly just not so fun anymore to play sc2.
-I still think i played an average amount of games so nothing special for me in that. but it just felt too forced.
-also felt i dind't learned so much from most of my games I played.
one thing I could do in the future is taking more breaks inbetween my sesions. This is something that benefit me quite alot.
things I have planned for next week:
-watch atleast 30 games of sc2.
-write down my thoughts about the last game I played.
forcing your self to play a certain amount of each day sucks quite alot, instead i will switch it to each week to keep some flexabilty.
I am also planning to keep this blog on saterday instead of on a week day.
See you next week