Semmler among others have hinted that the GD studio is going to be mostly focused on Dota 2 when it comes back, can you say how much SC2 will be a part of the show going on?
On September 06 2013 19:27 FSKi wrote: Why do you continuously post gay porn links making fun of Semmler on twitter with no NSFW warning? -_-
@ FSKi - what, Gay porn is NSFW? well fuck, I need to have some serious talks with skrff.
On September 06 2013 19:34 Teton wrote: James, how do I get all the ladies?
Also who scores the much at parties in the GD studios?
@ Teton - Confidence and sex panther. Not Semmler, unless he gets sloppy seconds. dirty American.
On September 06 2013 19:49 Dracolich70 wrote: - Was the "downfall" of QPAD due to rising too fast in popularity, thus creating too much pressure and unrealistic expectations?
- Could you list the errors made(if any) when building the QPAD team, and what has been learned from it(if at all)?
- Are the reshuffles post-TIs an overreaction?
- What is the best question, you were never asked?
- Do you prefer to wing it, or be well prepared(even if you mix it)?
- In your next incarnation, what would you like to be?
- If you were a car, which one do you think describes you best?
- Would you ever consider making and/or pulling strings for a "old timers league" for retired pros?
Thanks for everything. May good fortune be with you.
@ Dracolich70 - 1. No the popularity, just no in-game lady, Waga turned into a lady over night. I'm trying to get him his manhood back but preque won't fly to Sweden. 2. I don't think It had errors, was more about the team dynamic, I offered better preperation than any Western team in terms of setup to practice for TI3 Quals. 3. No, when on-site at TI3 we heard a lot of stories about the big reshuffle, there is still a lot more to come. 4. How can I help you. People don't think I need help, but I need a lot 5. always Wing it. I will of course come prepared on the knowledge of the tournament, but I prefer stuff to be live. I'm sure though I would benefit a lot if I prepare. but it's not my style. 6. Musician 7. Audi TT rs. ladies love it, but its prone to break down 8. Yes, I've had some idea for custom leagues under a project I'm trying to build.
On September 06 2013 19:52 Madlobster wrote: What team were you rooting for during TI3?
What hero would you like to see more of in competitive games? and is there a hero you think is picked too much?
And last, what is the manliest build to run on Axe?
@ Madlobster - 1. Fnatic, Alliance, Na'Vi 2. Axe & Necrolyte 3. Lifestealer/Gyro/LD 4. Bots, Force staff, Shadow Blade, Aghs, Euls and Shivas or blink. (it never wins games, but its fun!)
On September 06 2013 19:56 Clbull wrote: Q. Why are you so fucking handsome?
@ Clbull - My monitor has been modified to cleanse my skin.
On September 06 2013 20:00 robnroll wrote: How would you recommend someone go about getting into the production/casting side of Dota2 professionally? is it just about putting yourself about until you get noticed? or providing alternate streams to matches currently being played? or something completely different?
@ robnroll - Just do it (C). sheever and nathanias are extremely hard working and regular in their content, and it's paid off for them. Just start, and don't stop. cover everything you have time for people will appreciate it.
On September 06 2013 20:05 Boundz(DarKo) wrote: On TL we love horses, but yours is awfully high, ever thought of going a bit Icelandic?
@ Boundz(DarKo) - My horse sir is amazing. . plus Bjork and CCCP have Iceland under control.
On September 06 2013 20:30 teddyoojo wrote: u like hl3 so far
@ teddyoojo - plays too much like Mario Kart for my liking
On September 06 2013 20:35 torm3ntin wrote: Have you ever met ICEFROG? Who is he?
@ torm3ntin - Yeah, but he stood behind a white screen with back lighting and used a voice changer
On September 06 2013 20:48 Grettin wrote: Monthly "budget" for spirits each month? Favorite drink & favorite whiskey?
Thanks for doing the Q&A!
@ Grettin - Not much really, couple hundred. Jack n Coke for a mixer, and bowmore surf for straight
On September 06 2013 20:53 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote: Q: Do you still watch some Starcraft 2? What would you think be the key feature Blizzard needs to add to improve the game?
@ FueledUpAndReadyToGo - I don't watch too much SC2 atm, I think the game needs to exchange advantages thoughtout the game more with quicker ways to react and counter your opponent.
On September 06 2013 21:09 bracercrane wrote: Q: Matt Rider. Tell us everything. Is he coming to The GD Studio for eternity or a one timer? Can you rely on him keeping his nose and act clean? Also, could you tell us stories about you and Matt :3
@ bracercrane - Trance asked matt to come to the studio yes, he agreed on one condition, I don't mention his sisters. *shrugs*
On September 06 2013 21:22 Madlobster wrote: I forgot a question, Will you ever cast with incontrol again? probably my favorite moment en esports so far was when you guys were on screen together :D
@ Madlobster - Most likely, but nothing planned yet Georff is was of my fav guys on camera, I think he's hilarious. I also love his nickname list on 4chan, its enjoyably long.
On September 06 2013 21:48 Veriol wrote: Do you think any game can currently compete with LoL and it's massive infrastructure and huge fanbase? Obvisouly the game is no. 1 and will be for quite some time now but if there is a game to compete would you say its DotA 2 ?
@ Veriol - I don't think DotA 2 will overtake LoL naturally, but LoL is a social game, similar to how WoW was. There will be a game that takes that casual audience over to the next big hit. when it does. I think LoL will finish as an eSport. DotA 2 will continue.
On September 06 2013 21:51 nachtkap wrote: have you ever trolled to much/to little during an event? If yes what (kind of) troll did you miss/go over the top with?
@ nachtkap - I think insinuating TB's wife was a prostitute was little too far. she's a nice lady, even if you don't have to pay her.
On September 06 2013 21:59 tapes wrote: Do you ever regret being such a meanie?
What do you think went wrong with BLC? The game was pretty promising but it died almost immediately after the launch.
@ tapes - the game needed more depth in game play, and not from traits and stats. also the game was extremely fast past all the time, which caused quick fatigue on the player base.
On September 06 2013 22:12 DjHorsi wrote: Q: Why is GD-Studio so inactive on facebook and not reacting to questions asked on ur page.
@DjHorsi - I donno, I want to slap Metabie our lovely CM, but we don't pay him, so it's hard to slap him..... damnit give me money, I want to buy the right to violence!
On September 06 2013 22:18 nymfaw wrote: As much as I like him as a host and his humour, I think he's a bit of a twat, but I guess it's just his image. Still doesn't hurt to be a little bit humble every now and then.
On September 06 2013 22:20 halvorg wrote: Where is the line drawn for competitive games and player customization? Do you think Dota2 is beginning to overstep that line? Can a competitive fps game be (partially) sustained by an ingame store, if yes what would you be able to buy (reborn bait)?
For an example of what I mean: Polar opposites, Heroes of Newerth and Quake Live. In HoN you can change the model, animations and color of almost any hero provided you have bought said item - and other players will see that skin.
In Quake Live you can force enemy models, completely disregarding your opponents' customization.
I'm very sleepy and I'm not sure if this is coherent enough to understand, hf.
@ halvorg - As long as player customization doesn't give power or overly effect the game by aesthetically giving one player a advantage or another a disadvantage it seems fine to me. Yes Reborn could be somewhat sustained with an in-game store, but its trickier because models drastically effect game play in an FPS. it needs to be well done, but it a problem I have looked at within making an FPS Game.
On September 06 2013 22:46 TheSir wrote: Q: Are we ever going to see 'The GD couch' back at a event?
@ TheSir - Most likely but with more than just me hosting.
On September 06 2013 22:56 MavivaM wrote: Q: who's someone you admire and why? Esports related, clearly.
@ MavivaM - ODEE the owner of Team-Dignitas. He's always delivered what he promises, gives a fair deal and runs a tight ship.
On September 06 2013 23:16 Cutlery wrote: Q: Why are you so friggin handsome? Get outtt
@ Cutlery - But I'm trying to get in
On September 06 2013 23:22 pookums wrote: Has your "unprofessional" demeanor ever prevented you from getting some contract/gig/etc you really wanted?
@ pookums - No way, the jobs I want aren't the professional ones. TI3 is the most professional I've been, but they knew I could control myself. though I got a few stabs in :D I did tell Valve though I don't want to do TI4. to which EJ cheekily replied, 'Yes I will'.
On September 07 2013 00:04 Bloodash wrote: Q1: Did SingSing leave the team on good terms? Can we still expect appearances from him on the GD show? Q2: How are the red panda's doing? How's morale? Q3: Bruno is an awesome addition to the GD team, do you feel you want to expand the team even more or is it size-wise big enough for you? (until Reborn is released and you want an expert panel for that segment of course)
@ Bloodash - 1. Yeah hes fine, hes got some back payment owed also, so once he gets it all, I think hes happy and fine, I told him to do what he wishes I'm not sure how soon we will have him back, maybe in the future if we do a special event. 2. Moral is fine because they are stable, Waga gave up a lot to do this, but he's doing great with his stream and is starting to slowly look for team opportunities for him and Jrx. 3. I'd love to expand and offer more people an opportunity to grow their brand with the GD Studio, but unfortunately we don't have room or the budges right now. so we are a bit stunted!
On September 07 2013 00:26 Olex wrote: What's a lesson that working in eSports has taught you?
If you could write a book about anything, in any genre, what would you write?
How many languages do you speak?
Did you have a lot of friends growing up?
@ Olex - 1. Always follow your dreams, and do things that put you in almost uncomftable situations. you will grow as a person a lot faster if you challenge yourself. 2. A book about overcoming challenges, and the lessons life can teach. I was brought back to my college a few times to talk to students just finishing. Telling them about what the next steps of life could hold. the students seemed to enjoy my honesty on the situation. and always had some really great questions 3. multiple, or countless. there's English... then Irish... American... Scottish... Australian and even some South African. 4. No, I kept a small circle of close friends.
On September 07 2013 00:29 Burns wrote: Can you post pics/vids of your kittens?
@ Burns -
On September 07 2013 00:32 DucK- wrote: What happened with you and Soe
@ DucK- - Life
On September 07 2013 00:41 SilverStar wrote: Q: How did you feel like when after graduating and not following a traditional career path? Are there days that you wish you had a normal job?
Q: What drives you do what you do? Is the feeling of being free and living a careless live or is it something else?
Q: How many hours a week do you work?
All the best to you, I envy you for following your dream and "making it". Good luck James.
@ SilverStar - 1. I didn't graduate from university, I studied for 2 years then left I never wished I had a normal job, sometimes I wish I worked for a game studio and had some security in my life. but I'm a terrible employee. and being your own boss is awesome. today I woke up at 4pm and ate yogurt. and no one can take that away from me! 2. Passion for this industry and community, I want to make a mark. show the world what we do, create opportunities for others. It's a hard question to answer, but I want to ultimately help. but I'm also a bit of a dick, so I love proving a point 3. 4 hours a day on average. I end up reading a lot before or after that, and just casually answering emails. but 4 hours are spent in documents either designing or well.. documenting work. sometimes it's boring like tax returns. sometimes work is fun, sometimes a pain like any other job. but I only like to work 4 hours. I believe the more time you have to think the better your moves will be. So I don't over work until I know the solution to the task
On September 07 2013 01:08 tree.hugger wrote: Predictions for TI4?
@tree.hugger - Draskyl and the radiant bongo orchestra
On September 07 2013 01:21 steisjo wrote: who's your favorite admin ? ;D wink wink
@ steisjo - easy, Xou the Q3 admin, so nice, didn't drink on the job, didn't watch amateur porn at my house. what a guy.
On September 07 2013 01:21 Surprise.820 wrote: Axe is well good, isn't he?
@ Surprise.820 - He's swell
On September 07 2013 01:30 chuky500 wrote: I remember fragging him a couple times in Quake 4, as well as other English men like Garpy or Hell (/Vizari). Those were fun times where anyone could play famous pros on public servers, because there weren't that many players.
I remember his funny line "it's quiet here in the studio" of the WSVG finals, though in my opinon the first bo3 between Toxic and Fatality was rigged. Just to make the finals more interresting and make it look less 1 sided.
Q : Do you regret that FPS games like Quake didn't get their gameplay modernized (like BW -> Starcraft 2 or Team Fortress Classic -> TF2) ? What expectations did you have about Shootmania even if it didn't succeed as an esports game, despite many pros having switched to it ?
@ chuky500 - I agree match one was rigged, I also felt the rest could have been. unless Toxic changed his mind. I am sad Quake didn't get revamped, though I've heard rumours about some QL stuff. Also Shootmania, the developers didn't listen, so ultimately their game failed. GJ Nadeo, next time just give me your money to make the game.
On September 07 2013 01:42 3772 wrote: What's your favorite pickup line?
Your most hilarious fail?
@ 3772 - In Sweden, I say something like. du ar veldict vaker. then I point to my face with my index fingers and just say, 'James'. the Swedish girls seem to understand I am harmless with that opener and don't take myself too seriously Hilarious fail hmmmm. shit I donno man. I may be so egotistical I've managed to remove all bad memories...
On September 07 2013 00:32 DucK- wrote: What happened with you and Soe
Staff had a bet whether 20% or more of the questions would be about Soe. Somehow we've made it to the sixth page before she was mentioned.
Well he shared what he wanted to share, so most people that follow 2gd or the gd-studio already know.
Q: Who is your favorite female pornstar?
@ BlueFlames - ah crap this is tough! let's go old school so I don't have to give you my up to date list and say Gina Wild, mainly because A) her story as a person is fucking cool, plus she looked like this girl I used to date.
On September 07 2013 01:57 yawnoC wrote: What do you feel is still the biggest mistake made by teams/players/tournaments that hasn't been addressed ?
@ yawnoC - I'm tired this is my 6th page! I think the most saddening thing that people overlook is how did ESWC get so fucking shit, and why is Matt still in charge? thats fucking weird if you ask me.
On September 07 2013 02:02 Gendo wrote: Q: What happened to The GD Show?
@ Gendo - It's coming back!
On September 07 2013 02:06 Obmighting(AQ) wrote: 1) Who's your best 5 Dota 2 players personally?
2) Have you seen Korea Dota 2 players skills? then what do you think about Korea dota 2 players merits and demerits?
3) What is E-sports do you think?
p.s) noob english.
@ Obmighting(AQ) - 1. SingSing, Notail, Era, Puppy, Winter 2. They arn't thinking outside of the box yet, on the plus side they have huge potential 3. People playing video games competively
On September 07 2013 02:11 JayJay_90 wrote: Q: Did you know about Semmler's history in porn when you hired him?
@ JayJay_90 - Yes, it got him the job
On September 07 2013 02:21 crms wrote: Q: If I want to move to Sweden and invest a bunch of money into GD Studio, can I get a job? I don't need camera time, I'm a behind the scenes guy.
@ crms - How much money? - also I pick my partners based off the person. Trance for example is the only current partner in the GD Studio right now.
On September 07 2013 02:22 zdfgucker wrote: I think I speak for many people when I say that I greatly enjoy your interviews, especially the ones where you actually have much time to talk. You're a really interesting person and aren't as reserved as many people in Esports. My question is: Have you considered doing a show where you talk to veterans of the industry and don't just interview them but rather have a discussion?
I REALLY want to see more of you than the average plain 5 minutes interview "Hey, what are you doing?" - "Casting" - "Nice and what will be next?" - "Casting" - "Thanks for the interview".
@ zdfgucker - Yeah we had some show plans, but we'd want to fly people into the studio to do the feature. not over skype like real talk. maybe we'll get this going in the distant future.
On September 07 2013 02:36 Oakenshield wrote: Hey James/Mr. GD
Of all your jokes at TI3 which were you most proud of? My favorite was when Pyrion Flax was trying to trade plushies with teenagers and you said something like "Isn't that amazing. He's a grown man".
Also do you think Slardar needs and deserves a buff?
@ Oakenshield - I think it was when Kaci dropped the line 'I met a horse' and I kind of twisted it abit also yes Slarder needs a buff badly. I'd work on his sprint ability.
On September 07 2013 02:44 hadang wrote: Q: Are you planning to do more Hearthstone Arena streaming ? I really enjoyed the ones you have done so far.
@ hadang - Yes I'd love to stream more Hearthstone but I am very unfortunate because blizzard won't accept my money (a known bug according to CS) I also would love to set-up some tournaments. I love nerdy things and Hearthstone is right up my street, I used to be a pretty awesome battletech card player!
On September 06 2013 12:08 Adebisi wrote: Did you give away the kittens yet?
@ Adebisi - No Mike, we have them all!
On September 07 2013 03:02 TanGeng wrote: If you could play a matchmaker and get two other people to marry each other, who would you choose?
@ TanGeng - Adebisi & Livinpink, cus they would drive each other mad. or Semmler and MiaRose
On September 07 2013 03:02 fdoom wrote: Why does the UK produce so few players but so many commentators?
@ fdoom - We are good at talking shit. also the UK scene hasn't developed much, I think Multiplay could do so much more.
On September 07 2013 03:16 fbz_ wrote: What u think about HearthStone. Could you see it coming big eSports title?
@ fbz_ - I don't think a big eSport title, but certainly a fun one. eSport games don't need to be big, you can custom create an eSport program for games of all sizes. I wish developers would learn this.
On September 07 2013 03:19 TanGeng wrote: If you could convince one single person from any where to come work for you at the GDStudio, who would it be?
@ TanGeng - Lauren Elise. wait shes not single. damn
On September 07 2013 03:37 Oasx wrote: Semmler among others have hinted that the GD studio is going to be mostly focused on Dota 2 when it comes back, can you say how much SC2 will be a part of the show going on?
@ Oasx - We're still designing stuff for SC2, but we are ready to do DotA2 from return, this is why DotA 2 is more of the focus. Also Blizzard and WCS get in the way of us doing good online content.
On September 07 2013 03:41 Grettin wrote: Oh James, if you have a whiskey (or any spirit) collection, post a picture!
@ Grettin - Lost my phone in LA
On September 07 2013 04:22 grobo wrote: What is your music of choice when traveling? IF you listen to music.
@ grobo - I don't listen to music while I travel, but I do take a notepad and pen to write down ideas.
On September 07 2013 04:25 fdoom wrote: why do you always post "i miss my ex" on d2g?
@ fdoom - Shes not missing, I know exactly where she is... at alllll tiiiiiiimes