I must agree with her even though she’s guilty of the same portrayal. If a girl wants to label herself a gamer then she must stop referring to herself as “girl gamer”. There’s definitely a demand of girls in the game industry but what’s real and what’s not. I’d rather get information from an unattractive girl then receive it from a girl that doesn’t know what she’s talking about. We (guys) are responsible for creating this surge of girls and “porn”.
I remember watching a few televised programs of hot girls talking about games when in reality they didn’t know shit about the game. It seemed like they were reading it off a script given to them. Where does the boundary line end? There’s no debating that sex sales, but is the quality of information worth ruining.
There have been some interesting responses on the blog that serve more merit than the blog itself. Yet there are others that are not even suitable for young eyes. The blog was featured in the front blog probably because the responses were quite hilarious.
Off topic: Pretty hard game