I Played 200 games in a pretty short time so I think im getting somewhere mostly playing zerg. Zvz seems about the easiest to master as its pretty simple and muta play seem to be a new concept in it. This matchup seems to be carrying me up the master ranks (im 8th in my division) as I win it about 75% of the time. I don't fair too well zvp as im just not very good with unit compositions to stop crazy deathballs. I usually 9 pool after ovie without sacrificing too much econ vs greedy protoss who nexus too fast kind of like bladezerg in sc1 (12poolgas before expo)
zvt I can usually grind out games with my button clicking skills from watching a few stephano streams.
I play poker too not sure how much interest that is here and I have blog at liquidpoker.net. I wont go into too much detail but heres my yearly graph payin the bills
Im one of the best at 180 man sngs. (mini tournaments on pokerstars) id movin.target same as sc2. I coach and stake a lot of people and just started working for http://sng-staking.com/
Anyway that's enough Im awake and feel like playing who wants to be my sc2 friend!! =]